Dr. B Victoria Jancee

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Dr. S Aghalya

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Dr. J Martin Leo Manickam

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Staff Name


Dr. B Victoria Jancee

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


29 Years 10 Months

Area of specialization


1.RF and Microwave

2.Wireless Sensor Networks

Subjects Expertise


    1.Communication Engineering

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Circuit Theory

    4.Radar Systems

    5.Microwave Engineering

    6.Linear Integrated circuits

    7.Digital Principles and system Design

    8.Electromagnetic Fields

    9.Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    10.Wireless Sensor Networks

Journals published


    1.Victoria Jancee, B & Radha S ‘Online Detection of Change on Information Streams in Wireless Sensor Network Modeled Using Gaussian Distribution’, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2014, Article ID 658302, 8 pages,, Print ISSN:1687-5591, E-ISSN: 1687-5605, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, United States, Sl.No. 13404, Annexure – II.

    2. Victoria Jancee.B , Radha, S & Nandita Das, ‘Analysis of non-binary fault tolerant event detection in Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, vol. 7, no. 3, September 2014, pp. 1287-1309, Print ISSN: 1178-5608, Massey University, New Zealand, Sl.No. 9493, Annexure – II.

    3. Nandita Das, Victoria Jancee.B, & Radha. S ‘Distributed Fault-tolerant event detection for non-symmetric errors in wireless sensor networks’, International Journal on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJSCAI), vol.3, no.2, May 2014, pp.27-38. [Print ISSN: 2319-4081, E-ISSN: 2319-1015].

Conference / workshop attended


    National Conferences

    1.Sruthi Sreekumar and B Victoria Jancee “An efficient data aggregation approach for wireless sensor Networks”, National conference on advance computing and Intelligent systems, March 2009.

    2.Tony Santhosh and B. Victoria Jancee, “Efficient clustering algorithm for the integration of WSN with wired Network”, National Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology, Sun College of Engineering and Technology on 18.03.2010.

    International Conferences

    1.Gauthami Nair, and B.Victoria Jancee,“ Sequential detection of an abrupt parametric change in Wireless Sensor Networks” , International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT ’14) in VELS University on 28,29 March 2014.

    2. Ashwin R and B. Victoria Jancee,“Fault-Tolerant Distributed Event Detection using Wireless Sensor Networks” , International conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering (ICRIE ’14), Sri Subramanya College of Engineering and Technology, Palani on 13,14 March 2014.

    Workshops Attended

    1.Faculty Development Programme on ‘Cognitive Computing’ FDPCC 2018, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur. October 23 - 27, 2018

    2.AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Six Days Induction/Refresher Programme On EMERGING TRENDS IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS AND ITS REAL TIME APPLICATIONS, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai -119(July 02-07, 2018 )

    3.National workshop on “Nuances of Support vector machines” , National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, October 05 – 07, 2012.

    4.National seminar on “ Network simulator” , Pondicherry Engineering college , Pondicherry January 2011

    5.Pre-conference Tutorial on “wireless Sensor Networks”, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam January 02-04,2010

    6.National Seminar on “Research challenges in wireless Sensor Networks” , Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai – 600 044(March 03, 2010)

    7.Workshop on “Wireless Sensor Networks”, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam April 18 -19,2008

    8.Short term training programme under QIP on “ Novel studies and applications of microwave frequency radiation for science and technology of future”, IIT Madras, Chennai – 600 036 (December 05 – 11, 2005)

    9.FDP Programme on “Electromagnetic Waves and Waveguides” , Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering , Sriperumbudhur. (November 2004)

Staff Name


Dr. B Victoria Jancee

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


29 Years 10 Months

Area of specialization


1.RF and Microwave

2.Wireless Sensor Networks

Subjects Expertise


    1.Communication Engineering

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Circuit Theory

    4.Radar Systems

    5.Microwave Engineering

    6.Linear Integrated circuits

    7.Digital Principles and system Design

    8.Electromagnetic Fields

    9.Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    10.Wireless Sensor Networks

Journals published


    1.Victoria Jancee, B & Radha S ‘Online Detection of Change on Information Streams in Wireless Sensor Network Modeled Using Gaussian Distribution’, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2014, Article ID 658302, 8 pages,, Print ISSN:1687-5591, E-ISSN: 1687-5605, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, United States, Sl.No. 13404, Annexure – II.

    2. Victoria Jancee.B , Radha, S & Nandita Das, ‘Analysis of non-binary fault tolerant event detection in Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, vol. 7, no. 3, September 2014, pp. 1287-1309, Print ISSN: 1178-5608, Massey University, New Zealand, Sl.No. 9493, Annexure – II.

    3. Nandita Das, Victoria Jancee.B, & Radha. S ‘Distributed Fault-tolerant event detection for non-symmetric errors in wireless sensor networks’, International Journal on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJSCAI), vol.3, no.2, May 2014, pp.27-38. [Print ISSN: 2319-4081, E-ISSN: 2319-1015].

Conference / workshop attended


    National Conferences

    1.Sruthi Sreekumar and B Victoria Jancee “An efficient data aggregation approach for wireless sensor Networks”, National conference on advance computing and Intelligent systems, March 2009.

    2.Tony Santhosh and B. Victoria Jancee, “Efficient clustering algorithm for the integration of WSN with wired Network”, National Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology, Sun College of Engineering and Technology on 18.03.2010.

    International Conferences

    1.Gauthami Nair, and B.Victoria Jancee,“ Sequential detection of an abrupt parametric change in Wireless Sensor Networks” , International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT ’14) in VELS University on 28,29 March 2014.

    2. Ashwin R and B. Victoria Jancee,“Fault-Tolerant Distributed Event Detection using Wireless Sensor Networks” , International conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering (ICRIE ’14), Sri Subramanya College of Engineering and Technology, Palani on 13,14 March 2014.

    Workshops Attended

    1.Faculty Development Programme on ‘Cognitive Computing’ FDPCC 2018, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur. October 23 - 27, 2018

    2.AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Six Days Induction/Refresher Programme On EMERGING TRENDS IN EMBEDDED SYSTEMS AND ITS REAL TIME APPLICATIONS, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai -119(July 02-07, 2018 )

    3.National workshop on “Nuances of Support vector machines” , National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, October 05 – 07, 2012.

    4.National seminar on “ Network simulator” , Pondicherry Engineering college , Pondicherry January 2011

    5.Pre-conference Tutorial on “wireless Sensor Networks”, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam January 02-04,2010

    6.National Seminar on “Research challenges in wireless Sensor Networks” , Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai – 600 044(March 03, 2010)

    7.Workshop on “Wireless Sensor Networks”, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam April 18 -19,2008

    8.Short term training programme under QIP on “ Novel studies and applications of microwave frequency radiation for science and technology of future”, IIT Madras, Chennai – 600 036 (December 05 – 11, 2005)

    9.FDP Programme on “Electromagnetic Waves and Waveguides” , Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering , Sriperumbudhur. (November 2004)


Staff Name



Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


24 Years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1.Wireless networks

2.Optical Communication

Subjects Expertise


    1.Computer networks

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Digital Communication

    4.Radar Systems and Design

    5.Wireless Communication

    6.Linear Integrated circuits

    7.Digital Principles and system Design

    8.Mobile communication

    9.Signals and systems

    10.Wireless Sensor Networks

    11. Digital signal processing

    11. Optical communication

    12. Multimedia compression techniques

    13. High performance communication networks

Journals published


    1.Aghalya, S 2013, ‘Design of Vertical Handoff Initiation and Decision Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’, International Review on Computers and Software, ISSN 1828-6003, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 2379-2388, October.

    2. Aghalya, S 2013, ‘An Optimized Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm based on Mobility Prediction in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X, Vol. 94, No. 2, pp. 177-185, January.

    3. Aghalya, S 2012, ‘Prediction based Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology, ISSN 2231-0711, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 813-816, January.

    4.Aghalya, S 2010, ‘An Efficient Decision Algorithm for Vertical Handoff across 4G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, ISSN 1947-5500, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 124-127, October.

Conference / workshop attended


    Workshops Attended

    1.For imparting additional information on Applied Statistics in Research, CAE, Anna University, Trichy

    2.Multimedia streaming, CAE, Anna University, Trichy

    3.Research methodologies , CAE, Anna University, Trichy.

Staff Name



Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


24 Years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1.Wireless networks

2.Optical Communication

Subjects Expertise


    1.Computer networks

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Digital Communication

    4.Radar Systems and Design

    5.Wireless Communication

    6.Linear Integrated circuits

    7.Digital Principles and system Design

    8.Mobile communication

    9.Signals and systems

    10.Wireless Sensor Networks

    11. Digital signal processing

    11. Optical communication

    12. Multimedia compression techniques

    13. High performance communication networks

Journals published


    1.Aghalya, S 2013, ‘Design of Vertical Handoff Initiation and Decision Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’, International Review on Computers and Software, ISSN 1828-6003, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 2379-2388, October.

    2. Aghalya, S 2013, ‘An Optimized Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm based on Mobility Prediction in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X, Vol. 94, No. 2, pp. 177-185, January.

    3. Aghalya, S 2012, ‘Prediction based Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology, ISSN 2231-0711, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 813-816, January.

    4.Aghalya, S 2010, ‘An Efficient Decision Algorithm for Vertical Handoff across 4G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, ISSN 1947-5500, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 124-127, October.

Conference / workshop attended


    Workshops Attended

    1.For imparting additional information on Applied Statistics in Research, CAE, Anna University, Trichy

    2.Multimedia streaming, CAE, Anna University, Trichy

    3.Research methodologies , CAE, Anna University, Trichy.


Staff Name


Dr. P.Ezhilarasi

Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


26 years and 7 months

Area of specialization


1.Signal Processing

2.Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Electronic Circuits II

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Principles of Communication

    4.Radar Systems and Design

    5.Communication Engineering

    6.Linear Integrated circuits

    7.Digital Principles and system Design

    8. Digital signal processing

Journals published


    1.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “Algorithmic based VLSI architectures of integrated image compression for CMOS image sensor”, National academy science letters, vol.38(1), pp.49-59, January- February 2015 (SCI indexed , Annexure-I, Impact factor : 0.211)

    2.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “A combined approach for lossless image compression technique using curve let transform”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.3, PP. 1487-1494, June 2014 (Scopus indexed )

    3.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi,“An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm using Modified IWT and SPIHT for CMOS Image Sensor”, International Review on Computers and Software, vol.8, Issue no.9, pp .2044-2050, September 2013. (Scopus indexed , Annexure-II)

    4.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “An Efficient Image Compression by Overlapped Discrete Cosine Transform with Adaptive Thinning”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,Vol.8, Issue.5, PP.1675-1681, September 2012.

Conference / workshop attended


    International Conferences

    1.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “An Enhanced Anti Artifacts Compressive Approach for CMOS Image Sensor”, International Conference on communication and signal Processing, ICCSP’13, pp. 1037-1041, May 2013.

    2. Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “An Efficient Image Compression by Improved DCT with Adaptive Thinning”, International Conference on Research and Development Prospectus on Engineering and Technology, ICRDPET’12, pp. 898-902,2012.

    3.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “Integrated Image Compression by Predictive Boundary Adaptation with QTD and Adaptive Thinning”, Advances in computer and Communication technology IETE conference, Bombay, pp.53-58,March 2011.

    4.Geetha. B & Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, ‘An Efficient Skin Segmentation AlgorithmFor CriminalIdentification Using Vein Patterns’, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication, pp 309-313, January 2018.

    5.Brindha.G, Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, , Thanigaivelu, ‘Transmission Range Adjustment for Enhancing Network Lifetime for WSN, IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Signal Processing, ICCCSP’2018, (IEEE digital library)February 2018, pp. 170-175

    Workshops Attended

    1.National Level Workshop on VLSI & Embedded Systems. SRM University. Kattankulathur,T.N.

    2.FDP : Re- Engineering Teaching Skills, CEG, Anna University, Chennai

    3.Research methodologies , CAE, Anna University, Trichy.

    4. Workshop : VLSI & Embedded System Tool, CEG, Anna University, Chennai

    5.FDP : Principles of Digital Signal Processing, Adhi College of Engineering , Sankarapuram (Presented) 5 th June 2015

    6.FDP: Microprocessor and microcontroller, Dept of EEE, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering (Presented )

    7,FDP on big data analytics, ICT academy, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering.

    8.STTP on Embeeded and VLSI Design at SRM university,Chennai (30.10.18- 03.11-18)

Staff Name


Dr. P.Ezhilarasi

Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


26 years and 7 months

Area of specialization


1.Signal Processing

2.Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Electronic Circuits II

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Principles of Communication

    4.Radar Systems and Design

    5.Communication Engineering

    6.Linear Integrated circuits

    7.Digital Principles and system Design

    8. Digital signal processing

Journals published


    1.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “Algorithmic based VLSI architectures of integrated image compression for CMOS image sensor”, National academy science letters, vol.38(1), pp.49-59, January- February 2015 (SCI indexed , Annexure-I, Impact factor : 0.211)

    2.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “A combined approach for lossless image compression technique using curve let transform”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.3, PP. 1487-1494, June 2014 (Scopus indexed )

    3.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi,“An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm using Modified IWT and SPIHT for CMOS Image Sensor”, International Review on Computers and Software, vol.8, Issue no.9, pp .2044-2050, September 2013. (Scopus indexed , Annexure-II)

    4.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “An Efficient Image Compression by Overlapped Discrete Cosine Transform with Adaptive Thinning”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,Vol.8, Issue.5, PP.1675-1681, September 2012.

Conference / workshop attended


    International Conferences

    1.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “An Enhanced Anti Artifacts Compressive Approach for CMOS Image Sensor”, International Conference on communication and signal Processing, ICCSP’13, pp. 1037-1041, May 2013.

    2. Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “An Efficient Image Compression by Improved DCT with Adaptive Thinning”, International Conference on Research and Development Prospectus on Engineering and Technology, ICRDPET’12, pp. 898-902,2012.

    3.Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, “Integrated Image Compression by Predictive Boundary Adaptation with QTD and Adaptive Thinning”, Advances in computer and Communication technology IETE conference, Bombay, pp.53-58,March 2011.

    4.Geetha. B & Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, ‘An Efficient Skin Segmentation AlgorithmFor CriminalIdentification Using Vein Patterns’, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication, pp 309-313, January 2018.

    5.Brindha.G, Dr. P.Ezhilarasi, , Thanigaivelu, ‘Transmission Range Adjustment for Enhancing Network Lifetime for WSN, IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Signal Processing, ICCCSP’2018, (IEEE digital library)February 2018, pp. 170-175

    Workshops Attended

    1.National Level Workshop on VLSI & Embedded Systems. SRM University. Kattankulathur,T.N.

    2.FDP : Re- Engineering Teaching Skills, CEG, Anna University, Chennai

    3.Research methodologies , CAE, Anna University, Trichy.

    4. Workshop : VLSI & Embedded System Tool, CEG, Anna University, Chennai

    5.FDP : Principles of Digital Signal Processing, Adhi College of Engineering , Sankarapuram (Presented) 5 th June 2015

    6.FDP: Microprocessor and microcontroller, Dept of EEE, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering (Presented )

    7,FDP on big data analytics, ICT academy, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering.

    8.STTP on Embeeded and VLSI Design at SRM university,Chennai (30.10.18- 03.11-18)


Staff Name


Dr. J. Martin Leo Manickam

Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


26 years 2 months

Area of specialization


    1.Wireless and Mobile Networks

    2.Optical Communication

Subjects Expertise


    1. Digital communication

    2. Computer networks

    3. Communication theory

    4. Multimedia compression and communication

    5. Optical communication

    6. Wireless sensor networks

    7. Wireless communication

Journals published


    1. J. Martin Leo Manickam (2018), 1. Tephillah, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, J., 2021, Identification of Malicious User to Combat SSDF Using Trust Based Machine Learning Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, ISSN: 2233-7857, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 426–434.

    2. Regan, R and J. Martin Leo Manickam, 2021, An optimal strategy to countermeasure the impersonation attack in wireless mesh network, International Journal of Inforamtion Technology, Vol. 13, pp.1033–1038.

    3. Karthikeyan, MV., and J. Martin Leo Manickam, 2020, An enhanced flower pollination algorithm‐based chaff point generation method with hardware implementation in WBAN, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 33 & issue 12.

    4. Thilagavathi, P., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2021, ERTC: an Enhanced RSSI based Tree Climbing mechanism for well-planned path localization in WSN using the virtual force of Mobile Anchor Node, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pp.1-12.

    5. Tephillah, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J 2020, An SETM Algorithm for Combating SSDF Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Article ID 9047809,

    6. Anna Devi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2020, Identifying Partitions in Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Parallel Programming, Vol 48, issue 2, pp.296-309.

    7. Gomathi, RM., Martin Leo Manickam. J, Sivasangari, A., and  Ajitha, P., 2020, Energy efficient dynamic clustering routing protocol in underwater wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, Vol. 22, issue 4, pp. 415-432.

    8. Kaliraja Thangamani, Martin Leo Manickam. J, J and Chellaswamy Chellaiah, 2019, An experimental study on photovoltaic module with optimum power point tracking method, International Transactions on Electrical Energy systems, Vol. 30, Issue. 1, pp.1-26 DOI: 10.1002/2050-7038.12175,

    9. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J., 2019, An Optimized Energy Saving Model for Hybrid Security Protocol in WMN, National Academy Science Letters, Vol. 42, Issue 6, pp.489-501.

    10. Muruganandam, D., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, (2019), Detection and Countermeasure of Packet Misrouting in Wireless Adhoc Networks, Sensor Letters, Vol.17, Issue 9, pp.696-700

    11. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2019, ECG-Signal Based Secret Key Generation (ESKG) Scheme for WBAN and Hardware Implementation, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 106, No. 4, pp. 2037-2052.

    12. Muruganandam, D., and Martin Leo Manickam. J., 2019, An efficient technique for mitigating stealthy attacks using MNDA in MANET, Neural Computing and Applications, Vol.31, issue 1, pp. 15-22.

    13. Gomathi, RM., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2019, Energy Efficient Static Node Selection in Underwater Acoustic Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless Personal Communications, Pp.1-19.

    14. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, An Optimized Energy Saving Model for Hybrid Security Protocol in WMN, National Academy Science Letters, Vol. 42, Issue 6, pp.489-501.

    15. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2018, Efficient Bio-Signal Feature Based Secure Secret Key Generation Scheme a Simplified Model for Wireless Body Area Network (EFSKG Scheme), Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol.8, No. 5, pp. 863-871.

    16. Julian, P., Martin Leo Manickam. J, Duraipandian, N., and Vinod Kumar, R., 2019, Energy-Efficient Multihop Cooperative Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Communications in Wireless Ad Hoc/Sensor Networks, Sensor Letters, Vol. 16, No. 12, pp.944-950.

    17. Anna Devi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2018, Identifying Partitions in Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Parallel Programming, pp. 1-14.

    18. Vijayalakshmi, K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2018, A cluster based mobile data gathering using SDMA and PSO techniques in WSN, cluster computing, Jan, ISSN 1386-7857.

    19. Samuthira Pandi, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, A novel of multi-hop transmission in integrated network of WLAN IEEE 802.11 n and IEEE 802.11 g using Riverbed Modeler 17.5, Cluster computing, pp. 1-8.

    20. Gomathi, RM., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, Energy Efficient Shortest Path Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless personal communications, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-017-4897-5.

    21. Sargunavathi, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, ‘Design and Development of CTSR with Direct and Indirect Observations of MANET Applications’, Mobile Networks and Applications, doi:10.1007/s11036-017-0843-8, pp.1-7.

    22. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, A novel fast chaff point generation method using bio-inspired flower pollination algorithm for fuzzy vault systems with physiological signal for wireless body area sensor networks, Biomedical research.

    23. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, Detecting and Denying Malicious Behavior using Adaptive Learning based Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Network, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, DOI: 10.18576/amis/110423.

    24. Samuthirapandi, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, ‘QoS Enhancement and Modernizing Load Balancing Algorithm for Integrated Networks 802.11n and 802.11g’, International Journal of control theory and applications, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 1-9, ISSN: 0974-5572.

    25. Senthilkumar, C., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, PCM: A path-aware clustering mechanism for energy-efficient routing protocol in wireless sensor networks’ Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol.14, No.11, pp. 5478-5483.

    26. Senthilkumar, C., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, ‘REAS: Residual Energy Aware Angle Based Routing Protocol for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks’, Sensor Letters, Volume 15, Number 7, pp. 597-603.

    27. Annadevi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, Distributed Cut Detection Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks, Research Journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 1279-1284.

    28. Annadevi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, ‘A Light Weight Hop Count Based Link Failure Detection Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 116 No. 10 2017, 425-433.

    29. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, A Survey on Impersonation Attack in Wireless Networks, International Journal of Security and Applications, Vol. 11, Issue 5, pp. 39-48.

    30. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, A 128-bit secret key generation using unique ECG bio-signal for medical data cryptography in lightweight wireless body area networks Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology, Vol.14, issue 2, pp. 257-264.

    31. Sivagami,L., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘Cluster-Based MAC Protocol for Collision Avoidance and TDMA Scheduling in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks’, The Computer Journal, doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxw049.

    32. Punitha, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘Privacy preservation and authentication on secure geographical routing in VANET’, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, doi: 10.1080/0952813X.2016.1212103.

    33. Sargunavathi, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, Trust Based Routing Methods to Pacify Network Layer Attacks in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks–Survey, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 9, Issue 12, 2016, pp. 5703-5709.

    34. Sargunavathi, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, TCOR- Energy Efficient and Power Saving Routing Architecture for Mobile ad hoc Networks, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 14, pp. 43-52, ISSN 1947-5500.

    35. Thilakavathi P and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, RSSI based Tree Climbing mechanism for dynamic path planning in WSN’, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 14, pp. 43-52, ISSN 1947-5500.pp. 44-48 .

    36. Gomathi, R.M, Martin Leo Manickam. J, and Nagamani, K., 2016, ‘Branching based underwater clustering protocol’, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.20, issue: 30.

    37. Punitha, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘Secure group authentication technique for VANET’ Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol.15, No.11, pp. 1637-1644.

    38. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, Security issues in wireless body area networks: In bio-signal input fuzzy security model: A survey, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 7 issue 6, pp. 1755-1773.

    39. Gomathi, R.M., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘PAPR reduction technique using combined DCT and LDPC based OFDM system for underwater acoustic communication’, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 7, ISSN 1819-6608, pp.4424-4430.

    40. Gomathi, R.M., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘A comparative study on routing strategies for underwater acoustic wireless sensor network’, Contemporary Engineering Sciences. Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.71-80. ISSN 1314-7641.

    41. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, A Survey on Wireless Mesh Networks and its Security Issues, International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 10(3), pp.405-418.

    42. Anita, X., Bhagyaveni, M.A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Colloborative lightweight trust management scheme for Wireless sensor networks’, Wireless Personal Communication, Springer doi:10.1007/s11277-014-1998-2.

    43. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Energy efficient and security based data communication in wireless body sensor networks’, Journal of Pure and applied microbiology, Vol. 9, pp.701-711.

    44. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Secure Communication over BSN Using Modified Feather Light Weight Block (MFLB) Cipher Encryption’, Journal of Software, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 730-738, ISSN: 1796-217X.

    45. Sivagami, L., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘An optimized time synchronization algorithm for mobile submarine sensor networks’, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol.9 No.12, pp. 5727-5731.

    46. Siva Sangari, A., Martin Leo Manickam. J and Gomathi, R.M., 2015, ‘RC6-based security in wireless body area network’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 31-34.

    47. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘A Review on Multicast Routing Protocols and its Foremost Security Issues in Mobile Ad-hoc Network’, Australian Journal Basic and Applied Science, Vol. 9, Issue 21, pp. 97-108,ISSN: 1682-3915.

    48. Vijayalakshmi, K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Energy-efficient mobile-sink path selection using energy weighted rendezvous planning for WSN’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No.66, pp. 398-403.

    49. Annadevi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘A novel technique for prolonging the connectivity of wireless sensor networks’, International Review on Computers and Software, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 222-229.

    50. Velmurugan, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Efficient and Reliable Broadcast in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks – using EIBP’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No.17, pp. 12741-12746.

    51. Samuthirapandi, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Survey on Energy Conservation Model for Wireless Multihop Network’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No. 20, pp.17595-17598.

    52. Anita, X., Bhagyaveni, M.A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2014, “Fuzzy-Based Trust Prediction Model for Routing in WSNs,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 480202, 11 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/480202.

    53. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2014, ‘Security and privacy in wireless body area network’, Indian streams research Journal, Vol.4, Issue 8.

    54. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2014, ‘A Light-weight cryptography analysis for wireless based healthcare applications’, Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp.2088-2094.

    55. Punitha, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2014, ‘Location verification technique for secure geographical routing in VANET’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp.636-644, ISSN: 1992-8645.

    56. Anita, X., Martin Leo Manickam. J, and Bhagyaveni, M.A., 2013, ‘Two-Way Acknowledgment-Based Trust Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks’,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2013, Article ID 952905, 14 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/952905

    57. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, ‘Light weight security and authentication in wireless body area network’, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering”, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 438-446.

    58. Jeyachitra, R. K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, ‘Tunable and Reconfigurable Spectrum Sliced Microwave Photonic Filter Using Parallel Fabry-Perot Filters with External Delay and Windowing’, European Journal of Scientific research, Vol. 103, No. 2, pp.313-325.

    59. Velmurugan, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, Literature Review on Characteristic Analysis of Efficient and Reliable Broadcast in Vehicular Networks’, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ISSN 0974-2166 Vol. 6, No 3 (2013), pp. 205-210.

    60. Jeyachitra, R.K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, ‘Tunable and Reconfigurable Spectrum Sliced Microwave Photonic Filter Using Parallel Fabry-Perot Filters with External Delay and Windowing, European Journal of Scientific research,Vol. 103, No. 2, pp.313-325.

    61. Jeyachitra, R.K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, ‘Reconfigurable Millimeter-Wave Photonic Filter based on spectrum slicing by cascaded Fabry-Perot Filters’, Asian Journal of Information Technology, 12(6):170-175.

    62. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J 2012, ‘Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Journal of Advanced Computing Volume 35,special issue 2, pp.313-317.

    63. Martin Leo Manickam. J, and Shanmugavel, S., 2008, ‘Fuzzy based Trust Establishment in Mobile Ad hoc Networks’, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp.39-48.

    64. Martin Leo Manickam. J, and Shanmugavel, S., 2007, ‘Providing routing security using ROS routing protocol in MANET and Performance comparison in AODV’, Information Technology Journal, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 656-653.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.Vijayalakshmi, K., and Martin Leo Manickam J. 2016, Mobisink-intelligent mobility pattern based routing protocol for efficient data gathering in large scale wireless sensor networks 2016 International Conference on Control Instrumentation Communication and Computational Technologies

    2.Velmurugan, V., and Martin Leo Manickam J. 2016, ‘ALPC-A novel technique to eradicate the broadcast storms in VANET’, International conference on Futuristic Engineering, Science and Technology, Chennai, (May)

    3.Senthil Kumar, S., and Martin Leo Manickam J. 2016, ‘Energy efficient cluster-based routing protocol for WSN’, International conference on Futuristic Engineering, Science and Technology, Chennai (May)

    4.Veronica and Martin Leo Manickam J. 2016, ‘Portable Data gathering with load balance clustering using Sencar’, 3rd International conference on Engineering Technology and Science, Rasipuram (Mar)

    5.V.Samuthira pandi, Martin Leo Manickam J. ” Energy Conservation model for wireless multi-hop network” International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Dec 10-12, 2015

    6.Anita X., Martin Leo Manickam J. and Bhagyaveni M.A. (2012), ‘Acknowledgement-based Trust Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Communication – AIT 2012, 20 & 21 September, Dubai.

    7.Regan R, Martin Leo Manickam J and Anand R. (2012), ‘Huddle Based Tenable Data Communication in Wireless Mesh Networks’, 2012 International Conference on Radar, Communication and Computing (ICRCC),December, pp.11-13.

    8.Siva sangari A. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2012), ‘Implementation of Zigbee based Patient Remote Monitoring System’, New avenues in Sensors and Automation (NASA-12), March 2012.

    9.Siva sangari A. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2012), ‘Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks’, The third International Conference on Sensors and related networks – Sennet’12, Jan 2012

    10.Rajkumar S. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2010), ‘High Performance Dynamic routing for wireless sensor networks’, 2nd International Science and Technology (IIST), 18 & 19 March 2010.

    11.Siva sangari A. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2011), ‘Wireless Communication In wireless body Sensor Networks’, National Conference On Trends in Electronics, Instrumentation, Embedded System and Automation, March 2011.

    12.Anitha G. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2011), ‘Co-operative Trust management scheme for Wireless sensor networks’, National conference on role of cryptography and Network security in Defence (NCRCNS’11), Feb 2011.

    13.Anita X., Martin Leo Manickam J. and Viswanathan C. (2008), ‘Fuzzy based Trust Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’, NCETCE 2008, Feb., pp. 164-170.

    14.R. Regan, J.Martin Leo Manickam and R.Anand, “ Huddle based Tenable Data communication in Wireless Mesh Networks”, International conference on radar, communication and computing, pp.11-13, 2012.

    15.Bhuvaneswari R., Martin Leo Manickam J., Bhagyaveni M. A., Shanmugavel S. (July 2007), ‘Secure routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc networks’, Proceedings of the 2007 Summer computer simulation conference, July 16-19, San Diego, California.

    16.Martin Leo Manickam J. and Shanmugavel S. (Dec 2007), ‘Fuzzy Based Trusted Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol for MANET’, 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2007), 2007, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, INDIA, pp. 414-421.

    17.Martin Leo Manickam J. and Shanmugavel S. (Dec 2006), ‘Resiliency Oriented Secure routing protocol for Malicious Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’ International Joint Conference, 3rd Conference on Telematics systems, Services and Applications 2006 (TSSA 2006) and the 1st Conference on Wireless Systems, Services and Applications 2006 (WSSA 2006), December 8-9th, 2006, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, pp.246-252.

    18. Martin Leo Manickam J. and Shanmugavel S. (Dec 2005), ‘Optimum route updation time to thwart routing update misbehavior in Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Security, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, pp. 219-224.

    19. Jebachristy, A., Thilagavathi, P., Martin Leo Manickam J. and Anita, X., 2016, ‘Dynamic Improved Path Planning for Mobile Beacon in Wireless Sensor Network’, Procedia Computer Science, Vol.92, pp.385-388.

    Workshops Attended

    1. Completed 2 week Faculty Development programme on Data Science offered by E&ICT, IIT Kanpur from 5.7.2021 to 16.7.2021.

    2. Attended the ‘International workshop on Cloud computing’ organized by MIT, Anna University, Chennai on 20th October 2010

    3. Attended the ‘Workshop on SDR based Wireless Communication System Design’ organized by College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai on 9th October 2009

    4. Delivered a lecture on ‘Secure routing in Mobile ad hoc networks’ organized by the College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai on 30th March 2007

    5. Participated in the ‘Workshop on Mobile ad hoc networks’ organized by College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai from 26th December 2002 to 27th December 2002

    6. Attended ‘ISTE winter school on Telecommunication in Bio medical Engineering’ organized by Pondicherry Engineering college, Pondicherry from 15th March 1999 to 27th March 1999

    7. Attended the ‘Workshop on laser applications’ organized by Regional Engineering college, Tiruchirappalli on 15th March 1997.

Awards & Achievements


    1.Session chair for International conference on recent trends in Engineering and Technology 2015-16

    2. Advisory committee member for First National conference on recent advances in computer and communication engineering, University college of Engg., Panruti

    3.Resource person & session chair International Conference on “AEEICB 2012”, Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, Chennai (2011-12).

    4.Resource person & session chairWorkshop on simulation of communication networks, St.Joseph’s college of Engg, Chennai (2014-15)

Ph.D Guidance


    1. Completed – 09

    2. Pursuing - 05

Patents Published



Awards & Achievements


    1. Reviewer for IEEE Sensors, IEEE Access, Elsevier Optik & Elsevier Computer communications

    2. Fellow in IEI and IETE

    3. Doctoral committee member for Anna university, VIT-Chennai, SRM University and Sathyabama University

    4. Expert Member for Anna university Ph.D Viva-voce Examination

Funded Project Details


    1.Co-Investigator for the project titled “Extraction of Buildings from Satellite Imagery of Urban Area through Transfer learning of Deep Learning Networks”, funded by ISRO with a total funding of Rs. 19.82 lakhs during the period 2022 to 2024

Staff Name


Dr. J. Martin Leo Manickam

Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


26 years 2 months

Area of specialization


    1.Wireless and Mobile Networks

    2.Optical Communication

Subjects Expertise


    1. Digital communication

    2. Computer networks

    3. Communication theory

    4. Multimedia compression and communication

    5. Optical communication

    6. Wireless sensor networks

    7. Wireless communication

Journals published


    1. J. Martin Leo Manickam (2018), 1. Tephillah, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, J., 2021, Identification of Malicious User to Combat SSDF Using Trust Based Machine Learning Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, ISSN: 2233-7857, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 426–434.

    2. Regan, R and J. Martin Leo Manickam, 2021, An optimal strategy to countermeasure the impersonation attack in wireless mesh network, International Journal of Inforamtion Technology, Vol. 13, pp.1033–1038.

    3. Karthikeyan, MV., and J. Martin Leo Manickam, 2020, An enhanced flower pollination algorithm‐based chaff point generation method with hardware implementation in WBAN, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 33 & issue 12.

    4. Thilagavathi, P., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2021, ERTC: an Enhanced RSSI based Tree Climbing mechanism for well-planned path localization in WSN using the virtual force of Mobile Anchor Node, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pp.1-12.

    5. Tephillah, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J 2020, An SETM Algorithm for Combating SSDF Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Article ID 9047809,

    6. Anna Devi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2020, Identifying Partitions in Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Parallel Programming, Vol 48, issue 2, pp.296-309.

    7. Gomathi, RM., Martin Leo Manickam. J, Sivasangari, A., and  Ajitha, P., 2020, Energy efficient dynamic clustering routing protocol in underwater wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, Vol. 22, issue 4, pp. 415-432.

    8. Kaliraja Thangamani, Martin Leo Manickam. J, J and Chellaswamy Chellaiah, 2019, An experimental study on photovoltaic module with optimum power point tracking method, International Transactions on Electrical Energy systems, Vol. 30, Issue. 1, pp.1-26 DOI: 10.1002/2050-7038.12175,

    9. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J., 2019, An Optimized Energy Saving Model for Hybrid Security Protocol in WMN, National Academy Science Letters, Vol. 42, Issue 6, pp.489-501.

    10. Muruganandam, D., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, (2019), Detection and Countermeasure of Packet Misrouting in Wireless Adhoc Networks, Sensor Letters, Vol.17, Issue 9, pp.696-700

    11. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2019, ECG-Signal Based Secret Key Generation (ESKG) Scheme for WBAN and Hardware Implementation, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 106, No. 4, pp. 2037-2052.

    12. Muruganandam, D., and Martin Leo Manickam. J., 2019, An efficient technique for mitigating stealthy attacks using MNDA in MANET, Neural Computing and Applications, Vol.31, issue 1, pp. 15-22.

    13. Gomathi, RM., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2019, Energy Efficient Static Node Selection in Underwater Acoustic Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless Personal Communications, Pp.1-19.

    14. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, An Optimized Energy Saving Model for Hybrid Security Protocol in WMN, National Academy Science Letters, Vol. 42, Issue 6, pp.489-501.

    15. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2018, Efficient Bio-Signal Feature Based Secure Secret Key Generation Scheme a Simplified Model for Wireless Body Area Network (EFSKG Scheme), Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol.8, No. 5, pp. 863-871.

    16. Julian, P., Martin Leo Manickam. J, Duraipandian, N., and Vinod Kumar, R., 2019, Energy-Efficient Multihop Cooperative Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Communications in Wireless Ad Hoc/Sensor Networks, Sensor Letters, Vol. 16, No. 12, pp.944-950.

    17. Anna Devi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2018, Identifying Partitions in Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Parallel Programming, pp. 1-14.

    18. Vijayalakshmi, K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2018, A cluster based mobile data gathering using SDMA and PSO techniques in WSN, cluster computing, Jan, ISSN 1386-7857.

    19. Samuthira Pandi, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, A novel of multi-hop transmission in integrated network of WLAN IEEE 802.11 n and IEEE 802.11 g using Riverbed Modeler 17.5, Cluster computing, pp. 1-8.

    20. Gomathi, RM., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, Energy Efficient Shortest Path Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless personal communications, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-017-4897-5.

    21. Sargunavathi, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, ‘Design and Development of CTSR with Direct and Indirect Observations of MANET Applications’, Mobile Networks and Applications, doi:10.1007/s11036-017-0843-8, pp.1-7.

    22. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, A novel fast chaff point generation method using bio-inspired flower pollination algorithm for fuzzy vault systems with physiological signal for wireless body area sensor networks, Biomedical research.

    23. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, Detecting and Denying Malicious Behavior using Adaptive Learning based Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Network, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, DOI: 10.18576/amis/110423.

    24. Samuthirapandi, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, ‘QoS Enhancement and Modernizing Load Balancing Algorithm for Integrated Networks 802.11n and 802.11g’, International Journal of control theory and applications, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 1-9, ISSN: 0974-5572.

    25. Senthilkumar, C., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, PCM: A path-aware clustering mechanism for energy-efficient routing protocol in wireless sensor networks’ Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol.14, No.11, pp. 5478-5483.

    26. Senthilkumar, C., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, ‘REAS: Residual Energy Aware Angle Based Routing Protocol for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks’, Sensor Letters, Volume 15, Number 7, pp. 597-603.

    27. Annadevi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, Distributed Cut Detection Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks, Research Journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 1279-1284.

    28. Annadevi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, ‘A Light Weight Hop Count Based Link Failure Detection Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 116 No. 10 2017, 425-433.

    29. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, A Survey on Impersonation Attack in Wireless Networks, International Journal of Security and Applications, Vol. 11, Issue 5, pp. 39-48.

    30. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2017, A 128-bit secret key generation using unique ECG bio-signal for medical data cryptography in lightweight wireless body area networks Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology, Vol.14, issue 2, pp. 257-264.

    31. Sivagami,L., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘Cluster-Based MAC Protocol for Collision Avoidance and TDMA Scheduling in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks’, The Computer Journal, doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxw049.

    32. Punitha, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘Privacy preservation and authentication on secure geographical routing in VANET’, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, doi: 10.1080/0952813X.2016.1212103.

    33. Sargunavathi, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, Trust Based Routing Methods to Pacify Network Layer Attacks in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks–Survey, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 9, Issue 12, 2016, pp. 5703-5709.

    34. Sargunavathi, S., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, TCOR- Energy Efficient and Power Saving Routing Architecture for Mobile ad hoc Networks, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 14, pp. 43-52, ISSN 1947-5500.

    35. Thilakavathi P and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, RSSI based Tree Climbing mechanism for dynamic path planning in WSN’, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 14, pp. 43-52, ISSN 1947-5500.pp. 44-48 .

    36. Gomathi, R.M, Martin Leo Manickam. J, and Nagamani, K., 2016, ‘Branching based underwater clustering protocol’, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.9, No.20, issue: 30.

    37. Punitha, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘Secure group authentication technique for VANET’ Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol.15, No.11, pp. 1637-1644.

    38. Karthikeyan, MV., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, Security issues in wireless body area networks: In bio-signal input fuzzy security model: A survey, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 7 issue 6, pp. 1755-1773.

    39. Gomathi, R.M., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘PAPR reduction technique using combined DCT and LDPC based OFDM system for underwater acoustic communication’, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 7, ISSN 1819-6608, pp.4424-4430.

    40. Gomathi, R.M., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, ‘A comparative study on routing strategies for underwater acoustic wireless sensor network’, Contemporary Engineering Sciences. Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.71-80. ISSN 1314-7641.

    41. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2016, A Survey on Wireless Mesh Networks and its Security Issues, International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 10(3), pp.405-418.

    42. Anita, X., Bhagyaveni, M.A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Colloborative lightweight trust management scheme for Wireless sensor networks’, Wireless Personal Communication, Springer doi:10.1007/s11277-014-1998-2.

    43. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Energy efficient and security based data communication in wireless body sensor networks’, Journal of Pure and applied microbiology, Vol. 9, pp.701-711.

    44. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Secure Communication over BSN Using Modified Feather Light Weight Block (MFLB) Cipher Encryption’, Journal of Software, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 730-738, ISSN: 1796-217X.

    45. Sivagami, L., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘An optimized time synchronization algorithm for mobile submarine sensor networks’, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol.9 No.12, pp. 5727-5731.

    46. Siva Sangari, A., Martin Leo Manickam. J and Gomathi, R.M., 2015, ‘RC6-based security in wireless body area network’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 31-34.

    47. Regan, R., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘A Review on Multicast Routing Protocols and its Foremost Security Issues in Mobile Ad-hoc Network’, Australian Journal Basic and Applied Science, Vol. 9, Issue 21, pp. 97-108,ISSN: 1682-3915.

    48. Vijayalakshmi, K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Energy-efficient mobile-sink path selection using energy weighted rendezvous planning for WSN’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No.66, pp. 398-403.

    49. Annadevi, E., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘A novel technique for prolonging the connectivity of wireless sensor networks’, International Review on Computers and Software, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 222-229.

    50. Velmurugan, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Efficient and Reliable Broadcast in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks – using EIBP’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No.17, pp. 12741-12746.

    51. Samuthirapandi, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2015, ‘Survey on Energy Conservation Model for Wireless Multihop Network’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No. 20, pp.17595-17598.

    52. Anita, X., Bhagyaveni, M.A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2014, “Fuzzy-Based Trust Prediction Model for Routing in WSNs,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 480202, 11 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/480202.

    53. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2014, ‘Security and privacy in wireless body area network’, Indian streams research Journal, Vol.4, Issue 8.

    54. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2014, ‘A Light-weight cryptography analysis for wireless based healthcare applications’, Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp.2088-2094.

    55. Punitha, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2014, ‘Location verification technique for secure geographical routing in VANET’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp.636-644, ISSN: 1992-8645.

    56. Anita, X., Martin Leo Manickam. J, and Bhagyaveni, M.A., 2013, ‘Two-Way Acknowledgment-Based Trust Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks’,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2013, Article ID 952905, 14 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/952905

    57. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, ‘Light weight security and authentication in wireless body area network’, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering”, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 438-446.

    58. Jeyachitra, R. K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, ‘Tunable and Reconfigurable Spectrum Sliced Microwave Photonic Filter Using Parallel Fabry-Perot Filters with External Delay and Windowing’, European Journal of Scientific research, Vol. 103, No. 2, pp.313-325.

    59. Velmurugan, V., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, Literature Review on Characteristic Analysis of Efficient and Reliable Broadcast in Vehicular Networks’, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ISSN 0974-2166 Vol. 6, No 3 (2013), pp. 205-210.

    60. Jeyachitra, R.K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, ‘Tunable and Reconfigurable Spectrum Sliced Microwave Photonic Filter Using Parallel Fabry-Perot Filters with External Delay and Windowing, European Journal of Scientific research,Vol. 103, No. 2, pp.313-325.

    61. Jeyachitra, R.K., and Martin Leo Manickam. J, 2013, ‘Reconfigurable Millimeter-Wave Photonic Filter based on spectrum slicing by cascaded Fabry-Perot Filters’, Asian Journal of Information Technology, 12(6):170-175.

    62. Siva Sangari, A., and Martin Leo Manickam. J 2012, ‘Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Journal of Advanced Computing Volume 35,special issue 2, pp.313-317.

    63. Martin Leo Manickam. J, and Shanmugavel, S., 2008, ‘Fuzzy based Trust Establishment in Mobile Ad hoc Networks’, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp.39-48.

    64. Martin Leo Manickam. J, and Shanmugavel, S., 2007, ‘Providing routing security using ROS routing protocol in MANET and Performance comparison in AODV’, Information Technology Journal, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 656-653.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.Vijayalakshmi, K., and Martin Leo Manickam J. 2016, Mobisink-intelligent mobility pattern based routing protocol for efficient data gathering in large scale wireless sensor networks 2016 International Conference on Control Instrumentation Communication and Computational Technologies

    2.Velmurugan, V., and Martin Leo Manickam J. 2016, ‘ALPC-A novel technique to eradicate the broadcast storms in VANET’, International conference on Futuristic Engineering, Science and Technology, Chennai, (May)

    3.Senthil Kumar, S., and Martin Leo Manickam J. 2016, ‘Energy efficient cluster-based routing protocol for WSN’, International conference on Futuristic Engineering, Science and Technology, Chennai (May)

    4.Veronica and Martin Leo Manickam J. 2016, ‘Portable Data gathering with load balance clustering using Sencar’, 3rd International conference on Engineering Technology and Science, Rasipuram (Mar)

    5.V.Samuthira pandi, Martin Leo Manickam J. ” Energy Conservation model for wireless multi-hop network” International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Dec 10-12, 2015

    6.Anita X., Martin Leo Manickam J. and Bhagyaveni M.A. (2012), ‘Acknowledgement-based Trust Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Communication – AIT 2012, 20 & 21 September, Dubai.

    7.Regan R, Martin Leo Manickam J and Anand R. (2012), ‘Huddle Based Tenable Data Communication in Wireless Mesh Networks’, 2012 International Conference on Radar, Communication and Computing (ICRCC),December, pp.11-13.

    8.Siva sangari A. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2012), ‘Implementation of Zigbee based Patient Remote Monitoring System’, New avenues in Sensors and Automation (NASA-12), March 2012.

    9.Siva sangari A. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2012), ‘Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks’, The third International Conference on Sensors and related networks – Sennet’12, Jan 2012

    10.Rajkumar S. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2010), ‘High Performance Dynamic routing for wireless sensor networks’, 2nd International Science and Technology (IIST), 18 & 19 March 2010.

    11.Siva sangari A. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2011), ‘Wireless Communication In wireless body Sensor Networks’, National Conference On Trends in Electronics, Instrumentation, Embedded System and Automation, March 2011.

    12.Anitha G. and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2011), ‘Co-operative Trust management scheme for Wireless sensor networks’, National conference on role of cryptography and Network security in Defence (NCRCNS’11), Feb 2011.

    13.Anita X., Martin Leo Manickam J. and Viswanathan C. (2008), ‘Fuzzy based Trust Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’, NCETCE 2008, Feb., pp. 164-170.

    14.R. Regan, J.Martin Leo Manickam and R.Anand, “ Huddle based Tenable Data communication in Wireless Mesh Networks”, International conference on radar, communication and computing, pp.11-13, 2012.

    15.Bhuvaneswari R., Martin Leo Manickam J., Bhagyaveni M. A., Shanmugavel S. (July 2007), ‘Secure routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc networks’, Proceedings of the 2007 Summer computer simulation conference, July 16-19, San Diego, California.

    16.Martin Leo Manickam J. and Shanmugavel S. (Dec 2007), ‘Fuzzy Based Trusted Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol for MANET’, 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2007), 2007, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, INDIA, pp. 414-421.

    17.Martin Leo Manickam J. and Shanmugavel S. (Dec 2006), ‘Resiliency Oriented Secure routing protocol for Malicious Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’ International Joint Conference, 3rd Conference on Telematics systems, Services and Applications 2006 (TSSA 2006) and the 1st Conference on Wireless Systems, Services and Applications 2006 (WSSA 2006), December 8-9th, 2006, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, pp.246-252.

    18. Martin Leo Manickam J. and Shanmugavel S. (Dec 2005), ‘Optimum route updation time to thwart routing update misbehavior in Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Security, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, pp. 219-224.

    19. Jebachristy, A., Thilagavathi, P., Martin Leo Manickam J. and Anita, X., 2016, ‘Dynamic Improved Path Planning for Mobile Beacon in Wireless Sensor Network’, Procedia Computer Science, Vol.92, pp.385-388.

    Workshops Attended

    1. Completed 2 week Faculty Development programme on Data Science offered by E&ICT, IIT Kanpur from 5.7.2021 to 16.7.2021.

    2. Attended the ‘International workshop on Cloud computing’ organized by MIT, Anna University, Chennai on 20th October 2010

    3. Attended the ‘Workshop on SDR based Wireless Communication System Design’ organized by College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai on 9th October 2009

    4. Delivered a lecture on ‘Secure routing in Mobile ad hoc networks’ organized by the College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai on 30th March 2007

    5. Participated in the ‘Workshop on Mobile ad hoc networks’ organized by College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai from 26th December 2002 to 27th December 2002

    6. Attended ‘ISTE winter school on Telecommunication in Bio medical Engineering’ organized by Pondicherry Engineering college, Pondicherry from 15th March 1999 to 27th March 1999

    7. Attended the ‘Workshop on laser applications’ organized by Regional Engineering college, Tiruchirappalli on 15th March 1997.

Awards & Achievements


    1.Session chair for International conference on recent trends in Engineering and Technology 2015-16

    2. Advisory committee member for First National conference on recent advances in computer and communication engineering, University college of Engg., Panruti

    3.Resource person & session chair International Conference on “AEEICB 2012”, Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, Chennai (2011-12).

    4.Resource person & session chairWorkshop on simulation of communication networks, St.Joseph’s college of Engg, Chennai (2014-15)

Ph.D Guidance


    1. Completed – 09

    2. Pursuing - 05

Patents Published



Awards & Achievements


    1. Reviewer for IEEE Sensors, IEEE Access, Elsevier Optik & Elsevier Computer communications

    2. Fellow in IEI and IETE

    3. Doctoral committee member for Anna university, VIT-Chennai, SRM University and Sathyabama University

    4. Expert Member for Anna university Ph.D Viva-voce Examination

Funded Project Details


    1.Co-Investigator for the project titled “Extraction of Buildings from Satellite Imagery of Urban Area through Transfer learning of Deep Learning Networks”, funded by ISRO with a total funding of Rs. 19.82 lakhs during the period 2022 to 2024


Staff Name



Click Here

Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


26 years 3 months

Area of specialization


1.Multimedia Networks

2.Embedded Network Processor

Subjects Expertise


    1.Signals and Systems

    2.Digital Signal Processing

    3.Microprocessor and Microcontroller

    4.Advanced Microprocessor

    5. Linear Integrated Circuits

    6. VLSI Design

    7.Advanced Digital Signal Processing

    8.Multi core Architecture

Books published


    1.Reeba Korah, R.Avudaiammal "Microprocessor and its Interfacing Devices" Dhanpat rai &Co -2002

    2.Reeba Korah, R.Avudaiammal "Advanced Microprocessor and its Interfacing Devices" Dhanpat rai &Co -2003

    3.R.Avudaiammal , "Information Coding Techniques", Vijay Nichole Pvt Limited 2005.

Journals published


    1. Vijayarajan R, Shani S. Kumar, Sathiya Narayanan,Sangeetha N., R.Avudaiammal Medical Image Encryption Using Distance-Based Biokey Generation, IGI Global Platform, Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism (ADCFCT) Book Series,ISSN:2327-0381 EISSN:2327-0373, pp195-218, Aug 2022

    2. R.Avudaiammal , Vathsan, S. and Sivashanmugam, S.O., 2022. QoS-Driven AODV Algorithm for WSN. In Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (pp. 115-125). Springer, Singapore

    3. R.Avudaiammal , Jasmine Mystica, K., Raveendran, K.P. and George, R., 2022. IMD Signaling-Based Automated Safety Aid System for Fishermen. In Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (pp. 315-323). Springer, Singapore

    4. R.Avudaiammal , Devipriya, S., Swarnalatha, A. and Vijayarajan, R., 2022. An Efficient Hybrid De-Noising Method for Remote Sensing Images. In Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (pp. 449-459). Springer, Singapore

    5. Senthil Murugan,B, Swarnalatha A, R.Avudaiammal , A Memory Sparse Proportionate Affine Projection Algorithm for Echo Cancellation: Analysis and Simulations, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, PP 1-15, Oct 2021. DOI :10.1007/s13369-021-06219-w

    6. Glory Precious, Shirley Selvan, R.Avudaiammal , Classification of Abnormalities in BUS Images Using ANN, FIS and ANFIS Classifiers: A Comparison, International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical and Biomedical Systems, 25.3.21, Journal of Physics-Conference Series pp. 1 - 15, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1916/1/012015

    7. S. Duraimurugan,R.Avudaiammal , P. M. Durai Raj Vincent Enhanced QoS Through Optimized Architecture for Video Streaming Applications in Heterogeneous Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, , Jan 2021.impact factor -1.671

    8. R.Avudaiammal , P.Elaveni, ShirleySelvan, R.Vijayarajan, (2020) Extraction of Buildings in Urban Area for Surface Area Assessment from Satellite Imagery based on Morphological Building Index using SVM Classifier" Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing ISSN 0255-660X Volume 48 Number 9 pp. 1325-1344 DOI 10.1007/s12524-020-01161-0 sep 11th 2020. Hindex-33 impact factor -.1.585

    9. R.Avudaiammal , P.Elaveni, Nancy.P.S, Pavithra.S, Indices based Landuse classification using SVM , Journal of Critical Review , Vol 7,issue 19, pp 165-171. ISSN 2394-5125. SCOPUS-H-INDEX 5

    10. Vijayarajan.R, Gnanasivam.and R.Avudaiammal A Novel Bio-Key Based AES Image Cryptosystem". Computer Journal, pp 1-12, April 2019 SCOPUS-H-INDEX 61, impact factor -1.494

    11. Vijayarajan.R and R.Avudaiammal , Multiple MRI Image Fusion using Normalized Principal Components of DWT Sub bands, International Journal of Tomography & Simulation.pp.92-100.Vol 13, No.2.2018 SCOPUS-H-INDEX 5

    12. S.Dayana and R.Avudaiammal , ‘Automatic Building Extraction From VHR Satellite Image and Denoising with Various Filters’, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118, No. 11 (2018). pp 121 – 129 SCOPUS-H-INDEX 23

    13. S.DaphinLilda, A.Swarnalatha and R.Avudaiammal “Survey on Memristor Applications”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118, No. 11 (2018).pp 103 – 109

    14. R.Avudaiammal , Swarnalatha.A and Seethalakshmi.P ,Network Processor Based High Speed Packet Classifier For Multimedia Applications, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, pp. 1-18, Sep. 2017. H-INDEX-54, impact factor -1.671

    15. R.Avudaiammal , A. Swarnalatha, “Implementation of Scalable Packet Classification Algorithm using Embedded Network Processor” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No.66, pp. 66-68, 2015.scopus H-INDEX-38

    16. B.Arunkumar, R.Avudaiammal , A. SwarnalathaQoS - Based Packet Scheduler for Hybrid Wireless Networks, International Journal of Networks, April 2015,Vol.1, Issue.1, pp.26-29

    17. R.Avudaiammal and Seethalakshmi, P.,“Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Packet Scheduling Algorithm on Network Processor Based Router for Enhancing QoS of Multimedia Applications”, European Journal of Scientific Research,Vol.72, No.2, pp. 245-262,2012. -scopus

    18. R.Avudaiammal and Seethalakshmi, P. “Efficient Mapping of Heuristic Packet Classifier on Network Processor based Router to Enhance QoS for Multimedia Applications”, Journal of Computing, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 107-113, 2010.

    19. R.Avudaiammal and Seethalakshmi, P., “Packet Scheduling Disciplines- A Survey”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 375-399, 2010

    20. R.Avudaiammal and Seethalakshmi, P., “Bandwidth-Adaptive Scheduling for QoS Enhancement of Real-Time Multimedia Applications in Network Processor based Router”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 1068-1074,2009.

    21. R.Avudaiammal , Sivasubramanian R., Pandian, R. and Seethalakshmi, P. , “TTSS Packet Classification Algorithm to Enhance Multimedia Applications in Network Processor based Router”, International Journal of Computer Science Information Security, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 140-145, 2009.

Conference / workshop attended


    1. R.Avudaiammal , M. S. SowmyaaVathsan and S. O. Sivashanmugam, QoS-Driven AODV Algorithm for WSN, International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT 2020), Springer(LNEE), , organized by VIT, Chennai, Nov 6 and 7 2020.

    2. R.Avudaiammal , S.Devipriya,Dr.A.Swarnalatha,R.Vijayarajan, An Efficient Hybrid denoising method for remote sensing images, International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT 2020), Springer(LNEE), , organized by VIT, Chennai, Nov 6 and 7 2020.

    3. R.Avudaiammal , K. Jasmine Mystica, Ravindran K P, Renjith George, IMD Signaling Based Automated Safety Aid System for Fishermen, International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT 2020), Springer(LNEE), , organized by VIT, Chennai, Nov 6 and 7 2020.

    4. R.Avudaiammal , G.Anita, A.M.Balamurugan, , Improving Power Efficiency of nodes using Enhanced Source Routing, First Online International Conference on Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities - ICCIASH - 2020.organized by St.Martin’s Engineering College, Secunderabad, 13.8.20 and 14.8.20,Sambodhi.d -UGC CareJournal, ISSN:2249-6661 Vol-43, No.-03 (III),pp 60-64

    5. R.Avudaiammal , Jasmine Mystica, Ashton Balaji, Bagavathi Raja, Brain sense controlled wireless robot - , IEEE XPLORE Third Online International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology ICSSIT - 2020.organized by Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, 20.8.20 and

    6. R.Avudaiammal , K Jasmine Mystica, Krishna Chitanya and ArunGokul, ‘Bidirectional Vehicle Platooning Based Intelligent Transportation System’ in Proc. Of 2020 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology (ICITIIT) on 13th- 14 th Feb.2020 at IIIT Kottayam. IEEE XploreDOI:10.1109/ICITIIT49094.2020.9071545

    7. R.Avudaiammal , J.Sathiyapriya and A.V.Shruthy,” An Effective Multilevel Approach To Detect Changes In Buildings From Remote Sensing Images in Proc. Of 2019 International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ViTECoN) on 30th and 31st Mar 2019 at VIT Vellore. IEEE Explore DOI: 10.1109/ViTECoN.2019.8899454

    8. R.Avudaiammal , P.Pradepa , A.ShenbagaPriya, ‘Image Denoising Technique Using Hybrid Filter’ in Proceedings of the International on Science and Innovative Engineering 2019, 24th March 2019, Chennai.

    9. S.DaphinLilda ,. A.Swarnalatha, and R.Avudaiammal ,, ‘Survey On Memristor Applications’ in Proc. of 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication on 19th Jan 2018 at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.

    10. S.Dayana and R.Avudaiammal ,, ‘Automatic Building Extraction From VHR Satellite Image and Denoising with Various Filters’, in Proc. of 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication on 19th Jan 2018 at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.

    11. S.Dayana and R.Avudaiammal ,, R.Prabhu and A.Swarnalatha “Automatic Building Extraction From VHR Satellite Image” IEEE International Conference on Current trends towards Converging Technologies on 1st -3rd Mar 2018 at SVS College Of Engineering, Coimbatore.

    12. R.Prabhu, S.Umasree, R.Avudaiammal , and Dr.R.A.Alaguraja, ‘Urban Slum Extraction using GLCM based Statistical Approaches from Very High Resolution Satellite Data’ in Proc.of International Conference in the field of Computer Science and Communication, on 14th-16th, Dec 2017 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.

    13. Anugraha Rose V, Durga Devi S and R.Avudaiammal ,, “Design and performance analysis of 2:1 multiplexer using multiple logic families at 180 nm technology” in Proc. Of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT-2017)" on 19th -20th May, 2017, at Sri Venkateshwara College Of Engineering(SVCE), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

    14. Anandhi. N and R.Avudaiammal ,, Segmentation and Recognition of Text using SVM Classifier in Proc. Of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology ICRTET’17 on 5th May 2017 at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai

    15. N.Aanandhi, R.Avudaiammal ,, Segmentation And Recognition Of Text From Image Using Patern Matching, IEEE International Conference on Communications, and Signal Processing (ICCSP’17) at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College , Melmaruvathur April 06, 2017

    16. R.Avudaiammal ,and Vijayarajan.R, Principal Component Averaging based on DWT for Multiple MR Image Fusion, International Conference on Allied Electrical and Communication Systems (ICAECS’16), Dec 8-10, VFSTR University, Hyderabad pp.87-90.

    17. Anoop. P and R.Avudaiammal , Epileptic Seizure Detection Using Wavelet Transform Based ANFIS Classifier, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics Communication and Computing Technology, ICONTECH’16 , May 5-6, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram

    18. R.Avudaiammal , and Seethalakshmi, P. Optimized Packet Classification Algorithm using Network Processor for Multimedia Applications, International conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, ARTCom,13 Sep 19-20, Bangalore

    19. N.Aarthi, R.Avudaiammal ,, A.Swarnalatha, “ Multituple packet classification using Dynamic discrete bit selection Algorithm”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering & Technology, ICCET’15 18th March 2015, at Sri Ramanujar Engineering college, Chennai. ISBN-978-81-904760-6-5.

    20. B. Arun Kumar, R.Avudaiammal , A.Swarnalatha “ QoS – based packet scheduler for hybrid wireless networks”, 1st International Conference on Electrical Computing Engineering & Communication, ITCECC’15 April 2015 , organized by International Institute of Scientific Research and Technology (IISRT), Chennai, India on 15th April 2015

    21. Nixon Benetto, A.Swarnalatha, R.Avudaiammal , “ Detection of collaborative attacks in MANETS using Enhanced CBDS technique”. The International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management ICONSTEM’15, Jeppiar engineering College, Jeppiaar Nagar, Chennai.

    22. R.Avudaiammal and Dr.P.Seethalakshmi, Implementation of Packet Classification algorithm in Network Processor based router to support Multimedia Applications, IMSAA .December’08. Bangalore.

    23. R.Avudaiammal and Dr.P.Seethalakshmi A Novel scheduling algorithm in Network Processor based router to enhance Multimedia Services, pp46-50 ICSCI .January’09.Hyderabad

    National Conferences Attended:

    1.Panchabakesan, Sachit Kumar and Avudaiammal R, Design Of Optimized Smart Home, in Proc. Of National Conference on "Emerging Trends In Technology & Applications - Ncetta - 17 on 24th April 2017 at University College of Engineering, Anna University, Tindivanam Campus, Tamilnadu

    2.Avudaiammal R, and Dr.P.Seethalakshmi An NP based packet scheduler to support multimedia packets, Recent trends in Soft computing,pp202-209 NCRTSC May’08 Bangalore.

    3.Avudaiammal R, and D.Sujatha Implementation and performance analysis of Packet Classifier using NP for multimedia applications, Recent trends in Electronics, pp134-142 TRIGGER March’08. Chennai.

    4.Avudaiammal R, and V.Christina Ruth NP based efficient packet scheduling algorithm for multimedia service,pp-43-47 NCCT’08, April’08 Chennai.

    5.Avudaiammal R, and T.Annasudha , Hybrid Packet Scheduling Algorithm for QoS Enhancement of Real Time Multimedia Application on NP based Router pp 68-73 NCRTIC March’09. Chennai.

    6.Avudaiammal R, and P.S.Cyrilla Destemona, Efficient Construction of HBTSS Packet Classification Algorithm to enhance Multimedia Application using NP pp 35-40 NCRTIC March’09. Chennai.

    7.Avudaiammal R, Shiju C Chacko and Dr.P.Seethalakshmi, NP Based Time Efficient Packet classification Algorithm To Enhance Multimedia Applications , pp 12, EMIT’10,Chennai.

    8.Avudaiammal R, and J. Rini Devasudha, Design of Packet Classifier using Network Processor for Multimedia Applications, 2011

    Workshop attended

    1. Faculty Development Programme on “3G Mobile Networks” at Kongu Engineering College, Erode 17 th Oct. 2002 to 30 th Oct. 2002

    2. Faculty Development Programme on High performance networks, IRTT, Erode 10th Nov 2003 to 23rd Nov 2003

    3. Workshop on network processor, Anna University 30thMay to 31st May 2006

    4. Embedded systems and industrial applications, CEERI at St.Joseph’s College of Engineering 24th Sep 2004 to 25th Sep 2004

    5. Workshop on “Recent trends in queuing theory” at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 30thMay to 31st May 2006

    6. Workshop on Mobile Multimedia streaming ,Anna University, Trichy 21st Dec to 22nd Dec 2007

    7. Seminar on “Research methodologies” at Anna University, Trichy 17th to 18th May 2008

    8. Seminar on “Applied Statistics in Research” Anna University, Trichy 23rd to 24th Aug 2008

    9. Workshop on “Basics of Automation” MSME Technology Development Centre at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, 9th to 10th Nov 2017

    10. Workshop on “Hands-On Training in Image Processing, Computer Vision and Machine Learning” at Madras Institute of Technology 3rd to 5th May 2018

    11. STTP on VLSI and Embedded Systems for IoT Applications at SRM Institute of science and Technology, Chennai 30th Oct to 3rd Nov 2018

    12. Participated in 2 days workshop on IoT and Drones Conducted by leading India AI, a nationwide initiative by Bennett University , Noida, India at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering , 21st Dec to 22nd Dec 2018

    13. Participated in AICTE Sponsored STTP on Wireless Sensor Networks Applications towards Secured Automation with IoT at Nandha Engineering College 27th May to 1st June 2019

    14. Participated in Five days AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on Artificial Intelligence at Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University.11th to 15th Nov 2019

    16. Participated in Two week online course organized by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS),ISRO Dehradun on Basic Principles of Remote Sensing Technology 13th to 25th April 2020

    17. Participated in Five days International Faculty Development Program organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology on Emerging Research Areas in Engineering 5th to 9th June2020

    18. Participated in Three days international Faculty Development Program organized by Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik on Future Advancements and Applications of Internet of Things 12th to 14th June 2020

    19. Participated in Three days Online Faculty Development Program Organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering on Medical Signal and Image Analysis 15th to 17th June 2020

    20. Five days international FDP Organized by Karunya Institute of Science and Technology, Coimbatore on Exploring the Nuances of Deep Learning for Research Applications 13th to 17th July 2020

    21. FDP Organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering on VLSI Physical design using Cadence Innovus Tool 20th to 24th July 2020

    22. Participated in the AICTE Sponsored six days online STTP on "Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Techniques" organized by B.S. A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, 01st to 6th Feb 2021

    23. Participated in the CSI six days online STTP on “Applied Data Science and Machine Learning" organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, 31st May to 5th June 2021

    24. Participated in Five days AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on "GIS & Remote Sensingand its applications" organized by Punjab Remote Sensing Centre., 7th to 11th June 2021

Awards & Achievements


    Got Appreciation certificate from IIT Bombay for outstanding contribution of spreading awareness of IT literacy among the students through Spoken Tutorial Project for three consecutive years.

    • Journal Reviewer

    • Journal of Supercomputing

    • Journal of Wireless Personal Communication

    • Journal of concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

Patent Details


    Title of Invention- UNIQFILE OPTIMIZER-B42F13/00 Published on 18.10.2019 in the Patent Office Journal No. 42/2019 dated 18.10.19 pp 48786.

Funded Project Details


    1.Principal Investigator for the project titled “Extraction of Buildings from Satellite Imagery of Urban Area through Transfer learning of Deep Learning Networks”, funded by ISRO with a total funding of Rs. 19.82 lakhs during the period 2022 to 2024

Staff Name



Click Here

Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


26 years 3 months

Area of specialization


1.Multimedia Networks

2.Embedded Network Processor

Subjects Expertise


    1.Signals and Systems

    2.Digital Signal Processing

    3.Microprocessor and Microcontroller

    4.Advanced Microprocessor

    5. Linear Integrated Circuits

    6. VLSI Design

    7.Advanced Digital Signal Processing

    8.Multi core Architecture

Books published


    1.Reeba Korah, R.Avudaiammal "Microprocessor and its Interfacing Devices" Dhanpat rai &Co -2002

    2.Reeba Korah, R.Avudaiammal "Advanced Microprocessor and its Interfacing Devices" Dhanpat rai &Co -2003

    3.R.Avudaiammal , "Information Coding Techniques", Vijay Nichole Pvt Limited 2005.

Journals published


    1. Vijayarajan R, Shani S. Kumar, Sathiya Narayanan,Sangeetha N., R.Avudaiammal Medical Image Encryption Using Distance-Based Biokey Generation, IGI Global Platform, Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism (ADCFCT) Book Series,ISSN:2327-0381 EISSN:2327-0373, pp195-218, Aug 2022

    2. R.Avudaiammal , Vathsan, S. and Sivashanmugam, S.O., 2022. QoS-Driven AODV Algorithm for WSN. In Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (pp. 115-125). Springer, Singapore

    3. R.Avudaiammal , Jasmine Mystica, K., Raveendran, K.P. and George, R., 2022. IMD Signaling-Based Automated Safety Aid System for Fishermen. In Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (pp. 315-323). Springer, Singapore

    4. R.Avudaiammal , Devipriya, S., Swarnalatha, A. and Vijayarajan, R., 2022. An Efficient Hybrid De-Noising Method for Remote Sensing Images. In Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (pp. 449-459). Springer, Singapore

    5. Senthil Murugan,B, Swarnalatha A, R.Avudaiammal , A Memory Sparse Proportionate Affine Projection Algorithm for Echo Cancellation: Analysis and Simulations, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, PP 1-15, Oct 2021. DOI :10.1007/s13369-021-06219-w

    6. Glory Precious, Shirley Selvan, R.Avudaiammal , Classification of Abnormalities in BUS Images Using ANN, FIS and ANFIS Classifiers: A Comparison, International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical and Biomedical Systems, 25.3.21, Journal of Physics-Conference Series pp. 1 - 15, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1916/1/012015

    7. S. Duraimurugan,R.Avudaiammal , P. M. Durai Raj Vincent Enhanced QoS Through Optimized Architecture for Video Streaming Applications in Heterogeneous Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, , Jan 2021.impact factor -1.671

    8. R.Avudaiammal , P.Elaveni, ShirleySelvan, R.Vijayarajan, (2020) Extraction of Buildings in Urban Area for Surface Area Assessment from Satellite Imagery based on Morphological Building Index using SVM Classifier" Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing ISSN 0255-660X Volume 48 Number 9 pp. 1325-1344 DOI 10.1007/s12524-020-01161-0 sep 11th 2020. Hindex-33 impact factor -.1.585

    9. R.Avudaiammal , P.Elaveni, Nancy.P.S, Pavithra.S, Indices based Landuse classification using SVM , Journal of Critical Review , Vol 7,issue 19, pp 165-171. ISSN 2394-5125. SCOPUS-H-INDEX 5

    10. Vijayarajan.R, Gnanasivam.and R.Avudaiammal A Novel Bio-Key Based AES Image Cryptosystem". Computer Journal, pp 1-12, April 2019 SCOPUS-H-INDEX 61, impact factor -1.494

    11. Vijayarajan.R and R.Avudaiammal , Multiple MRI Image Fusion using Normalized Principal Components of DWT Sub bands, International Journal of Tomography & Simulation.pp.92-100.Vol 13, No.2.2018 SCOPUS-H-INDEX 5

    12. S.Dayana and R.Avudaiammal , ‘Automatic Building Extraction From VHR Satellite Image and Denoising with Various Filters’, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118, No. 11 (2018). pp 121 – 129 SCOPUS-H-INDEX 23

    13. S.DaphinLilda, A.Swarnalatha and R.Avudaiammal “Survey on Memristor Applications”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 118, No. 11 (2018).pp 103 – 109

    14. R.Avudaiammal , Swarnalatha.A and Seethalakshmi.P ,Network Processor Based High Speed Packet Classifier For Multimedia Applications, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, pp. 1-18, Sep. 2017. H-INDEX-54, impact factor -1.671

    15. R.Avudaiammal , A. Swarnalatha, “Implementation of Scalable Packet Classification Algorithm using Embedded Network Processor” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No.66, pp. 66-68, 2015.scopus H-INDEX-38

    16. B.Arunkumar, R.Avudaiammal , A. SwarnalathaQoS - Based Packet Scheduler for Hybrid Wireless Networks, International Journal of Networks, April 2015,Vol.1, Issue.1, pp.26-29

    17. R.Avudaiammal and Seethalakshmi, P.,“Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Packet Scheduling Algorithm on Network Processor Based Router for Enhancing QoS of Multimedia Applications”, European Journal of Scientific Research,Vol.72, No.2, pp. 245-262,2012. -scopus

    18. R.Avudaiammal and Seethalakshmi, P. “Efficient Mapping of Heuristic Packet Classifier on Network Processor based Router to Enhance QoS for Multimedia Applications”, Journal of Computing, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 107-113, 2010.

    19. R.Avudaiammal and Seethalakshmi, P., “Packet Scheduling Disciplines- A Survey”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 375-399, 2010

    20. R.Avudaiammal and Seethalakshmi, P., “Bandwidth-Adaptive Scheduling for QoS Enhancement of Real-Time Multimedia Applications in Network Processor based Router”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 1068-1074,2009.

    21. R.Avudaiammal , Sivasubramanian R., Pandian, R. and Seethalakshmi, P. , “TTSS Packet Classification Algorithm to Enhance Multimedia Applications in Network Processor based Router”, International Journal of Computer Science Information Security, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 140-145, 2009.

Conference / workshop attended


    1. R.Avudaiammal , M. S. SowmyaaVathsan and S. O. Sivashanmugam, QoS-Driven AODV Algorithm for WSN, International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT 2020), Springer(LNEE), , organized by VIT, Chennai, Nov 6 and 7 2020.

    2. R.Avudaiammal , S.Devipriya,Dr.A.Swarnalatha,R.Vijayarajan, An Efficient Hybrid denoising method for remote sensing images, International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT 2020), Springer(LNEE), , organized by VIT, Chennai, Nov 6 and 7 2020.

    3. R.Avudaiammal , K. Jasmine Mystica, Ravindran K P, Renjith George, IMD Signaling Based Automated Safety Aid System for Fishermen, International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT 2020), Springer(LNEE), , organized by VIT, Chennai, Nov 6 and 7 2020.

    4. R.Avudaiammal , G.Anita, A.M.Balamurugan, , Improving Power Efficiency of nodes using Enhanced Source Routing, First Online International Conference on Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities - ICCIASH - 2020.organized by St.Martin’s Engineering College, Secunderabad, 13.8.20 and 14.8.20,Sambodhi.d -UGC CareJournal, ISSN:2249-6661 Vol-43, No.-03 (III),pp 60-64

    5. R.Avudaiammal , Jasmine Mystica, Ashton Balaji, Bagavathi Raja, Brain sense controlled wireless robot - , IEEE XPLORE Third Online International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology ICSSIT - 2020.organized by Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, 20.8.20 and

    6. R.Avudaiammal , K Jasmine Mystica, Krishna Chitanya and ArunGokul, ‘Bidirectional Vehicle Platooning Based Intelligent Transportation System’ in Proc. Of 2020 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology (ICITIIT) on 13th- 14 th Feb.2020 at IIIT Kottayam. IEEE XploreDOI:10.1109/ICITIIT49094.2020.9071545

    7. R.Avudaiammal , J.Sathiyapriya and A.V.Shruthy,” An Effective Multilevel Approach To Detect Changes In Buildings From Remote Sensing Images in Proc. Of 2019 International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ViTECoN) on 30th and 31st Mar 2019 at VIT Vellore. IEEE Explore DOI: 10.1109/ViTECoN.2019.8899454

    8. R.Avudaiammal , P.Pradepa , A.ShenbagaPriya, ‘Image Denoising Technique Using Hybrid Filter’ in Proceedings of the International on Science and Innovative Engineering 2019, 24th March 2019, Chennai.

    9. S.DaphinLilda ,. A.Swarnalatha, and R.Avudaiammal ,, ‘Survey On Memristor Applications’ in Proc. of 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication on 19th Jan 2018 at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.

    10. S.Dayana and R.Avudaiammal ,, ‘Automatic Building Extraction From VHR Satellite Image and Denoising with Various Filters’, in Proc. of 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication on 19th Jan 2018 at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.

    11. S.Dayana and R.Avudaiammal ,, R.Prabhu and A.Swarnalatha “Automatic Building Extraction From VHR Satellite Image” IEEE International Conference on Current trends towards Converging Technologies on 1st -3rd Mar 2018 at SVS College Of Engineering, Coimbatore.

    12. R.Prabhu, S.Umasree, R.Avudaiammal , and Dr.R.A.Alaguraja, ‘Urban Slum Extraction using GLCM based Statistical Approaches from Very High Resolution Satellite Data’ in Proc.of International Conference in the field of Computer Science and Communication, on 14th-16th, Dec 2017 at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai.

    13. Anugraha Rose V, Durga Devi S and R.Avudaiammal ,, “Design and performance analysis of 2:1 multiplexer using multiple logic families at 180 nm technology” in Proc. Of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT-2017)" on 19th -20th May, 2017, at Sri Venkateshwara College Of Engineering(SVCE), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

    14. Anandhi. N and R.Avudaiammal ,, Segmentation and Recognition of Text using SVM Classifier in Proc. Of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology ICRTET’17 on 5th May 2017 at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai

    15. N.Aanandhi, R.Avudaiammal ,, Segmentation And Recognition Of Text From Image Using Patern Matching, IEEE International Conference on Communications, and Signal Processing (ICCSP’17) at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College , Melmaruvathur April 06, 2017

    16. R.Avudaiammal ,and Vijayarajan.R, Principal Component Averaging based on DWT for Multiple MR Image Fusion, International Conference on Allied Electrical and Communication Systems (ICAECS’16), Dec 8-10, VFSTR University, Hyderabad pp.87-90.

    17. Anoop. P and R.Avudaiammal , Epileptic Seizure Detection Using Wavelet Transform Based ANFIS Classifier, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics Communication and Computing Technology, ICONTECH’16 , May 5-6, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram

    18. R.Avudaiammal , and Seethalakshmi, P. Optimized Packet Classification Algorithm using Network Processor for Multimedia Applications, International conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, ARTCom,13 Sep 19-20, Bangalore

    19. N.Aarthi, R.Avudaiammal ,, A.Swarnalatha, “ Multituple packet classification using Dynamic discrete bit selection Algorithm”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering & Technology, ICCET’15 18th March 2015, at Sri Ramanujar Engineering college, Chennai. ISBN-978-81-904760-6-5.

    20. B. Arun Kumar, R.Avudaiammal , A.Swarnalatha “ QoS – based packet scheduler for hybrid wireless networks”, 1st International Conference on Electrical Computing Engineering & Communication, ITCECC’15 April 2015 , organized by International Institute of Scientific Research and Technology (IISRT), Chennai, India on 15th April 2015

    21. Nixon Benetto, A.Swarnalatha, R.Avudaiammal , “ Detection of collaborative attacks in MANETS using Enhanced CBDS technique”. The International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Management ICONSTEM’15, Jeppiar engineering College, Jeppiaar Nagar, Chennai.

    22. R.Avudaiammal and Dr.P.Seethalakshmi, Implementation of Packet Classification algorithm in Network Processor based router to support Multimedia Applications, IMSAA .December’08. Bangalore.

    23. R.Avudaiammal and Dr.P.Seethalakshmi A Novel scheduling algorithm in Network Processor based router to enhance Multimedia Services, pp46-50 ICSCI .January’09.Hyderabad

    National Conferences Attended:

    1.Panchabakesan, Sachit Kumar and Avudaiammal R, Design Of Optimized Smart Home, in Proc. Of National Conference on "Emerging Trends In Technology & Applications - Ncetta - 17 on 24th April 2017 at University College of Engineering, Anna University, Tindivanam Campus, Tamilnadu

    2.Avudaiammal R, and Dr.P.Seethalakshmi An NP based packet scheduler to support multimedia packets, Recent trends in Soft computing,pp202-209 NCRTSC May’08 Bangalore.

    3.Avudaiammal R, and D.Sujatha Implementation and performance analysis of Packet Classifier using NP for multimedia applications, Recent trends in Electronics, pp134-142 TRIGGER March’08. Chennai.

    4.Avudaiammal R, and V.Christina Ruth NP based efficient packet scheduling algorithm for multimedia service,pp-43-47 NCCT’08, April’08 Chennai.

    5.Avudaiammal R, and T.Annasudha , Hybrid Packet Scheduling Algorithm for QoS Enhancement of Real Time Multimedia Application on NP based Router pp 68-73 NCRTIC March’09. Chennai.

    6.Avudaiammal R, and P.S.Cyrilla Destemona, Efficient Construction of HBTSS Packet Classification Algorithm to enhance Multimedia Application using NP pp 35-40 NCRTIC March’09. Chennai.

    7.Avudaiammal R, Shiju C Chacko and Dr.P.Seethalakshmi, NP Based Time Efficient Packet classification Algorithm To Enhance Multimedia Applications , pp 12, EMIT’10,Chennai.

    8.Avudaiammal R, and J. Rini Devasudha, Design of Packet Classifier using Network Processor for Multimedia Applications, 2011

    Workshop attended

    1. Faculty Development Programme on “3G Mobile Networks” at Kongu Engineering College, Erode 17 th Oct. 2002 to 30 th Oct. 2002

    2. Faculty Development Programme on High performance networks, IRTT, Erode 10th Nov 2003 to 23rd Nov 2003

    3. Workshop on network processor, Anna University 30thMay to 31st May 2006

    4. Embedded systems and industrial applications, CEERI at St.Joseph’s College of Engineering 24th Sep 2004 to 25th Sep 2004

    5. Workshop on “Recent trends in queuing theory” at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 30thMay to 31st May 2006

    6. Workshop on Mobile Multimedia streaming ,Anna University, Trichy 21st Dec to 22nd Dec 2007

    7. Seminar on “Research methodologies” at Anna University, Trichy 17th to 18th May 2008

    8. Seminar on “Applied Statistics in Research” Anna University, Trichy 23rd to 24th Aug 2008

    9. Workshop on “Basics of Automation” MSME Technology Development Centre at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology, 9th to 10th Nov 2017

    10. Workshop on “Hands-On Training in Image Processing, Computer Vision and Machine Learning” at Madras Institute of Technology 3rd to 5th May 2018

    11. STTP on VLSI and Embedded Systems for IoT Applications at SRM Institute of science and Technology, Chennai 30th Oct to 3rd Nov 2018

    12. Participated in 2 days workshop on IoT and Drones Conducted by leading India AI, a nationwide initiative by Bennett University , Noida, India at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering , 21st Dec to 22nd Dec 2018

    13. Participated in AICTE Sponsored STTP on Wireless Sensor Networks Applications towards Secured Automation with IoT at Nandha Engineering College 27th May to 1st June 2019

    14. Participated in Five days AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on Artificial Intelligence at Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University.11th to 15th Nov 2019

    16. Participated in Two week online course organized by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS),ISRO Dehradun on Basic Principles of Remote Sensing Technology 13th to 25th April 2020

    17. Participated in Five days International Faculty Development Program organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology on Emerging Research Areas in Engineering 5th to 9th June2020

    18. Participated in Three days international Faculty Development Program organized by Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik on Future Advancements and Applications of Internet of Things 12th to 14th June 2020

    19. Participated in Three days Online Faculty Development Program Organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering on Medical Signal and Image Analysis 15th to 17th June 2020

    20. Five days international FDP Organized by Karunya Institute of Science and Technology, Coimbatore on Exploring the Nuances of Deep Learning for Research Applications 13th to 17th July 2020

    21. FDP Organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering on VLSI Physical design using Cadence Innovus Tool 20th to 24th July 2020

    22. Participated in the AICTE Sponsored six days online STTP on "Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Techniques" organized by B.S. A Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, 01st to 6th Feb 2021

    23. Participated in the CSI six days online STTP on “Applied Data Science and Machine Learning" organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, 31st May to 5th June 2021

    24. Participated in Five days AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on "GIS & Remote Sensingand its applications" organized by Punjab Remote Sensing Centre., 7th to 11th June 2021

Awards & Achievements


    Got Appreciation certificate from IIT Bombay for outstanding contribution of spreading awareness of IT literacy among the students through Spoken Tutorial Project for three consecutive years.

    • Journal Reviewer

    • Journal of Supercomputing

    • Journal of Wireless Personal Communication

    • Journal of concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

Patent Details


    Title of Invention- UNIQFILE OPTIMIZER-B42F13/00 Published on 18.10.2019 in the Patent Office Journal No. 42/2019 dated 18.10.19 pp 48786.

Funded Project Details


    1.Principal Investigator for the project titled “Extraction of Buildings from Satellite Imagery of Urban Area through Transfer learning of Deep Learning Networks”, funded by ISRO with a total funding of Rs. 19.82 lakhs during the period 2022 to 2024


Staff Name


Dr. I.Johnsi Stella

Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


31 years 5 Months

Area of specialization


1.Wireless Sensor networks

2.Applied Electronics

Subjects Expertise



    1.Principles of Communication

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Electronic circuits

    4.Electronic circuits

    5.Wireless Communication

    6.Linear Integrated circuits

    7.Digital Principles and system Design

    8.Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    9.Signals and systems

    10.Wireless Sensor Networks

    11. Digital signal processing

    11. Optical communication

    12. Antennas and Wave Propagation

    13. Control Systems

    14.VLSI Design

    15. Measurements and Instrumentation

    16. Total Quality Management


    1.Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility

    2.Low Power VLSI Design

    3. Analog VLSI Design

Journals published


    1. I. Johnsi Stella and Dr. S.Radha,” Decentralized Detection Performance of WSN: Investigations on the Impact of Sensor Fault and Channel Error for Decision Fusion with Neyman Pearson Test”, European journal of Scientific research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.76 No.4 , pp.567-586, May 2012

    2. Johnsi Stella, I. and Radha, S. “Optimal Design of Wireless Sensor Network for Ionizing Radiation Detection using Neyman-Pearson Criteria”, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, DOI:10.1080/17445760.2012.731605, ISSN 1744-5760 print/ISSN 1744-5779 online 2012 Taylor & Francis.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.I. Johnsi Stella and Dr. S.Radha, “ Investigations on Distributed Detection Performance of Neyman-Pearson detection Scheme using Constructive Interference Technique for WSN”, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Computing ICWCSC 2010 ,ISBN: 978-1-4244-5136-4

    2.Kaviarasu.S, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Studies on Impact of Channel Errors on Decentralized Detection in WSN”, ICRIE 14, International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering.

    3.Merlin.B, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Empirical Distribution”, NCACAT 13, Third national conference on advanced computing, applications and technologies, ISBN: 978-981-07-5601-7

    4.Preetha Roseline.P, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Investigations on the Impact of Channel Characteristics on the Performance of Wireless Sensor DD System” , International Conference on Computing and Control Engineering, April 2012, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute University, Chennai.

    5.Beulah Mary.J, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Optimization of Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems, ICICES 2011

    6.Tim Festus .S, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Performance Analysis of Type based Multiple Access Scheme for Distributed Detection in WSN for Gaussian Channel”, IIST 2010.

    7.Bisly Bismi Das.C, Johnsi Stella.I, “Distributed Estimation Using Wireless Sensor Network and Performance Analysis”, National Conference on Innovative Vogue in Electronics and Communication Engineering, IVECE ’09.

    Saraswathi.E, Johnsi Stella.I, “Flood forecasting scheme using wireless sensor networks”, IEEE sponsored international conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, March 2017, Chennai.

    Workshops Attended

    1.ISTE Quality Improvement Programme for Engineering College Faculty in Electronics and Computer science Engineering, Vellore Engineering College, Vellore, 15th to 17th July 1998.

    2.Regional Seminar on Fiber Optics and Applications, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, 22nd October, 1999.

    3.Workshop on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, 2003, Society of EMC Engineers (INDIA), SAMEER center for Electromagnetics, Chennai, 16th and 17th December 2003

    4.WISP-2006, INAE workshop on Image and Speech processing/ IIT, Madras, 26th to 28th Feb 2006.

    5.Workshop on research challenges in wireless and optical communication networks/College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, 30th and 31st March 2007.

    6.Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks/ SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, 18th and 19th April 2009.

    7.National level workshop on MATLAB tools/ St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119, 25th and 26th Aug 2009.

    8.Preconference tutorial and Conference ICWCSC 2010/SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, 2nd to 4th Jan 2010.

    9. RCWSN ,National seminar on research challenges in WSN/MIT, Chromepet, Anna university, Chennai -44, 3rd March 2010.

    9.Workshop on High Performance VLSI architectures for Digital Signal Processing, Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram, Chennai 600127

Books published


    Published a Book titled “ Solar Photovoltaic Power Systems Principles, Design and Applications” ISBN 978-1-64249-709-0 Notion Press

Staff Name


Dr. I.Johnsi Stella

Faculty ID








B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


31 years 5 Months

Area of specialization


1.Wireless Sensor networks

2.Applied Electronics

Subjects Expertise



    1.Principles of Communication

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Electronic circuits

    4.Electronic circuits

    5.Wireless Communication

    6.Linear Integrated circuits

    7.Digital Principles and system Design

    8.Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    9.Signals and systems

    10.Wireless Sensor Networks

    11. Digital signal processing

    11. Optical communication

    12. Antennas and Wave Propagation

    13. Control Systems

    14.VLSI Design

    15. Measurements and Instrumentation

    16. Total Quality Management


    1.Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility

    2.Low Power VLSI Design

    3. Analog VLSI Design

Journals published


    1. I. Johnsi Stella and Dr. S.Radha,” Decentralized Detection Performance of WSN: Investigations on the Impact of Sensor Fault and Channel Error for Decision Fusion with Neyman Pearson Test”, European journal of Scientific research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.76 No.4 , pp.567-586, May 2012

    2. Johnsi Stella, I. and Radha, S. “Optimal Design of Wireless Sensor Network for Ionizing Radiation Detection using Neyman-Pearson Criteria”, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, DOI:10.1080/17445760.2012.731605, ISSN 1744-5760 print/ISSN 1744-5779 online 2012 Taylor & Francis.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.I. Johnsi Stella and Dr. S.Radha, “ Investigations on Distributed Detection Performance of Neyman-Pearson detection Scheme using Constructive Interference Technique for WSN”, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Computing ICWCSC 2010 ,ISBN: 978-1-4244-5136-4

    2.Kaviarasu.S, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Studies on Impact of Channel Errors on Decentralized Detection in WSN”, ICRIE 14, International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering.

    3.Merlin.B, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Empirical Distribution”, NCACAT 13, Third national conference on advanced computing, applications and technologies, ISBN: 978-981-07-5601-7

    4.Preetha Roseline.P, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Investigations on the Impact of Channel Characteristics on the Performance of Wireless Sensor DD System” , International Conference on Computing and Control Engineering, April 2012, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute University, Chennai.

    5.Beulah Mary.J, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Optimization of Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks’, International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems, ICICES 2011

    6.Tim Festus .S, Johnsi Stella.I, “ Performance Analysis of Type based Multiple Access Scheme for Distributed Detection in WSN for Gaussian Channel”, IIST 2010.

    7.Bisly Bismi Das.C, Johnsi Stella.I, “Distributed Estimation Using Wireless Sensor Network and Performance Analysis”, National Conference on Innovative Vogue in Electronics and Communication Engineering, IVECE ’09.

    Saraswathi.E, Johnsi Stella.I, “Flood forecasting scheme using wireless sensor networks”, IEEE sponsored international conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, March 2017, Chennai.

    Workshops Attended

    1.ISTE Quality Improvement Programme for Engineering College Faculty in Electronics and Computer science Engineering, Vellore Engineering College, Vellore, 15th to 17th July 1998.

    2.Regional Seminar on Fiber Optics and Applications, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, 22nd October, 1999.

    3.Workshop on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, 2003, Society of EMC Engineers (INDIA), SAMEER center for Electromagnetics, Chennai, 16th and 17th December 2003

    4.WISP-2006, INAE workshop on Image and Speech processing/ IIT, Madras, 26th to 28th Feb 2006.

    5.Workshop on research challenges in wireless and optical communication networks/College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, 30th and 31st March 2007.

    6.Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks/ SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, 18th and 19th April 2009.

    7.National level workshop on MATLAB tools/ St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119, 25th and 26th Aug 2009.

    8.Preconference tutorial and Conference ICWCSC 2010/SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, 2nd to 4th Jan 2010.

    9. RCWSN ,National seminar on research challenges in WSN/MIT, Chromepet, Anna university, Chennai -44, 3rd March 2010.

    9.Workshop on High Performance VLSI architectures for Digital Signal Processing, Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram, Chennai 600127

Books published


    Published a Book titled “ Solar Photovoltaic Power Systems Principles, Design and Applications” ISBN 978-1-64249-709-0 Notion Press


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


22 years 6 months

Area of specialization


1.VLSI Design

2.Reconfigurable SOC

3.Image Processing

4.Wireless Sensor Networks

5.Internet of Things

6. Cyber Security

Subjects Expertise



    1.VLSI Design

    2.Microprocessor and Microcontroller

    3.Digital Electronics

    4.Advanced Digital Logic System Design

    5.System on Chip

    6.ASIC and FPGA Design

    7.High performance computer networks

    8.Computer Communication Networks

    9.Embedded Systems

    10.Linear Integrated Circuits

    11.Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits

    12. Basic Electrical Engineering

Journals published


    P. Latha

    1.Vasanthi S and P. Latha 2017, ‘Parallel Placement and Partition Application onto 3-D Reconfigurable Architectures’, International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology (IJSIET), vol.1, no.1, ISBN 978-81-904760-9-6, May 2017.

    2.P. Latha Bhagyaveni, MA & Ancilin, J, DECEMBER 2012, ‘VLSI Implementation of Reconfigurable WSN Node for Surveillance’, European Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 238-256, ISSN: 1450-216X. (Anna University, Chennai, ANNEXURE – II, Version 2012.2.1, Sl.No.5855). Index: Elsevier (Scopus), Web of Science Master & SCI. Impact Factor: 0.713.

    3.Latha, P, Bhagyaveni, MA & Steffi Lionel, FEBRUARY 2014, ‘Reconfigurable SoC Architecture for Ship Intrusion Detection’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 95-105, ISSN: 1992-8645. (Anna University, Chennai, ANNEXURE – II, Version 2013.2.1, Sl.No.12050). Index: Elsevier (Scopus), DBLP & SCI. Impact Factor: 1.71.

    4.P. Latha, Bhagyaveni, MA & Preethi, SR, JUNE 2014, ‘Efficient Removal of Impulse Noise from Video using Adaptive Threshold Algorithm’ Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 64 no.1, pp. 22-31, ISSN: 1992-8645. (Anna University, Chennai, ANNEXURE – II, Version 2013.2.1, Sl.No.12050). Index: Elsevier (Scopus), DBLP & SCI. Impact Factor: 1.71. Cited: 2 Times.

    5.P. Latha, Preethi, SR, MARCH 2015, ‘ADAPTIVE DENOISING TECHNIQUE FOR COLOUR IMAGES’ IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 04, no. 03, eISSN: 2319-1163, pISSN: 2321-7308. Index: Google Scholar. Impact Factor: 2.375.

    6.P. Latha, M. Subhashini and Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, MARCH-2015, “Design and Implementation of Cascaded-H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter by FPGA Controller for Photo Voltaic Application”, International Journal for Technological Research, Volume 2, Issue 7, ISSN(online): 2347-4718. Index: Google Scholar,, CiteFactor, DRJI. Impact Factor: 1.46.

    7.P. Latha M. Subhashini and Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, MARCH-2015, “Determining the Modulation Index and Switching angles as a Mitigation Technique for Elimination of Harmonic Distortion in Cascaded-H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter fed Solar Photo Voltaic Module”, International Journal for Technological Research, Volume 2, Issue 7, ISSN(online): 2347-4718. Index: Google Scholar,, CiteFactor, DRJI. Impact Factor: 1.46.

    8.P. Latha, M. Subhashini and Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, MARCH-2015, “Implementation of a Solar Photo Voltaic Module in Cascaded-H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Controlled by Xilinx System Generator Tool”, “International Journal for Technological Research”, Volume 2, Issue 7, ISSN(online): 2347-4718. Index: Google Scholar,, CiteFactor, DRJI. Impact Factor: 1.46.

    9.P. Latha, M. Subhashini and Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, “Comparative Analysis of Harmonic Distortion of a Solar PV fed Cascaded- H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Controlled by FPGA and Diode Clamped Inverter”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 16, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846, ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645 (Anna University, Chennai, ANNEXURE-II Journal, Version 2014.2, Sl.No.8167). Index: Scopus, EBSCO & j-Scholar.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.Vasanthi S and P. Latha 2017, ‘Parallel Placement and Partition Application onto 3-D Reconfigurable Architectures’, International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology. Organization of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology, PP: 175-178, (March).

    2.P. Latha and R.Swaathi, “RECONFIGURABLE ARCHITECTURE FOR SMART CANE”, International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management, ICONSTEM- IREES’16, pp. 261-266, 2016.

    3.P. Latha, S.R.Preethi and Dr M.A.Bhagyaveni, “Reconfigurable SoC for impulse noise removal in colour video in WSN”, IEEE Sponsored Online International conference on Green Engineering and Technologies (IC-GET 2015) pp. 24-28, 2015.

    4.P. Latha, Denesh Kumar Sundar, Hari Venkateswaran, and Bhagyaveni. M. A, “Analysis of Sub-5nm Novel FinFET Device over 180nm Bulk CMOS Device”, 1st International Conference on Nano-electronics, Circuits & Communication Systems (NCCS-2015) on 9-10th May-2015. IETE Ranchi Centre.

    5.P. Lathaand Steffi Lionel (2013) “Wireless Sensor Network Based Ship Intrusion Detection”, in proceedings of an International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing Research (ICCIAMR-2013) in VELS UNIVERSITY, Chennai.

    6.P. Latha and S. Simcy, “Reconfigurable Architecture for Moving Object Detection using Background Subtraction Algorithm “, International conference on Innovative Trends in Computing and Technology, ICITCT 2013, pp. 237-243, March 2013.

    7.P. Latha, R.K.Mugelan, J.Boobalan, L.Ravikiran, Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, “Surveillance ROVER with 3G Live Video Streaming and GPS Tracker”, in proceedings of International Conference on Control,Communication and Computer Technology (CCCT- 2012)

    8.P. Latha, Jane J Jim, “A Reconfigurable Architecture for Encryption Algorithm using Subband Re-orientation”, in proceedings of APEC- National Conference on Advanced Computing & Commn-NCACC11.

    9.P. Latha, J.Ancilin, Dr. Bhagyaveni.M.A. “Remote Reconfiguration for Wireless Sensor Networks”, in proceedings of IIST 2010

    10.P. Latha, Dr. Bhagyaveni. M. A. “Reconfigurable FPGA Based Architecture for Surveillance Systems in WSN”, in Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Computing ( ICWCSC 2010) January 2-4, 2010.

    Workshops Attended 1.The Faculty Development Program on “Pursuing Emerging Technologies”, Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. MEPZ. 26th May 2018.

    2.Workshop on “High Performance VLSI Architectures for Digital Signal Processing” at IIITD & M, Kancheepuram.


    4.Faculty Development Program on “Digitalization and its Transformation ”, Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. MEPZ. 23rd Sep 2017.

    5.Workshop on Xilinx FPGA Solutions for Image & Signal Processing Applications at TIFAC-CORE, VIT University, Vellore-14. April 4-6, 2013.

    6.Workshop on Image Processing Framework using FPGA at MIT, Anna University, Chennai. October 15-16, 2012.

    7.Workshop on Reconfigurable Technology and Its Applications at CEG, Anna University, Chennai. October 18, 2011.

    8.FDP on EDA Tools for VLSI Design and Signal Processing at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai. November 15-18, 2010.

    9.International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Computing( ICWCSC 2010) at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai. January 2-4, 2010.

    10.FDP on Computer Networks and Networks Lab at Easwari Engineering College, Chennai. From 19.11.2007 to 01.12.2007.

    11.Workshop on Network Simulators for Wireless Networks at MIT, Chennai. September 08-09, 2007.

    12.Workshop on Designing Systems on Programmable Chip(SOPC) at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. December 23-24, 2005.

    13.Workshop on Networking, Digital Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering at GCT, Coimbatore. January 6-7, 2003

Awards & Achievements


    1.Received Rs.1367000/- for MODROB PROJECT scheme titled “Integration of image processing, DSP and IOT applications with high end FPGA technology” from AICTE in the academic year 2018-2019.

    2.Examiner for Ph.D. Viva Voce examination at CEG, Anna University, Chennai.(2016- 2017)

    3.Resource Person, FDP on “VLSI DESIGN” at Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem. December 15, 2014.

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


22 years 6 months

Area of specialization


1.VLSI Design

2.Reconfigurable SOC

3.Image Processing

4.Wireless Sensor Networks

5.Internet of Things

6. Cyber Security

Subjects Expertise



    1.VLSI Design

    2.Microprocessor and Microcontroller

    3.Digital Electronics

    4.Advanced Digital Logic System Design

    5.System on Chip

    6.ASIC and FPGA Design

    7.High performance computer networks

    8.Computer Communication Networks

    9.Embedded Systems

    10.Linear Integrated Circuits

    11.Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits

    12. Basic Electrical Engineering

Journals published


    P. Latha

    1.Vasanthi S and P. Latha 2017, ‘Parallel Placement and Partition Application onto 3-D Reconfigurable Architectures’, International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology (IJSIET), vol.1, no.1, ISBN 978-81-904760-9-6, May 2017.

    2.P. Latha Bhagyaveni, MA & Ancilin, J, DECEMBER 2012, ‘VLSI Implementation of Reconfigurable WSN Node for Surveillance’, European Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 238-256, ISSN: 1450-216X. (Anna University, Chennai, ANNEXURE – II, Version 2012.2.1, Sl.No.5855). Index: Elsevier (Scopus), Web of Science Master & SCI. Impact Factor: 0.713.

    3.Latha, P, Bhagyaveni, MA & Steffi Lionel, FEBRUARY 2014, ‘Reconfigurable SoC Architecture for Ship Intrusion Detection’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 95-105, ISSN: 1992-8645. (Anna University, Chennai, ANNEXURE – II, Version 2013.2.1, Sl.No.12050). Index: Elsevier (Scopus), DBLP & SCI. Impact Factor: 1.71.

    4.P. Latha, Bhagyaveni, MA & Preethi, SR, JUNE 2014, ‘Efficient Removal of Impulse Noise from Video using Adaptive Threshold Algorithm’ Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 64 no.1, pp. 22-31, ISSN: 1992-8645. (Anna University, Chennai, ANNEXURE – II, Version 2013.2.1, Sl.No.12050). Index: Elsevier (Scopus), DBLP & SCI. Impact Factor: 1.71. Cited: 2 Times.

    5.P. Latha, Preethi, SR, MARCH 2015, ‘ADAPTIVE DENOISING TECHNIQUE FOR COLOUR IMAGES’ IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 04, no. 03, eISSN: 2319-1163, pISSN: 2321-7308. Index: Google Scholar. Impact Factor: 2.375.

    6.P. Latha, M. Subhashini and Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, MARCH-2015, “Design and Implementation of Cascaded-H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter by FPGA Controller for Photo Voltaic Application”, International Journal for Technological Research, Volume 2, Issue 7, ISSN(online): 2347-4718. Index: Google Scholar,, CiteFactor, DRJI. Impact Factor: 1.46.

    7.P. Latha M. Subhashini and Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, MARCH-2015, “Determining the Modulation Index and Switching angles as a Mitigation Technique for Elimination of Harmonic Distortion in Cascaded-H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter fed Solar Photo Voltaic Module”, International Journal for Technological Research, Volume 2, Issue 7, ISSN(online): 2347-4718. Index: Google Scholar,, CiteFactor, DRJI. Impact Factor: 1.46.

    8.P. Latha, M. Subhashini and Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, MARCH-2015, “Implementation of a Solar Photo Voltaic Module in Cascaded-H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Controlled by Xilinx System Generator Tool”, “International Journal for Technological Research”, Volume 2, Issue 7, ISSN(online): 2347-4718. Index: Google Scholar,, CiteFactor, DRJI. Impact Factor: 1.46.

    9.P. Latha, M. Subhashini and Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, “Comparative Analysis of Harmonic Distortion of a Solar PV fed Cascaded- H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Controlled by FPGA and Diode Clamped Inverter”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 16, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846, ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645 (Anna University, Chennai, ANNEXURE-II Journal, Version 2014.2, Sl.No.8167). Index: Scopus, EBSCO & j-Scholar.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.Vasanthi S and P. Latha 2017, ‘Parallel Placement and Partition Application onto 3-D Reconfigurable Architectures’, International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology. Organization of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology, PP: 175-178, (March).

    2.P. Latha and R.Swaathi, “RECONFIGURABLE ARCHITECTURE FOR SMART CANE”, International Conference on Science, Technology Engineering and Management, ICONSTEM- IREES’16, pp. 261-266, 2016.

    3.P. Latha, S.R.Preethi and Dr M.A.Bhagyaveni, “Reconfigurable SoC for impulse noise removal in colour video in WSN”, IEEE Sponsored Online International conference on Green Engineering and Technologies (IC-GET 2015) pp. 24-28, 2015.

    4.P. Latha, Denesh Kumar Sundar, Hari Venkateswaran, and Bhagyaveni. M. A, “Analysis of Sub-5nm Novel FinFET Device over 180nm Bulk CMOS Device”, 1st International Conference on Nano-electronics, Circuits & Communication Systems (NCCS-2015) on 9-10th May-2015. IETE Ranchi Centre.

    5.P. Lathaand Steffi Lionel (2013) “Wireless Sensor Network Based Ship Intrusion Detection”, in proceedings of an International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing Research (ICCIAMR-2013) in VELS UNIVERSITY, Chennai.

    6.P. Latha and S. Simcy, “Reconfigurable Architecture for Moving Object Detection using Background Subtraction Algorithm “, International conference on Innovative Trends in Computing and Technology, ICITCT 2013, pp. 237-243, March 2013.

    7.P. Latha, R.K.Mugelan, J.Boobalan, L.Ravikiran, Dr. M. A. Bhagyaveni, “Surveillance ROVER with 3G Live Video Streaming and GPS Tracker”, in proceedings of International Conference on Control,Communication and Computer Technology (CCCT- 2012)

    8.P. Latha, Jane J Jim, “A Reconfigurable Architecture for Encryption Algorithm using Subband Re-orientation”, in proceedings of APEC- National Conference on Advanced Computing & Commn-NCACC11.

    9.P. Latha, J.Ancilin, Dr. Bhagyaveni.M.A. “Remote Reconfiguration for Wireless Sensor Networks”, in proceedings of IIST 2010

    10.P. Latha, Dr. Bhagyaveni. M. A. “Reconfigurable FPGA Based Architecture for Surveillance Systems in WSN”, in Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Computing ( ICWCSC 2010) January 2-4, 2010.

    Workshops Attended 1.The Faculty Development Program on “Pursuing Emerging Technologies”, Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. MEPZ. 26th May 2018.

    2.Workshop on “High Performance VLSI Architectures for Digital Signal Processing” at IIITD & M, Kancheepuram.


    4.Faculty Development Program on “Digitalization and its Transformation ”, Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. MEPZ. 23rd Sep 2017.

    5.Workshop on Xilinx FPGA Solutions for Image & Signal Processing Applications at TIFAC-CORE, VIT University, Vellore-14. April 4-6, 2013.

    6.Workshop on Image Processing Framework using FPGA at MIT, Anna University, Chennai. October 15-16, 2012.

    7.Workshop on Reconfigurable Technology and Its Applications at CEG, Anna University, Chennai. October 18, 2011.

    8.FDP on EDA Tools for VLSI Design and Signal Processing at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai. November 15-18, 2010.

    9.International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Computing( ICWCSC 2010) at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai. January 2-4, 2010.

    10.FDP on Computer Networks and Networks Lab at Easwari Engineering College, Chennai. From 19.11.2007 to 01.12.2007.

    11.Workshop on Network Simulators for Wireless Networks at MIT, Chennai. September 08-09, 2007.

    12.Workshop on Designing Systems on Programmable Chip(SOPC) at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. December 23-24, 2005.

    13.Workshop on Networking, Digital Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering at GCT, Coimbatore. January 6-7, 2003

Awards & Achievements


    1.Received Rs.1367000/- for MODROB PROJECT scheme titled “Integration of image processing, DSP and IOT applications with high end FPGA technology” from AICTE in the academic year 2018-2019.

    2.Examiner for Ph.D. Viva Voce examination at CEG, Anna University, Chennai.(2016- 2017)

    3.Resource Person, FDP on “VLSI DESIGN” at Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Salem. December 15, 2014.


Staff Name


Dr. Shirley Selvan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


23 years and 2 months

Area of specialization


1. Medical Image Processing

2. Machine Learning Techniques

3. Pattern Recognition

4. Satellite Remote Sensing

Subjects Expertise


    1. Advanced Digital Image Processing

    2. Satellite Communication

    3. Wireless Communication

    4. Communication Systems

    5. Communication Engineering

    6. Microprocessors and Microcontroller

    7. Digital Electronics

    8. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility

    9. Biomedical Instrumentation

Journals published


    1. Shirley Selvan, Kavitha M, ShenbagaDevi S and Suresh S. Automatic segmentation and feature extraction of breast lesions, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Healthcare Informatics , vol.3, 65-69, 2010. (2009-2010)

    2. Shirley Selvan, Kavitha M, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S. Feature extraction for characterization of breast lesions in ultrasound echography and elastography, Journal of Computer Science, vol. 6(1), 67-74, January 1, 2010. (2009-2010)

    3. Shirley Selvan, Kavitha M, ShenbagaDevi S and Suresh S, Fuzzy based classification of Breast lesions in Ultrasound echography and elastography, Ultrasound quarterly, vol.28,2012, September 1,2012 (2012-2013)

    4. Shirley Selvan, Shenbaga Devi S. Automatic Seed Point Selection in Ultrasound Echography Images of Breast using Texture features (Elsevier) , Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 2015, 35(3):157–168, January 1, 2015 (2014-2015)

    5. Shirley Selvan, S. Shenbaga Devi and S Suresh. ‘Computer aided diagnosis of Breast Elastography and B-mode Ultrasound’, Advances in intelligent systems and computing, vol 2, (Springer publications), November 2015, 325: 213-223. (2015-2016)

    6. Shirley Selvan, S.Selva Jenifer. Detection of end members in agricultural and mineral ore hyperspectral images, International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016, 9(4):1967-1974. October 2016, (2016-2017) 7. Shirley Selvan, Glory Precious. Neural network classification of abnormalities in breast Ultrasound images, International Journal of pure and applied Mathematics, Jan 2018 (2017-2018).

    8. Shirley Selvan, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S, ‘Classification of Abnormal masses in Ultrasound Elastography breast images”, Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier) 2019 , 165: 57-65. January 1, 2020 (2019-2020)

    9. Shirley Selvan, Avudaiammal R, Elaveni P, Vijayarajan R “Extraction of Buildings in Urban Area for Surface Area Assessment from Satellite Imagery based on Morphological Building Index using SVM Classifier”, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, September 2020, 48 (9), 1325-1344, (2020-2021)

    10. Shirley Selvan, Ragapriya S, Sindhu R , A Survey on Methods of Hand Gestures Recognition, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 792, 341-349 , November 2021 (2021-2022)

    11. Kavitha C, Anita X, Shirley Selvan, ” Improving the efficiency of speculative execution strategy in Hadoop using Amazon elastic cache for Redis”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 6 ( December 2021) 4864 - 4878 © School of Engineering, Taylor’s University, (2021-2022)

    Book chapter

    1.Shirley Selvan, ShenbagaDevi S and Suresh S. Computer aided diagnosis of breast elastography and B-mode US, in ‘Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, Vol: 325:213-223, Jan 2015

    2.Shirley Selvan, J Ferin Joseph and Dinesh Raj KT, "Sludge detection in marsh land: A survey”, Lecture notes on data engineering and Communication Technologies,35,1063-1075, November 2019 (2019-2020)

    3.Shirley Selvan, David Anthony Durand , Gowtham V, Survey of the various techniques used for Smoke Detection using Image Processing, Lecture notes on data engineering and Communication Technologies ,35,755-762, November 2019 (2019-2020)

Conference / workshop attended


    1. Shirley Selvan, Kavitha M, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S. “Automatic segmentation and feature extraction of breast lesions”, International conference on biomedical informatics and signal processing, 2009.

    2. Shirley Selvan, Archana, “US image improvement by pixel compounding of compression sequence”, IIST 2010.

    3. Shirley Selvan, Leo Sahaya Darshini “Removal of High density salt and pepper noise using neighbourhood based switching filter”, ICSIPR13, Feb 7, 2013 (2013-2014).

    4. Shirley Selvan, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S. Computer aided diagnosis of breast elastography and B-mode US, ICAEES 2014, Tamil Nadu, April 2014 (2014-2015).

    5. Shirley Selvan,Detection of End members in Agricultural and Mineral ore hyperspectral images, Innovative trends in Engineering, Science and Management, Tamil Nadu, Feb 2016, 189-201. (2016-2017).

    6. Shirley Selvan, Kirthika.B “Heart rate signal decomposition and evaluation from brow area, International conference on Computation of power, Energy, Information and Communication, IEEE Explore 2017, March 2013, 325-329 (2013-2014).

    7. Shirley Selvan, Glory Precious. “Detection of Abnormalities in Ultrasound Images using Texture and shape features”, ICCTCT 2018, March 1, 2018, CBE 2017-2018, (2017-2018).

    8. Shirley Selvan, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S, ‘Classification of Abnormal masses in Ultrasound Elastography breast images”, International conference on recent trends in advanced computing, ICRTAC –DTI- 2019, (2019-2020).

    9. Shirley Selvan, Ragapriya S, Sindhu R , A Survey on Methods of Hand Gestures Recognition, International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies, VIT Chennai, November 2020 , (2020-2021).

    10. K. Jaspin, Shirley Selvan, S. Sahana and G. Thanmai, "Efficient and Secure File Transfer in Cloud Through Double Encryption Using AES and RSA Algorithm," 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), Pune, India, 10/04/2021, pp. 791-796, doi: 10.1109/ESCI50559.2021.9397005, April 2021 (2020-2021).

    11. Shirley Selvan, J Ferin Joseph ,Dinesh Raj KT, Bertlyn Joseph, “Analysis and Classification of Active Sludge in wastewater”, International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical and Biomedical Systems, ICCCEBS 2021, 25/03/2021, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, (2020-2021).

    12. Shirley Selvan, Glory Precious, Avudaiammal R, “Classification of Abnormalities in Breast Ultrasound Images Using ANN, FIS and ANFIS Classifiers: A Comparison”, International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical and Biomedical Systems, ICCCEBS 2021, 25/03/2021, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, (2020-2021).

    13. Shirley Selvan, Pooja S, Octavia M, Manasa Lakshmi G, Preethi Shilpha S, “Note to Coin Converter: A Survey”, National Conference On Intelligent Techniques In Computing And Communication, NCITCC 2021 - Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India,14 & 15 May 2021, (2020-2021).

    14. Shirley Selvan, Vaishali P, K. Jaspin , Analysis of Texture Features of Normal Brain and Glioma in MRI Images, International Conference on Power of Digital Technologies in Societal Empowerment - IETE CHENCON 2021, June 4 & 5, 2021, (2021-2022).

    15. Shirley Selvan, K. Jaspin, Real Time Surveillance for Identification of Fruits Ripening Stages and Vegetables Maturation Stages with Infection Detection, ISPCC2K21, 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing, and Control , (ISPCC – 2k21) October 2021 , (2021-2022) Scopus.

    16. Shirley Selvan, K. Jaspin , CNN based classification of Plant leaf disease images, ICAAAML 2021, October 30,2021 (2021-2022).

    Workshop Attended

    1.AICTE-ISTE induction/refresher programme on Emerging Trends in Embedded Systems and its Real Time Applications (FDP)(July 2nd – 7th, 2018)

    2.Training on Basics of Automation(9.11.21017 to 10.11.2-17)

    3.Workshop on Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning techniques(14.11.2018 to 15.11.2018)

    4.Workshop on ‘Research Scope in Machine Learning’August 2012

    5.National workshop on advanced medical application using mimics software (8,9 April,2010)

    6.Conference on signals ,system and communication (21-23 August 2009 ).

    7.Machine vision & image processing using lab view (23-24 January 2009).

    8.Clinical ultrasonography in practice.( 25- 28 Sep 2008)

    9.Medical electronics (FDP) (16 to 20 June 2003)



    Best Paper Presentation Award

    • Shirley Selvan et al received the best paper presentation award for the paper entitled” A Survey on Methods of Hand Gestures Recognition” in VICFCNT 2020, VIT, Chennai in November 2020.

    Best Student Project Award

    • PG Student Glory Precious is awarded the “Student project of the year 2017-2018 under IEAE Student project programme and is indexed in IEAE Digital library of Academic projects (DLAP) for the project titled “Detection of abnormalities in BUS images using Fuzzy logic system and Neural Network Classifiers”

    Best Student Project Poster Presentation

    • PG Student Glory Precious won the Best Poster award for “Detection of abnormalities in BUS images using Fuzzy Inference system and Neural Network classifiers” in "Project Colloquium , CSI student chapter of SSN College of Engineering , 16 March 2018

    Invited Lecture

    • “Detection of Breast Cancer using Ultrasound Elastography Imaging” Seminar on February 27,2021, Jaganath Institute of Technology, Chengelpet, India

    • "Thermograph, Endoscopes and Cryogenic Application ", FDP on Medical Electronics", November 29, 2016, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kings Engineering College, Sriperumbudur, Chennai, India

    Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing

    • Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, 2017

    Elsevier Reviewer Recognition

    • Pattern Recognition, 2017-2021

    Events Organized

    • Three day FDP on Medical Signal and Image Processing, 15-17, June 2020

    • One day Webinar on “Programming Timers and Counters for Embedded system Applications”, 7, June 2021

Staff Name


Dr. Shirley Selvan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


23 years and 2 months

Area of specialization


1. Medical Image Processing

2. Machine Learning Techniques

3. Pattern Recognition

4. Satellite Remote Sensing

Subjects Expertise


    1. Advanced Digital Image Processing

    2. Satellite Communication

    3. Wireless Communication

    4. Communication Systems

    5. Communication Engineering

    6. Microprocessors and Microcontroller

    7. Digital Electronics

    8. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility

    9. Biomedical Instrumentation

Journals published


    1. Shirley Selvan, Kavitha M, ShenbagaDevi S and Suresh S. Automatic segmentation and feature extraction of breast lesions, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Healthcare Informatics , vol.3, 65-69, 2010. (2009-2010)

    2. Shirley Selvan, Kavitha M, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S. Feature extraction for characterization of breast lesions in ultrasound echography and elastography, Journal of Computer Science, vol. 6(1), 67-74, January 1, 2010. (2009-2010)

    3. Shirley Selvan, Kavitha M, ShenbagaDevi S and Suresh S, Fuzzy based classification of Breast lesions in Ultrasound echography and elastography, Ultrasound quarterly, vol.28,2012, September 1,2012 (2012-2013)

    4. Shirley Selvan, Shenbaga Devi S. Automatic Seed Point Selection in Ultrasound Echography Images of Breast using Texture features (Elsevier) , Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 2015, 35(3):157–168, January 1, 2015 (2014-2015)

    5. Shirley Selvan, S. Shenbaga Devi and S Suresh. ‘Computer aided diagnosis of Breast Elastography and B-mode Ultrasound’, Advances in intelligent systems and computing, vol 2, (Springer publications), November 2015, 325: 213-223. (2015-2016)

    6. Shirley Selvan, S.Selva Jenifer. Detection of end members in agricultural and mineral ore hyperspectral images, International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016, 9(4):1967-1974. October 2016, (2016-2017) 7. Shirley Selvan, Glory Precious. Neural network classification of abnormalities in breast Ultrasound images, International Journal of pure and applied Mathematics, Jan 2018 (2017-2018).

    8. Shirley Selvan, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S, ‘Classification of Abnormal masses in Ultrasound Elastography breast images”, Procedia Computer Science (Elsevier) 2019 , 165: 57-65. January 1, 2020 (2019-2020)

    9. Shirley Selvan, Avudaiammal R, Elaveni P, Vijayarajan R “Extraction of Buildings in Urban Area for Surface Area Assessment from Satellite Imagery based on Morphological Building Index using SVM Classifier”, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, September 2020, 48 (9), 1325-1344, (2020-2021)

    10. Shirley Selvan, Ragapriya S, Sindhu R , A Survey on Methods of Hand Gestures Recognition, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 792, 341-349 , November 2021 (2021-2022)

    11. Kavitha C, Anita X, Shirley Selvan, ” Improving the efficiency of speculative execution strategy in Hadoop using Amazon elastic cache for Redis”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 6 ( December 2021) 4864 - 4878 © School of Engineering, Taylor’s University, (2021-2022)

    Book chapter

    1.Shirley Selvan, ShenbagaDevi S and Suresh S. Computer aided diagnosis of breast elastography and B-mode US, in ‘Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, Vol: 325:213-223, Jan 2015

    2.Shirley Selvan, J Ferin Joseph and Dinesh Raj KT, "Sludge detection in marsh land: A survey”, Lecture notes on data engineering and Communication Technologies,35,1063-1075, November 2019 (2019-2020)

    3.Shirley Selvan, David Anthony Durand , Gowtham V, Survey of the various techniques used for Smoke Detection using Image Processing, Lecture notes on data engineering and Communication Technologies ,35,755-762, November 2019 (2019-2020)

Conference / workshop attended


    1. Shirley Selvan, Kavitha M, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S. “Automatic segmentation and feature extraction of breast lesions”, International conference on biomedical informatics and signal processing, 2009.

    2. Shirley Selvan, Archana, “US image improvement by pixel compounding of compression sequence”, IIST 2010.

    3. Shirley Selvan, Leo Sahaya Darshini “Removal of High density salt and pepper noise using neighbourhood based switching filter”, ICSIPR13, Feb 7, 2013 (2013-2014).

    4. Shirley Selvan, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S. Computer aided diagnosis of breast elastography and B-mode US, ICAEES 2014, Tamil Nadu, April 2014 (2014-2015).

    5. Shirley Selvan,Detection of End members in Agricultural and Mineral ore hyperspectral images, Innovative trends in Engineering, Science and Management, Tamil Nadu, Feb 2016, 189-201. (2016-2017).

    6. Shirley Selvan, Kirthika.B “Heart rate signal decomposition and evaluation from brow area, International conference on Computation of power, Energy, Information and Communication, IEEE Explore 2017, March 2013, 325-329 (2013-2014).

    7. Shirley Selvan, Glory Precious. “Detection of Abnormalities in Ultrasound Images using Texture and shape features”, ICCTCT 2018, March 1, 2018, CBE 2017-2018, (2017-2018).

    8. Shirley Selvan, Shenbaga Devi S and Suresh S, ‘Classification of Abnormal masses in Ultrasound Elastography breast images”, International conference on recent trends in advanced computing, ICRTAC –DTI- 2019, (2019-2020).

    9. Shirley Selvan, Ragapriya S, Sindhu R , A Survey on Methods of Hand Gestures Recognition, International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies, VIT Chennai, November 2020 , (2020-2021).

    10. K. Jaspin, Shirley Selvan, S. Sahana and G. Thanmai, "Efficient and Secure File Transfer in Cloud Through Double Encryption Using AES and RSA Algorithm," 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), Pune, India, 10/04/2021, pp. 791-796, doi: 10.1109/ESCI50559.2021.9397005, April 2021 (2020-2021).

    11. Shirley Selvan, J Ferin Joseph ,Dinesh Raj KT, Bertlyn Joseph, “Analysis and Classification of Active Sludge in wastewater”, International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical and Biomedical Systems, ICCCEBS 2021, 25/03/2021, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, (2020-2021).

    12. Shirley Selvan, Glory Precious, Avudaiammal R, “Classification of Abnormalities in Breast Ultrasound Images Using ANN, FIS and ANFIS Classifiers: A Comparison”, International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical and Biomedical Systems, ICCCEBS 2021, 25/03/2021, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, (2020-2021).

    13. Shirley Selvan, Pooja S, Octavia M, Manasa Lakshmi G, Preethi Shilpha S, “Note to Coin Converter: A Survey”, National Conference On Intelligent Techniques In Computing And Communication, NCITCC 2021 - Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India,14 & 15 May 2021, (2020-2021).

    14. Shirley Selvan, Vaishali P, K. Jaspin , Analysis of Texture Features of Normal Brain and Glioma in MRI Images, International Conference on Power of Digital Technologies in Societal Empowerment - IETE CHENCON 2021, June 4 & 5, 2021, (2021-2022).

    15. Shirley Selvan, K. Jaspin, Real Time Surveillance for Identification of Fruits Ripening Stages and Vegetables Maturation Stages with Infection Detection, ISPCC2K21, 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing, and Control , (ISPCC – 2k21) October 2021 , (2021-2022) Scopus.

    16. Shirley Selvan, K. Jaspin , CNN based classification of Plant leaf disease images, ICAAAML 2021, October 30,2021 (2021-2022).

    Workshop Attended

    1.AICTE-ISTE induction/refresher programme on Emerging Trends in Embedded Systems and its Real Time Applications (FDP)(July 2nd – 7th, 2018)

    2.Training on Basics of Automation(9.11.21017 to 10.11.2-17)

    3.Workshop on Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning techniques(14.11.2018 to 15.11.2018)

    4.Workshop on ‘Research Scope in Machine Learning’August 2012

    5.National workshop on advanced medical application using mimics software (8,9 April,2010)

    6.Conference on signals ,system and communication (21-23 August 2009 ).

    7.Machine vision & image processing using lab view (23-24 January 2009).

    8.Clinical ultrasonography in practice.( 25- 28 Sep 2008)

    9.Medical electronics (FDP) (16 to 20 June 2003)



    Best Paper Presentation Award

    • Shirley Selvan et al received the best paper presentation award for the paper entitled” A Survey on Methods of Hand Gestures Recognition” in VICFCNT 2020, VIT, Chennai in November 2020.

    Best Student Project Award

    • PG Student Glory Precious is awarded the “Student project of the year 2017-2018 under IEAE Student project programme and is indexed in IEAE Digital library of Academic projects (DLAP) for the project titled “Detection of abnormalities in BUS images using Fuzzy logic system and Neural Network Classifiers”

    Best Student Project Poster Presentation

    • PG Student Glory Precious won the Best Poster award for “Detection of abnormalities in BUS images using Fuzzy Inference system and Neural Network classifiers” in "Project Colloquium , CSI student chapter of SSN College of Engineering , 16 March 2018

    Invited Lecture

    • “Detection of Breast Cancer using Ultrasound Elastography Imaging” Seminar on February 27,2021, Jaganath Institute of Technology, Chengelpet, India

    • "Thermograph, Endoscopes and Cryogenic Application ", FDP on Medical Electronics", November 29, 2016, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kings Engineering College, Sriperumbudur, Chennai, India

    Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing

    • Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, 2017

    Elsevier Reviewer Recognition

    • Pattern Recognition, 2017-2021

    Events Organized

    • Three day FDP on Medical Signal and Image Processing, 15-17, June 2020

    • One day Webinar on “Programming Timers and Counters for Embedded system Applications”, 7, June 2021


Staff Name


Dr. A M Balamurugan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


19 years

Area of specialization


1.Optical Networks

2.Computer Networks

Subjects Expertise


    1.Communication Networks

    2.Adhoc and Wireless Sensor networks

    3.Multimedia Compression and Communication

    4.Microwave Engineering

    5.Wireless Communication

    6.Communication Theory

Journals published


    1. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian A, “Optical burst switching issues and its features”, International journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in computer science, Volume 2, Issue 3, May-June 2013, pp-306-315.

    2. Balamurugan A M , and Sivasubramanian A, “Quantum Key Based Burst Confidentiality in Optical Burst Switched Networks,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 786493, 7 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/786493(Scopus indexed)

    3. Balamurugan A M , Chandana V, Sivasubramanian A, “Survey of Burst Intergrity Protocols for Optical Burst Switched Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE) Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014.

    4. Balamurugan A M , and Sivasubramanian A, “A Novel QKD Based Secure Edge Router Architecture Design for Burst Confidentiality in Optical Burst Switched Networks” Journal of Optical Communications. Volume 35, Issue 2, Pages 109–116, ISSN (Online) 2191-6322, ISSN (Print) 0173-4911, DOI: 10.1515/joc-2014-0003, April 2014(Scopus indexed)

    5. Balamurugan A M , & Sivasubramanian, A 2014, ‘Modeling the Performance of DDoS Attack in Optical Burst Switched Networks’, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 18, December, pp. 479-482. (Scopus indexed)

    6. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian, A & Parvathavarthini, B, 2015 ‘QKD Based Secured Burst Integrity Design for Optical Burst switched Networks’,Journal of Optical Communications, Volume 37, Issue 1, Pages 31–36, ISSN (Online) 2191-6322, DOI: 10.1515/joc-2014-0093, March 2015 (Scopus indexed)

    7. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian, A & Parvathavarthini, B 2015, ‘Quantum Key based Unified Burst Confidentiality and Integrity Secured Ingress Router Architecture design for Optical Burst Switched Networks, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, vol. 10, no.66, pp.43-46. (Scopus indexed)

    8. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian, A & Parvathavarthini, B 2016, Secure Hash Based Burst Header Authentication Design for Optical Burst switched Networks’, Journal of Optical Communications, ISSN (Online) 2191-6322, ISSN (Print) 0173-4911, DOI: 10.1515/joc-2015-0097, July 2016.

    9. Ramesh Rao R, Johny Richards R, Joel Manohar, Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian A, “ Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers: State Of Art”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2013, pp- 316-319.

    10. J.Steffi Agino Priyanka, S.Tephillah and Balamurugan A M , “Attacks and countermeasures in WSN”, International Journal of Electronics & Communication, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014, pp- 16-23.

    11. PS Dinesh, S Dinesh, S Tephillah, Balamurugan A M , “Primary User Emulation Attack (PUEA) Analysis in Cognitive Radio Network” , International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) , Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017, pp 67-71

    12. Balamurugan A M , P.Priya, J. Monisha, V Chandhana, , “Emotion Based Music Recommendation Using Face Detection” , Internal Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology, Vol.5, Issue 7, July 2019.

    13. Balamurugan A M , Karthikeyan, B. & Farmani, H. Nanoscale graphene plasmonics logic gate based on the plasma dispersion effect. Opt Quant Electron 54, 259 (2022).

Conference / workshop attended


    1. Balamurugan A M , Anitha. G and Victoria Jancee. B, "Secured Header Authentication Design using Time Competent HMAC for Optical Burst Switched Networks," 2021 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), 2021, pp. 311-315, doi: 10.1109/ICCES51350.2021.9489016.

    2. Balamurugan A M , Chandana V and Sivasubramanian A, “Maximize the utilization of WDM channels using WR-OBS in adaptive optical burst switching” Int. conf. IET SEISCON 2013 at KCG college of Technology, Chennai, 2013

    3. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian A, “ Burst Assembly in Optical Burst switching” , Proc. On National Conference on Advanced Communication networks and Signal Processing, March-25, 2011

    4. Balamurugan A M , Selvakumarasamy k, “Stream Control Transmission Protocol Design and Implementation”, Proc. On First National Conference on Recent Advances in Industrial Networks”, March 17-18, 2005.

    5. Ahilan S., Sivasubramanian A and Balamurugan A M , “QoS based manycasting in optical networks”, Proc. On International conference on information communication & Embedded Systems, Chennai, Feb. 2011.

    6. J.Steffi Agino Priyanka, S.Tephillah, Balamurugan A M , “Malicious Node Detection Using Minimal Event Cycle Computation Method in Wireless Sensor Networks” Proc. On International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 3-5, 2014.

    7. Durairaji.v , Balamurugan A M , “Secured burst confidentiality ingress router architecture design for OBS networks” Proc.On, National Conference on Advance Computing –NCAC15, March 25, 2015.

    8. Chandana .V, Balamurugan A M , “Analysis of Burst header flooding attack in OBS”, Proc. On. International Conference Advances in Computer Information Science and Technology, March 28-29, 2014

    9. P. Merlin Sweetha Vinola, Balamurugan A M , Chandana .V, Durairaji.v, “Enhanced HMAC Structure Based Burst Header Authentication Design for Optical Burst Switched Networks, 2nd IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends in Electronics Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), May 19-20, 2017, pp -409-411

Patent Details


    1. Balamurugan A M , G.Anitha,S.Devipriya, K.Jasmine Mystica, "Intelligent smart poly house roof top irrigation robot" Intellectual Property India, Patent No: 202141061139, Published Date: 22/12/2022

    2. Balamurugan A M , B.VictorianJancee, G.Anitha, V.Chandana, A.Prabhu Chakkaravarthy "SKIN DISEASE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM AND A METHOD THEREOF" Intellectual Property India, Patent No: 201941020433, Published Date: 22/12/2022

Staff Name


Dr. A M Balamurugan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


19 years

Area of specialization


1.Optical Networks

2.Computer Networks

Subjects Expertise


    1.Communication Networks

    2.Adhoc and Wireless Sensor networks

    3.Multimedia Compression and Communication

    4.Microwave Engineering

    5.Wireless Communication

    6.Communication Theory

Journals published


    1. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian A, “Optical burst switching issues and its features”, International journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in computer science, Volume 2, Issue 3, May-June 2013, pp-306-315.

    2. Balamurugan A M , and Sivasubramanian A, “Quantum Key Based Burst Confidentiality in Optical Burst Switched Networks,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 786493, 7 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/786493(Scopus indexed)

    3. Balamurugan A M , Chandana V, Sivasubramanian A, “Survey of Burst Intergrity Protocols for Optical Burst Switched Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE) Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2014.

    4. Balamurugan A M , and Sivasubramanian A, “A Novel QKD Based Secure Edge Router Architecture Design for Burst Confidentiality in Optical Burst Switched Networks” Journal of Optical Communications. Volume 35, Issue 2, Pages 109–116, ISSN (Online) 2191-6322, ISSN (Print) 0173-4911, DOI: 10.1515/joc-2014-0003, April 2014(Scopus indexed)

    5. Balamurugan A M , & Sivasubramanian, A 2014, ‘Modeling the Performance of DDoS Attack in Optical Burst Switched Networks’, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 18, December, pp. 479-482. (Scopus indexed)

    6. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian, A & Parvathavarthini, B, 2015 ‘QKD Based Secured Burst Integrity Design for Optical Burst switched Networks’,Journal of Optical Communications, Volume 37, Issue 1, Pages 31–36, ISSN (Online) 2191-6322, DOI: 10.1515/joc-2014-0093, March 2015 (Scopus indexed)

    7. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian, A & Parvathavarthini, B 2015, ‘Quantum Key based Unified Burst Confidentiality and Integrity Secured Ingress Router Architecture design for Optical Burst Switched Networks, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, vol. 10, no.66, pp.43-46. (Scopus indexed)

    8. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian, A & Parvathavarthini, B 2016, Secure Hash Based Burst Header Authentication Design for Optical Burst switched Networks’, Journal of Optical Communications, ISSN (Online) 2191-6322, ISSN (Print) 0173-4911, DOI: 10.1515/joc-2015-0097, July 2016.

    9. Ramesh Rao R, Johny Richards R, Joel Manohar, Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian A, “ Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers: State Of Art”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2013, pp- 316-319.

    10. J.Steffi Agino Priyanka, S.Tephillah and Balamurugan A M , “Attacks and countermeasures in WSN”, International Journal of Electronics & Communication, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014, pp- 16-23.

    11. PS Dinesh, S Dinesh, S Tephillah, Balamurugan A M , “Primary User Emulation Attack (PUEA) Analysis in Cognitive Radio Network” , International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) , Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017, pp 67-71

    12. Balamurugan A M , P.Priya, J. Monisha, V Chandhana, , “Emotion Based Music Recommendation Using Face Detection” , Internal Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology, Vol.5, Issue 7, July 2019.

    13. Balamurugan A M , Karthikeyan, B. & Farmani, H. Nanoscale graphene plasmonics logic gate based on the plasma dispersion effect. Opt Quant Electron 54, 259 (2022).

Conference / workshop attended


    1. Balamurugan A M , Anitha. G and Victoria Jancee. B, "Secured Header Authentication Design using Time Competent HMAC for Optical Burst Switched Networks," 2021 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), 2021, pp. 311-315, doi: 10.1109/ICCES51350.2021.9489016.

    2. Balamurugan A M , Chandana V and Sivasubramanian A, “Maximize the utilization of WDM channels using WR-OBS in adaptive optical burst switching” Int. conf. IET SEISCON 2013 at KCG college of Technology, Chennai, 2013

    3. Balamurugan A M , Sivasubramanian A, “ Burst Assembly in Optical Burst switching” , Proc. On National Conference on Advanced Communication networks and Signal Processing, March-25, 2011

    4. Balamurugan A M , Selvakumarasamy k, “Stream Control Transmission Protocol Design and Implementation”, Proc. On First National Conference on Recent Advances in Industrial Networks”, March 17-18, 2005.

    5. Ahilan S., Sivasubramanian A and Balamurugan A M , “QoS based manycasting in optical networks”, Proc. On International conference on information communication & Embedded Systems, Chennai, Feb. 2011.

    6. J.Steffi Agino Priyanka, S.Tephillah, Balamurugan A M , “Malicious Node Detection Using Minimal Event Cycle Computation Method in Wireless Sensor Networks” Proc. On International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 3-5, 2014.

    7. Durairaji.v , Balamurugan A M , “Secured burst confidentiality ingress router architecture design for OBS networks” Proc.On, National Conference on Advance Computing –NCAC15, March 25, 2015.

    8. Chandana .V, Balamurugan A M , “Analysis of Burst header flooding attack in OBS”, Proc. On. International Conference Advances in Computer Information Science and Technology, March 28-29, 2014

    9. P. Merlin Sweetha Vinola, Balamurugan A M , Chandana .V, Durairaji.v, “Enhanced HMAC Structure Based Burst Header Authentication Design for Optical Burst Switched Networks, 2nd IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends in Electronics Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), May 19-20, 2017, pp -409-411

Patent Details


    1. Balamurugan A M , G.Anitha,S.Devipriya, K.Jasmine Mystica, "Intelligent smart poly house roof top irrigation robot" Intellectual Property India, Patent No: 202141061139, Published Date: 22/12/2022

    2. Balamurugan A M , B.VictorianJancee, G.Anitha, V.Chandana, A.Prabhu Chakkaravarthy "SKIN DISEASE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM AND A METHOD THEREOF" Intellectual Property India, Patent No: 201941020433, Published Date: 22/12/2022


Staff Name


Dr. S Rajeshkannan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


23 years and 6 months

Area of specialization


1.Image Processing

2.Signal Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Signal Processing

    2.Electronic Devices and Circuits

    3.Electronic circuits-I

    4.Electronic circuits-II

    5.Circuit Theory

    6.Digital Principles and system Design

    7.Wirelesss Sensor Networks

    8.Electronics and Microprocessor

Journals published


    1. S Rajeshkannan "Improved Stereo Matching algorithm using contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization" on IRECOS, July 2013

    2.S Rajeshkannan "A combined approach for stereoscopic 3D reconstruction model based on Improved SGM" on IAJIT, October 2015 (Annexure I)

    3.S Rajeshkannan"Improved CRC based disparity estimation of vision system using local adaptive hue census and mean shift clustering" on NASL, October 2015 (Annexure I)

    4. A.Christy Precilla, Joselin George, S Rajeshkannan, R.Prabhu “ Modified PCA based image fusion using feature matching “International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 ,No. 15, 2018, 477-483 (Scopus indexed, ISSN : 1314-3395).

Conference / workshop attended


    1.S Rajeshkannan" Effective 3D reconstruction using depth mapping stereo vision system" , IEEE international conference, ICCSP’13, April 2013

    2.S Rajeshkannan,"An improved edge detection based global stereo matching algorithm for disparity map computation" , International conference on recent innovations in engineering , March 2014

    3.S Rajeshkannan "Efficient stereovision system for local disparity estimation" , International conference on science and innovative engineering, April 2015.

Awards & Achievements


    1.Examiner for Ph.D. Viva Voce examination at St. Peter’s University , Chennai(2018 2019)

    2. Awarded "Elite" (75% ) on NPTEL ONLINE CERTIFICATION COURSE IN DISCRETE TIME SIGNAL PROCESSING (Aug-Sep 2018) conducted by IIT Kharagpur.(Funded by MHRD). (2018-2019)

Staff Name


Dr. S Rajeshkannan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


23 years and 6 months

Area of specialization


1.Image Processing

2.Signal Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Signal Processing

    2.Electronic Devices and Circuits

    3.Electronic circuits-I

    4.Electronic circuits-II

    5.Circuit Theory

    6.Digital Principles and system Design

    7.Wirelesss Sensor Networks

    8.Electronics and Microprocessor

Journals published


    1. S Rajeshkannan "Improved Stereo Matching algorithm using contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization" on IRECOS, July 2013

    2.S Rajeshkannan "A combined approach for stereoscopic 3D reconstruction model based on Improved SGM" on IAJIT, October 2015 (Annexure I)

    3.S Rajeshkannan"Improved CRC based disparity estimation of vision system using local adaptive hue census and mean shift clustering" on NASL, October 2015 (Annexure I)

    4. A.Christy Precilla, Joselin George, S Rajeshkannan, R.Prabhu “ Modified PCA based image fusion using feature matching “International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 ,No. 15, 2018, 477-483 (Scopus indexed, ISSN : 1314-3395).

Conference / workshop attended


    1.S Rajeshkannan" Effective 3D reconstruction using depth mapping stereo vision system" , IEEE international conference, ICCSP’13, April 2013

    2.S Rajeshkannan,"An improved edge detection based global stereo matching algorithm for disparity map computation" , International conference on recent innovations in engineering , March 2014

    3.S Rajeshkannan "Efficient stereovision system for local disparity estimation" , International conference on science and innovative engineering, April 2015.

Awards & Achievements


    1.Examiner for Ph.D. Viva Voce examination at St. Peter’s University , Chennai(2018 2019)

    2. Awarded "Elite" (75% ) on NPTEL ONLINE CERTIFICATION COURSE IN DISCRETE TIME SIGNAL PROCESSING (Aug-Sep 2018) conducted by IIT Kharagpur.(Funded by MHRD). (2018-2019)


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


14 years 8 months

Area of specialization


1.Digital Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Image Processing

    2.Digital Signal Processing


    4. Electronic Devices

Journals published


    1.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Sree Sharmila, T (2014), “Colour Filter Array Demosaicing Using Weighted Edge with Color Difference Property”, Pensee journal, Vol.76,No.3,pp. 478-489, March (Scopus Indexed and Web of Science Indexed).

    2.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T. and Sree Sharmila, T (2014), “Novel Color Filter Array Demosaicing in Frequency Domain with Spatial Refinement”, Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, DOI 10.3844/jcssp.2014.1591.1599, Vol. 10, Issue 8, pp. 1591-1599 (Scopus Indexed).

    3.Niruban, R, Arthi, M. and Sree Renga Raja, T (2014), “Directional Color Difference based Demosaicing”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics, Communication and Instrumentation Engineering and Development, ISR Journals and Publications, Vol. 02, Issue. 01, pp. 19-28, 08 April.

    4.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Deepa, R (2014), “Demosaicing of Images for Bayer CFA using Projection Algorithm”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 03, Issue. 05, pp. 408-414, May.

    5.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Deepa, R (2014), “Color Filter Array Demosaicing using Directional Color Difference and Gradient Method”, International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Vol.02, Issue. 04,pp.14-18, July

    6. Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Sinthiya, MN (2015), “Color Filter Array Interpolation by Decision based Edge Oriented Directional Filter in Digital Camera”, International Journal of Soft Computing, Medwell Journals,Vol.10, Issue. 02, pp.110-117, January (Scopus Indexed).

    7.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Deepa, R (2015), “Similarity and Variance Of Color Difference Based Demosaicing”, TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, DOI:10.11591/telkomnika.v13i2.7048, Vol.13, No. 02, pp. 238-246, February (Scopus Indexed).

    8.S.Lakshmi Narayanan.,Niruban, R. (2017), “Low Power and Area Efficient Integer Correcting Codes”, International Journal of Communication and Signal Processing Vol.1, Issue 01, pp.1-4, November.

    9.Niruban, R.R.Deepa., G.Aishwarya., S.Sivagowri., (2018), “Robust privacy preserving multi cloud architecture for improving data security”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Issue 05-Special Issue, pp.1048-1051.

    10.Niruban, R.(2018), “User Authentication Scheme for Security and Privacy in Social Networks using Brightpath Method”, Journal of Current Research in Engineering and Science, Vol.1, Issue 01, pp.1-8, August.

    11.D.Lakshmi., Niruban, R. (2018), “Mathematical Model for Characterization of Lung Tissues Using Multiple Regression Analysis”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Soft Computing in Data Analytics, Springer Link., SCDA Conference Procedings, pp.117-123, August.

    12.Niruban, R. R.Deepa., (2018), “A Novel mining approach for automatic detection in sugarcane plant using Thresholding Method”, Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing, MAT Journals, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.6-11. DOI:

    13.Niruban, R., R. Deepa, G.D. Vignesh, (2020), ”A Novel Iterative Demosaicing Algorithm Using Fuzzy Based Dual Tree Wavelet Transform”, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 9, pp.141-145, May, ISSN: 2394-5125.(Scopus Indexed).

    14.Niruban, al. (2021), ”Avoiding static and dynamic obstacles and various other challenges in path planning process of robot navigation”, NVEO Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, Vol 8, Issue 5, pp.1488-1500, Nov, ISSN: 2394-5125.

Conference / workshop attended


    1. Niruban, R., S.Hanis. “FPGA Implementation of SPIHT”, National Conference on Advanced Image Processing and Networking (NACIPAN’07) at National Engineering College, 2nd &3rd March 2007.

    2. Niruban, R., K.Padma Nisha. “Demosaicing based on similarity and varience of color differences .”, National Conference on Communication Networks and Sensor Technology, at Hindustan University, 11th &12th April 2013.

    3. Niruban, R., R.Saranya “One Step implementation of demosaicing algorithm using algorithm using alternating projections.”, National Conference on Communication Networks and Sensor Technology, at Hindustan University, 11th &12th April 2013.

    4. Niruban, R., Dr.T.Sree Renga Raja, M.N.Sinthiya. “Effective Demosaicing Algorithm based on Edge Strength Filter”, International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT’14) at Vels University, 28th March 2014.

    5. M.N.Sinthiya, Niruban, R., Dr.T.Sree Renga Raja. “Demosaicing of Color Filter Arrray Captured Images in Digital Camera using Edge Oriented Filter.”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management, at Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, 11th &12th April 2014.

    6. M.Arthi, Niruban, R., T.Sree Renga Raja. “Color Difference based Demosaicing using Multisclae Gradient .”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management, at Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, 11th &12th April 2014.

    7. S.Vijay Bernadsha, Niruban, R., “An Edge Sense Demosaicing of Natural Images for Bayer CFA.”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management, at Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, 11th &12th April 2014.

    8. Niruban, R., M.Arthi, Dr.T.Sree Renga Raja. “Directional Color Difference Based Demosaicing.”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, at St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology, 5th April 2014.

    9. Niruban, R., S.Karpaga Ramya. “Demosaicing using Fast Frequency Analysis”, National Conference on Emerging technologies in Electrical Engineering (NCEEE-2015) at SRM Valliammai Engineering College, 11th April 2015.

    10. Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Applications at IIITDM on 4th June to 9th June 2018 at Chennai.

    Workshop/FDP Attended

    1.Faculty Development Programme on Research - The Recourse for Continuous Learning powered by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development on 6th February 2016 at Chennai.

    2.National workshop on “Advances in Communication Technologies and Networks” at SSN College of Engineering on 4th and 5th august 2006.

    3.Participated in the workshop on Digital Image Processing and Applications at IIITDM on 4th June to 9th June 2018 at Chennai (6 DAYS)

    4.National Level Seminar on VLSI Architecture for Image Processing at Prince Dr.K.Vasudevan College of Engineering and Technology in association with Tamilnadu State Counsil for Science and Technology on 14th June to 15th June 2019 at Chennai. 2 DAYS

    5.Participated and completed AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on Internet of Thing (IoT) from 15th November to 19th November 2019 at IIITDM Kancheepuram. 5 DAYS

    6.Completed NPTEL 12-week online certification course and FDP in Digital Image Processing with a consolidated score of 88% (Elite) during July to Oct 2019. 12 weeks.

    7.Participated in the online course on Basic Principles of Remote Sensing Technology conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO Dehradun during 13/4/2020 to 25/4/2020. 12 days

    8.Participated in the online AICTE recognized Faculty Development Program on Neural Network and CNN conducted by NITTR, Chandigarh during 11/5/2020 to 15/5/2020. 5 days

    9.Participated in the online Faculty Development Program on Augmented Reality an Alternate Teaching Approach conducted by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore during 30/5/2020 to 3/6/2020. 5 days

    10.Participated in the online Faculty Development Program on Recent Advancements in Image Processing and IoT conducted by Lingayas Institute of Management and Technology, Vijayawada during 3/6/2020 to 5/6/2020. 3 days

    11.Participated in the online Faculty Development Program on Effective Online Teaching Methods conducted by Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore during 8/6/2020 to 14/6/2020. 7 days

    12.Participated in the online Faculty Development Program on Technologies for Healthcare conducted by GMR Institute of Technology, Kakinada during 8/6/2020 to 10/6/2020. 3 days

Patent details


    Patent :R.Niruban Title of the Invention :Design a low-cost green power divining farming using IOT and cloud computing Application No. : 201941050317 A Publication Date : 13/12/2019 Issue No. and Pg. No: 50/2019, 59277 Official Journal of the Patent Office 2019-20

    2. Completed NPTEL 12-week online certification course and FDP in Digital Image Processing with a consolidated score of 88% (Elite) during July to Oct 2019.

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


14 years 8 months

Area of specialization


1.Digital Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Image Processing

    2.Digital Signal Processing


    4. Electronic Devices

Journals published


    1.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Sree Sharmila, T (2014), “Colour Filter Array Demosaicing Using Weighted Edge with Color Difference Property”, Pensee journal, Vol.76,No.3,pp. 478-489, March (Scopus Indexed and Web of Science Indexed).

    2.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T. and Sree Sharmila, T (2014), “Novel Color Filter Array Demosaicing in Frequency Domain with Spatial Refinement”, Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, DOI 10.3844/jcssp.2014.1591.1599, Vol. 10, Issue 8, pp. 1591-1599 (Scopus Indexed).

    3.Niruban, R, Arthi, M. and Sree Renga Raja, T (2014), “Directional Color Difference based Demosaicing”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics, Communication and Instrumentation Engineering and Development, ISR Journals and Publications, Vol. 02, Issue. 01, pp. 19-28, 08 April.

    4.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Deepa, R (2014), “Demosaicing of Images for Bayer CFA using Projection Algorithm”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 03, Issue. 05, pp. 408-414, May.

    5.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Deepa, R (2014), “Color Filter Array Demosaicing using Directional Color Difference and Gradient Method”, International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Vol.02, Issue. 04,pp.14-18, July

    6. Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Sinthiya, MN (2015), “Color Filter Array Interpolation by Decision based Edge Oriented Directional Filter in Digital Camera”, International Journal of Soft Computing, Medwell Journals,Vol.10, Issue. 02, pp.110-117, January (Scopus Indexed).

    7.Niruban, R., Sree Renga Raja, T and Deepa, R (2015), “Similarity and Variance Of Color Difference Based Demosaicing”, TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, DOI:10.11591/telkomnika.v13i2.7048, Vol.13, No. 02, pp. 238-246, February (Scopus Indexed).

    8.S.Lakshmi Narayanan.,Niruban, R. (2017), “Low Power and Area Efficient Integer Correcting Codes”, International Journal of Communication and Signal Processing Vol.1, Issue 01, pp.1-4, November.

    9.Niruban, R.R.Deepa., G.Aishwarya., S.Sivagowri., (2018), “Robust privacy preserving multi cloud architecture for improving data security”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Issue 05-Special Issue, pp.1048-1051.

    10.Niruban, R.(2018), “User Authentication Scheme for Security and Privacy in Social Networks using Brightpath Method”, Journal of Current Research in Engineering and Science, Vol.1, Issue 01, pp.1-8, August.

    11.D.Lakshmi., Niruban, R. (2018), “Mathematical Model for Characterization of Lung Tissues Using Multiple Regression Analysis”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Soft Computing in Data Analytics, Springer Link., SCDA Conference Procedings, pp.117-123, August.

    12.Niruban, R. R.Deepa., (2018), “A Novel mining approach for automatic detection in sugarcane plant using Thresholding Method”, Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing, MAT Journals, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.6-11. DOI:

    13.Niruban, R., R. Deepa, G.D. Vignesh, (2020), ”A Novel Iterative Demosaicing Algorithm Using Fuzzy Based Dual Tree Wavelet Transform”, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 9, pp.141-145, May, ISSN: 2394-5125.(Scopus Indexed).

    14.Niruban, al. (2021), ”Avoiding static and dynamic obstacles and various other challenges in path planning process of robot navigation”, NVEO Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, Vol 8, Issue 5, pp.1488-1500, Nov, ISSN: 2394-5125.

Conference / workshop attended


    1. Niruban, R., S.Hanis. “FPGA Implementation of SPIHT”, National Conference on Advanced Image Processing and Networking (NACIPAN’07) at National Engineering College, 2nd &3rd March 2007.

    2. Niruban, R., K.Padma Nisha. “Demosaicing based on similarity and varience of color differences .”, National Conference on Communication Networks and Sensor Technology, at Hindustan University, 11th &12th April 2013.

    3. Niruban, R., R.Saranya “One Step implementation of demosaicing algorithm using algorithm using alternating projections.”, National Conference on Communication Networks and Sensor Technology, at Hindustan University, 11th &12th April 2013.

    4. Niruban, R., Dr.T.Sree Renga Raja, M.N.Sinthiya. “Effective Demosaicing Algorithm based on Edge Strength Filter”, International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT’14) at Vels University, 28th March 2014.

    5. M.N.Sinthiya, Niruban, R., Dr.T.Sree Renga Raja. “Demosaicing of Color Filter Arrray Captured Images in Digital Camera using Edge Oriented Filter.”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management, at Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, 11th &12th April 2014.

    6. M.Arthi, Niruban, R., T.Sree Renga Raja. “Color Difference based Demosaicing using Multisclae Gradient .”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management, at Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, 11th &12th April 2014.

    7. S.Vijay Bernadsha, Niruban, R., “An Edge Sense Demosaicing of Natural Images for Bayer CFA.”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Management, at Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, 11th &12th April 2014.

    8. Niruban, R., M.Arthi, Dr.T.Sree Renga Raja. “Directional Color Difference Based Demosaicing.”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, at St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology, 5th April 2014.

    9. Niruban, R., S.Karpaga Ramya. “Demosaicing using Fast Frequency Analysis”, National Conference on Emerging technologies in Electrical Engineering (NCEEE-2015) at SRM Valliammai Engineering College, 11th April 2015.

    10. Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Applications at IIITDM on 4th June to 9th June 2018 at Chennai.

    Workshop/FDP Attended

    1.Faculty Development Programme on Research - The Recourse for Continuous Learning powered by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development on 6th February 2016 at Chennai.

    2.National workshop on “Advances in Communication Technologies and Networks” at SSN College of Engineering on 4th and 5th august 2006.

    3.Participated in the workshop on Digital Image Processing and Applications at IIITDM on 4th June to 9th June 2018 at Chennai (6 DAYS)

    4.National Level Seminar on VLSI Architecture for Image Processing at Prince Dr.K.Vasudevan College of Engineering and Technology in association with Tamilnadu State Counsil for Science and Technology on 14th June to 15th June 2019 at Chennai. 2 DAYS

    5.Participated and completed AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on Internet of Thing (IoT) from 15th November to 19th November 2019 at IIITDM Kancheepuram. 5 DAYS

    6.Completed NPTEL 12-week online certification course and FDP in Digital Image Processing with a consolidated score of 88% (Elite) during July to Oct 2019. 12 weeks.

    7.Participated in the online course on Basic Principles of Remote Sensing Technology conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO Dehradun during 13/4/2020 to 25/4/2020. 12 days

    8.Participated in the online AICTE recognized Faculty Development Program on Neural Network and CNN conducted by NITTR, Chandigarh during 11/5/2020 to 15/5/2020. 5 days

    9.Participated in the online Faculty Development Program on Augmented Reality an Alternate Teaching Approach conducted by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore during 30/5/2020 to 3/6/2020. 5 days

    10.Participated in the online Faculty Development Program on Recent Advancements in Image Processing and IoT conducted by Lingayas Institute of Management and Technology, Vijayawada during 3/6/2020 to 5/6/2020. 3 days

    11.Participated in the online Faculty Development Program on Effective Online Teaching Methods conducted by Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore during 8/6/2020 to 14/6/2020. 7 days

    12.Participated in the online Faculty Development Program on Technologies for Healthcare conducted by GMR Institute of Technology, Kakinada during 8/6/2020 to 10/6/2020. 3 days

Patent details


    Patent :R.Niruban Title of the Invention :Design a low-cost green power divining farming using IOT and cloud computing Application No. : 201941050317 A Publication Date : 13/12/2019 Issue No. and Pg. No: 50/2019, 59277 Official Journal of the Patent Office 2019-20

    2. Completed NPTEL 12-week online certification course and FDP in Digital Image Processing with a consolidated score of 88% (Elite) during July to Oct 2019.


Staff Name


Dr.B Vasudevan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


22 years and 1 months

Area of specialization


1.Optical Communication

2. Optoelectronic Devices

3.Anolog Circuits

Subjects Expertise


    1. Circuit Analysis

    2. Electronic Circuits and Devices

    3. Electronic Circuits – I

    4. Electronic Circuits – II

    5. Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    6.Optical Communication and Networks

    7.Testing of VLSI Circuits

    8.Linear Integrated Circuits

Journals published


    1. B.Vasudevan,& Sivasubramanian, A 2015, ‘Characteristic study of Erbium (Er), Ytterbium (Yb) and Er-Yb Co- doped Optical fiber amplifiers’, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. E-ISSN 2065-3824,P-ISSN 1842-6573. vol. 9, no. 5-6, pp. 608 - 612. June-2015.

    2. B.Vasudevan, Sivasubramanian, A & Ramesh Babu, M 2015, ‘Analysis on Nonlinear characteristics of EDFAIn single channel dispersion compensated and uncompensated Telecommunication System’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 vol. 10, no. 23, pp. 43318-43327 , 2015.

    3. B.Vasudevan, Sivasubramanian, A & Ramesh Babu, M 2017, ‘Optical Stud on Er-Yb Co-doped Borotelluite Glasses for Optical Amplifiers’, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. E-ISSN1841-7132, P-ISSN 1454-4164, vol.19, no. 1-2, pp.11-15. Feb-2017 .

    4. B.Vasudevan, M. Ayyaduraib, R. Maheswarc, P. Mahalakshmi, Ayyanare, Iraj S. Amirif, “Numerical study on optical properties of non-circular metamaterial optical fiber” Elsevier Journal –Results in Physics Volume -10 , Page No. 55-60. 2211-3797/ © 2018

    5.R. UDAIYAKUMAR,*, B.Vasudevan, , M. BHUPESHWARAN, D. VIGNESWARAN “Domination of intra-pulse Raman scattering over third order dispersion on avoiding in-phase soliton interaction” Journal of OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS – RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Vol. 12, No. 11-12, Nov.-Dec. 2018, p. 670 - 677.E-ISSN 2065-3824,P-ISSN 1842-6573.

    6. Kawsar Ahmed⁠a⁠, ⁠b, Bikash Kumar Paul⁠a⁠, ⁠b⁠, ⁠c, B.Vasudevan, Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed⁠e, R. Maheswar⁠f, I.S. Amiri⁠g⁠, ⁠h, P. Yupapin⁠g.”Design of D-shaped elliptical core photonic crystal fiber for blood plasma cell sensing application” Elsevier Journal - Results in Physics Volume 12.Page No. 2015-2020 of 2019.

    7.Preshanth A.R., Rufus Samuel, B.Vasudevan, “Water Monitoring System using Unmanned Surface Vehicle” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-6, April 2020.

    8.S. Malathy,Mehtab Singh , Jyoteesh Malhotra , B.Vasudevan, ·Vigneswaran Dhasarathan4,5 “ Modeling and performance investigation of 4 × 20 Gbpsunderwater optical wireless communication Link incorporating space division multiplexing of Hermite Gaussian modes” Optical and Quantum Electronics (2020) 52:256 - Springer May-2020.

    9.Praveen M, B.Vasudevan,and Ransom R, “2 × 20 Gbit/s OFDM-based FSO transmission system for HAP-to-ground links incorporating mode division multiplexing with enhanced detection” Journal of Optical Communication. Volume.2 . DE GRUYTER, 30th October 2020.

    10.Kaibalya Kuamr Sethi , B.Vasudevan, , Sanjaya Kumar Sahu , Gopinath Palai. “Realization of novel corona virus kit using silicon based 2D photonic structure via finite difference time domain method” Microsystem Technologies-Springer. DOP:10/11/2020.

    11. B.Vasudevan,, V.Kishore , S.Charan “A 120 Mbps WDM based VLC system for implementation of Internet of Things” Journal of Optical Communication .2021

    12. K.P Swain , Shanmuga Vadivu, B.Vasudevan, Sanjay Kumar Sahu, G.Palai “Realisation of Corona-Virus testing kit using the combination of triangular structure and 412 nm (violet) laser beam” Laser in Engineering ISBN: 0898-1507 Accepted for publishing on 26th April 2022.

    13. Bhishma Karki , B.Vasudevan , Arun Uniyal, Amrindra Pal , Vivek Srivastava “ Hemoglobin detection in blood sample using a graphene-based Surface plasmon resonance biosensor” Optik, Volume 270 12.09.2022 ( SCI)

    14.Shobhit K. Patel, Arun Kumar Udayakumar, G. Mahendran, B.Vasudevan, Jaymit Surve & Juveriya Parmar, “Highly efficient, perfect, large angular and ultrawideband solar energy absorber for UV to MIR” Scientific Reports. Open access. 27-10-2022.

    15.P.N.Jeipratha , B.Vasudevan “ Optimal gene prioritization and disease prediction using knowledge based ontology structure”. Biomedical signal processing and control. Volume.82, 104548, April 2023

Conference / workshop attended


    1. B.Vasudevan,‘GA based PID controllers in Automobile Applications’ –National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Communication and Networking (ETCCN) 2nd & 3rd April 2009. At Rajalakshmi Engineering College.

    2. B.Vasudevan,‘Gain Flattening Optimization in Erbium doped Fiber Amplifier’ –International conference on Electrical,Electronics and Data Communication (ICEEDC) held at Chennai on 10th March 2013.

    3. B.Vasudevan,“Simulative study on EDFA with respect to Temperature Parameter” – IEEE-International Conference (ICCIC-2013) 27th December 2013. Madurai.

    4. B.Vasudevan,“Slow light devices and their enhancement in optical Nonlinearity”-International conference on Communication,VLSI and Signal Processing (ICCVSP-14) Indian Engineering College,Tirunelveli on 14th and 15th March-2014.

    5. B.Vasudevan,“Study on person following Drone with LAN establishment” - IEEE -International Conference ICSCAN-2019 organised by Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology , 29th and 30th March-2019.

    6. B.Vasudevan,“Effective Implementation of Neural Network Model with Tune Parameter for Stock Market Predictions” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC). DVD Part Number: CFP21V90-DVD; ISBN: 978-1-6654-3367-9

    7. A.G. Nooral Julaiha , B.Vasudevan, “Report on Alzheimer's disease Action and Semantical Fluency” 8th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems, ICSSS 2022. 8th International Conference.

    Workshops Attended

    1.FDP- Digital Signal Processing, SSN College of Engineering.June-2004.

    2.FDP- Advance Digital Signal Processing, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering.July2005.

    3.Workshop on FPGA Based Embedded Processor-NIOS II. College of Engineering, Anna University.Dec-2007

    4.FDP-Bounded and Unbounded Communications, Prathyusha Institute of Science and Management.July2009

    5.International Workshop on Advances in Photonics and Optical Materials, SSN College of Engg.Feb-2012.

    6.Participated in ICCNASP-2013,the International Conference on Communications, Networking and Signal Processing held during,VIT-University,Vellore.(19-21 September 2013)

    7.Workshop-Training on BASICS OF AUTOMATION conducted by MSME-Technology Development Centre,Agra.(9th and 10th November 2017)

    8.Presented Paper on topic “Study on person following drone with LAN establishment” in the 2nd IEEE-International Conference on Systems,Computation, Automation and NEtworking, Organised by Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology . 29th and 30th March - 2019.

    9.FDP-Advanced Antenna Pattern Synthesis and Beamforming with Computational Intelligence - at NIT-Warangal (6 Days) 12th - 17th November 2019.

    10.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Nanomaterials and Devices” Organized by Applied Science Department, NITTTR, Chandigarh (5 Days) 27th April to 1st May 2020.

    11.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Academic Leadership Enhancement in Technical Institutions” Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, NITTTR, Chandigarh (5-Days) 4th - 8th May 2020

    12.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on MATLAB Programming” Organized by Electrical Engineering Department , NITTTR, Chandigarh (5 Days) 11th - 15th May 2020.

    13.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Technological Interventions using Wireless Communication” Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department , NITTTR, Chandigarh (5 Days) 18th -22nd May 2020.

    14.Participated in Online AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy on “ROBOTICS” Organized by NIT- Jamshedpur. (5 Days) 25th - 29th May 2020.

    15.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Applications of IoT” Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh. (5 Days) 16th - 20th June -2020

Awards & Achievements


    • Received “Outstanding Contribution in reviewing high impact Journal – Results in Physics” ELSEVIER JOURNAL, during August 2018.

    • Received reviewer Award for reviewing “Journal of Results in Physics” during July – 2018.

    Mentor for SIH Smart India Hackathon Grand Finale-2019 held during July 8-12 at IIT-Delhi.

    • Received reviewer award for reviewing research article in Elsevier Journal - Computer Communication

    • Received reviewer award in Peer reviewer contribution-The journal of supercomputing

    Reviewer for the Journal of Wireless Networks – Springer.

Staff Name


Dr.B Vasudevan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


22 years and 1 months

Area of specialization


1.Optical Communication

2. Optoelectronic Devices

3.Anolog Circuits

Subjects Expertise


    1. Circuit Analysis

    2. Electronic Circuits and Devices

    3. Electronic Circuits – I

    4. Electronic Circuits – II

    5. Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    6.Optical Communication and Networks

    7.Testing of VLSI Circuits

    8.Linear Integrated Circuits

Journals published


    1. B.Vasudevan,& Sivasubramanian, A 2015, ‘Characteristic study of Erbium (Er), Ytterbium (Yb) and Er-Yb Co- doped Optical fiber amplifiers’, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications. E-ISSN 2065-3824,P-ISSN 1842-6573. vol. 9, no. 5-6, pp. 608 - 612. June-2015.

    2. B.Vasudevan, Sivasubramanian, A & Ramesh Babu, M 2015, ‘Analysis on Nonlinear characteristics of EDFAIn single channel dispersion compensated and uncompensated Telecommunication System’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 vol. 10, no. 23, pp. 43318-43327 , 2015.

    3. B.Vasudevan, Sivasubramanian, A & Ramesh Babu, M 2017, ‘Optical Stud on Er-Yb Co-doped Borotelluite Glasses for Optical Amplifiers’, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. E-ISSN1841-7132, P-ISSN 1454-4164, vol.19, no. 1-2, pp.11-15. Feb-2017 .

    4. B.Vasudevan, M. Ayyaduraib, R. Maheswarc, P. Mahalakshmi, Ayyanare, Iraj S. Amirif, “Numerical study on optical properties of non-circular metamaterial optical fiber” Elsevier Journal –Results in Physics Volume -10 , Page No. 55-60. 2211-3797/ © 2018

    5.R. UDAIYAKUMAR,*, B.Vasudevan, , M. BHUPESHWARAN, D. VIGNESWARAN “Domination of intra-pulse Raman scattering over third order dispersion on avoiding in-phase soliton interaction” Journal of OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS – RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Vol. 12, No. 11-12, Nov.-Dec. 2018, p. 670 - 677.E-ISSN 2065-3824,P-ISSN 1842-6573.

    6. Kawsar Ahmed⁠a⁠, ⁠b, Bikash Kumar Paul⁠a⁠, ⁠b⁠, ⁠c, B.Vasudevan, Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed⁠e, R. Maheswar⁠f, I.S. Amiri⁠g⁠, ⁠h, P. Yupapin⁠g.”Design of D-shaped elliptical core photonic crystal fiber for blood plasma cell sensing application” Elsevier Journal - Results in Physics Volume 12.Page No. 2015-2020 of 2019.

    7.Preshanth A.R., Rufus Samuel, B.Vasudevan, “Water Monitoring System using Unmanned Surface Vehicle” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-6, April 2020.

    8.S. Malathy,Mehtab Singh , Jyoteesh Malhotra , B.Vasudevan, ·Vigneswaran Dhasarathan4,5 “ Modeling and performance investigation of 4 × 20 Gbpsunderwater optical wireless communication Link incorporating space division multiplexing of Hermite Gaussian modes” Optical and Quantum Electronics (2020) 52:256 - Springer May-2020.

    9.Praveen M, B.Vasudevan,and Ransom R, “2 × 20 Gbit/s OFDM-based FSO transmission system for HAP-to-ground links incorporating mode division multiplexing with enhanced detection” Journal of Optical Communication. Volume.2 . DE GRUYTER, 30th October 2020.

    10.Kaibalya Kuamr Sethi , B.Vasudevan, , Sanjaya Kumar Sahu , Gopinath Palai. “Realization of novel corona virus kit using silicon based 2D photonic structure via finite difference time domain method” Microsystem Technologies-Springer. DOP:10/11/2020.

    11. B.Vasudevan,, V.Kishore , S.Charan “A 120 Mbps WDM based VLC system for implementation of Internet of Things” Journal of Optical Communication .2021

    12. K.P Swain , Shanmuga Vadivu, B.Vasudevan, Sanjay Kumar Sahu, G.Palai “Realisation of Corona-Virus testing kit using the combination of triangular structure and 412 nm (violet) laser beam” Laser in Engineering ISBN: 0898-1507 Accepted for publishing on 26th April 2022.

    13. Bhishma Karki , B.Vasudevan , Arun Uniyal, Amrindra Pal , Vivek Srivastava “ Hemoglobin detection in blood sample using a graphene-based Surface plasmon resonance biosensor” Optik, Volume 270 12.09.2022 ( SCI)

    14.Shobhit K. Patel, Arun Kumar Udayakumar, G. Mahendran, B.Vasudevan, Jaymit Surve & Juveriya Parmar, “Highly efficient, perfect, large angular and ultrawideband solar energy absorber for UV to MIR” Scientific Reports. Open access. 27-10-2022.

    15.P.N.Jeipratha , B.Vasudevan “ Optimal gene prioritization and disease prediction using knowledge based ontology structure”. Biomedical signal processing and control. Volume.82, 104548, April 2023

Conference / workshop attended


    1. B.Vasudevan,‘GA based PID controllers in Automobile Applications’ –National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Communication and Networking (ETCCN) 2nd & 3rd April 2009. At Rajalakshmi Engineering College.

    2. B.Vasudevan,‘Gain Flattening Optimization in Erbium doped Fiber Amplifier’ –International conference on Electrical,Electronics and Data Communication (ICEEDC) held at Chennai on 10th March 2013.

    3. B.Vasudevan,“Simulative study on EDFA with respect to Temperature Parameter” – IEEE-International Conference (ICCIC-2013) 27th December 2013. Madurai.

    4. B.Vasudevan,“Slow light devices and their enhancement in optical Nonlinearity”-International conference on Communication,VLSI and Signal Processing (ICCVSP-14) Indian Engineering College,Tirunelveli on 14th and 15th March-2014.

    5. B.Vasudevan,“Study on person following Drone with LAN establishment” - IEEE -International Conference ICSCAN-2019 organised by Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology , 29th and 30th March-2019.

    6. B.Vasudevan,“Effective Implementation of Neural Network Model with Tune Parameter for Stock Market Predictions” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC). DVD Part Number: CFP21V90-DVD; ISBN: 978-1-6654-3367-9

    7. A.G. Nooral Julaiha , B.Vasudevan, “Report on Alzheimer's disease Action and Semantical Fluency” 8th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems, ICSSS 2022. 8th International Conference.

    Workshops Attended

    1.FDP- Digital Signal Processing, SSN College of Engineering.June-2004.

    2.FDP- Advance Digital Signal Processing, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering.July2005.

    3.Workshop on FPGA Based Embedded Processor-NIOS II. College of Engineering, Anna University.Dec-2007

    4.FDP-Bounded and Unbounded Communications, Prathyusha Institute of Science and Management.July2009

    5.International Workshop on Advances in Photonics and Optical Materials, SSN College of Engg.Feb-2012.

    6.Participated in ICCNASP-2013,the International Conference on Communications, Networking and Signal Processing held during,VIT-University,Vellore.(19-21 September 2013)

    7.Workshop-Training on BASICS OF AUTOMATION conducted by MSME-Technology Development Centre,Agra.(9th and 10th November 2017)

    8.Presented Paper on topic “Study on person following drone with LAN establishment” in the 2nd IEEE-International Conference on Systems,Computation, Automation and NEtworking, Organised by Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology . 29th and 30th March - 2019.

    9.FDP-Advanced Antenna Pattern Synthesis and Beamforming with Computational Intelligence - at NIT-Warangal (6 Days) 12th - 17th November 2019.

    10.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Nanomaterials and Devices” Organized by Applied Science Department, NITTTR, Chandigarh (5 Days) 27th April to 1st May 2020.

    11.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Academic Leadership Enhancement in Technical Institutions” Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, NITTTR, Chandigarh (5-Days) 4th - 8th May 2020

    12.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on MATLAB Programming” Organized by Electrical Engineering Department , NITTTR, Chandigarh (5 Days) 11th - 15th May 2020.

    13.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Technological Interventions using Wireless Communication” Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department , NITTTR, Chandigarh (5 Days) 18th -22nd May 2020.

    14.Participated in Online AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy on “ROBOTICS” Organized by NIT- Jamshedpur. (5 Days) 25th - 29th May 2020.

    15.Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Applications of IoT” Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh. (5 Days) 16th - 20th June -2020

Awards & Achievements


    • Received “Outstanding Contribution in reviewing high impact Journal – Results in Physics” ELSEVIER JOURNAL, during August 2018.

    • Received reviewer Award for reviewing “Journal of Results in Physics” during July – 2018.

    Mentor for SIH Smart India Hackathon Grand Finale-2019 held during July 8-12 at IIT-Delhi.

    • Received reviewer award for reviewing research article in Elsevier Journal - Computer Communication

    • Received reviewer award in Peer reviewer contribution-The journal of supercomputing

    Reviewer for the Journal of Wireless Networks – Springer.


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


25 years 6 months

Area of specialization


1.Signal Processing

2.Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Signals and Systems

    2.Digital Signal Processing

    3.Embedded Systems

    4.Advanced Microprocessor

    5.Electron Devices and Circuits

    6.Digital Principles and system Design

    7.Advanced Digital Signal Processing

    8.Electronic Circuits II

    9.Electronics and Microprocessor

Journals published


    1. Sivakumar, J & Chitra, K.’ Segmentation of Blood Vessels using improved Line Detection and Entropy based Thresholding’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN 1992-8645,Vol. 63, No.2, pp. 233-239, 2014.

    2.Sivakumar, J & Chitra, K. ‘ A Soft Computing Approach towards Segmentation of Blood Vessels in Retinal Images’, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, ISSN 1991-8178, 9(5) 2015, pp. 111-119, 2015.

    3.Sivakumar,J ,Chitra, K and Selvakumar,C. ‘Max Fusion of SFCM clusters to segment Blood Vessels in Retinal images’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.66 pp.39-42, (2015)

Conference / workshop attended


    Workshop Attended

    1. Soft Computing Techniques for Image Processing. MEPCO Schlenk Engineering College, July 6-7 2009.

    2. Conference on Signals,Systems and Communication, College of Engineering Anna University, December 21-23 2009.

    3.Advanced level intensive workshop on Neural Networks for Image and Signal Processing ,PSG College of Technology , Jan 10-11 2011

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


25 years 6 months

Area of specialization


1.Signal Processing

2.Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Signals and Systems

    2.Digital Signal Processing

    3.Embedded Systems

    4.Advanced Microprocessor

    5.Electron Devices and Circuits

    6.Digital Principles and system Design

    7.Advanced Digital Signal Processing

    8.Electronic Circuits II

    9.Electronics and Microprocessor

Journals published


    1. Sivakumar, J & Chitra, K.’ Segmentation of Blood Vessels using improved Line Detection and Entropy based Thresholding’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN 1992-8645,Vol. 63, No.2, pp. 233-239, 2014.

    2.Sivakumar, J & Chitra, K. ‘ A Soft Computing Approach towards Segmentation of Blood Vessels in Retinal Images’, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, ISSN 1991-8178, 9(5) 2015, pp. 111-119, 2015.

    3.Sivakumar,J ,Chitra, K and Selvakumar,C. ‘Max Fusion of SFCM clusters to segment Blood Vessels in Retinal images’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.66 pp.39-42, (2015)

Conference / workshop attended


    Workshop Attended

    1. Soft Computing Techniques for Image Processing. MEPCO Schlenk Engineering College, July 6-7 2009.

    2. Conference on Signals,Systems and Communication, College of Engineering Anna University, December 21-23 2009.

    3.Advanced level intensive workshop on Neural Networks for Image and Signal Processing ,PSG College of Technology , Jan 10-11 2011


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


18 years and 4 months

Area of specialization


1.Optical Communication

Subjects Expertise


    1.Optical Communication and Networking

    2.Analog and Digital Communication

    3.Communication Engineering

    4.Principles of Communication

    5.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    6. Electron Devices and Circuits

    7.Linear Integrated circuits

    8.Digital Principles and system Design

Journals published


    1. S.Vinayagapriya, .Sivasubramanian, “Analysis of PMD and PDL effect on Chirped Gaussian and SuperGaussain pulse shapes by controlling SOP in SMF”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol.6, No.2, April-May 2014.

    2.S.Vinayagapriya, Sivasubramanian, “Analysis of Pulse Deformation Induced by PDL on Propagation of Chirped Supergaussian Pulse in SMF with and without PMD”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol.66, No.1, August 2014.

    3.S.Vinayagapriya,A.Sivasubramanian, “Analysis of Pulse Deformation Induced by PDL on Propagation of Chirped Supergaussian Pulse in SMF with and without PMD”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol.66, No.1, August 2014(Annexure-II- Scopus), pp. 104-110, ISSN: 1992-8645.

    4.S.Vinayagapriya,A.Sivasubramanian, “Performance Optimization in SMF with PMD and PDL using MPO Technique”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, vol.6, No.2 April-May 2015, pp. 40-44, ISSN: 0976-5166. 5.S.Vinayagapriya, A.Sivasubramanian(2016), “Mitigation of PMD and PDL induced signaldegradation using Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm”, Optoelectronics and AdvancedMaterial-Rapid Communications, vol.10, No.5-6, May-June 2016 pp.447-452(Annexure-I- web of science) ISSN: 1842-6573.

    6. S. SreeSouthry,S.Vinayagapriya (2020)“A Highly Accurate And Fast Identification OfForest Fire Based On Supervised Multi Model Image Classification Algorithm (Smica)”,Journal Of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 6, 2020, Issn- 2394-5125.

    7. A Ayub Khan, S. SreeSouthry, S.Vinayagapriya (2020)“ ADEQUATE IMPROVEMENT FOR SPATIAL VIDEO SCALING FOR VIDEO SURVEILLANCE APPLICATIONS”,Journal Of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 6, 2020, Issn- 2394-5125.

    8. S. SreeSouthry, S.Vinayagapriya (2020)“ PERCEPTIVE DATA HEURISTIC CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM BASED BRAIN TUMOR DETECTION FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS”,Journal Of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 6, 2020, Issn- 2394-5125.

    9. S. SreeSouthry, S.Vinayagapriya (2021)“Energy Measurement of Solar through cloud source using Aurdino”, Turkish Journal Of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol 12, No 10, Issn- 5924-5930.

    10. R.Janarthanan , S.Vinayagapriya (2015), “HIGH GAIN MICROSTRIP ARRAY ANTENNA FORWLAN APPLICATIONS”, International Journal of Electrical, Electronic Engineeering and Telecommunications, Vol 1, No 1, ISSN 2319 – 2518.

    11. S.Vinayagapriya, S.Vinayagapriya (2015), “Performance Optimization in SMF with PMD and PDL using MPO Technique”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.6, No.2, ISSN : 0976-5166.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.S.Vinayagapriya, Sivasubramanian, “Literature Survey on Pulse Width Narrowing in Optical Fibres” proc. in National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering Systems (NICE’11)

    2.S.Vinayagapriya,A.Sivasubramanian, “Pulse Width Analysis on propagation of Chirped Super Gaussian Pulse in Single Mode Optical Fibre”, proc. in the National Conference on Signals, Computing and Communication (COMMUNIQUEST’ 12).

    3.S.Vinayagapriya, .Sivasubramanian, “PMD induced broadening on propagation of Chirped Super Gaussian pulse in Single Mode Optical Fiber”, proc. in International Conference on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (ICSIPR’13)

    4.S.Vinayagapriya, Sivasubramanian, “Investigation of Positive and Negative chirped Supergaussian Pulse with PMD and PDL”, International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Applied Sciences(ICAEAS’15).

    5.S.Vinayagapriya, , A.Sivasubramanian, “BER Optimization in SMF in the presence of PMD and PDL using MPO Technique” proc. in the National Conference on NASCENT TECHNOLOGIES in Signal Processing and Communication (NT-SIPCOM’16), SEP’2016, pp-35-38,Anna University, BIT Campus.

    6.S.Vinayagapriya, , Vaishali ,” Channel capacity maximisation by PAPR reduction in pilot assisted fiber optic OFDM Communications “ proceeding of the 4th international conference on electrical and electronics, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.


    1. One Day National Workshop On “Emerging Trends In Optical NetworkTechnologies”, VIT University, Chennai.

    2. National Level Workshop On “Optical Network Design And SystemModelling”, St.Joseph’s College Of Engineering, Chennai.

    3. National Level Seminar On “Advances In Optical Technologies”,VIT University, Chennai.

    4. National Level workshop on “Software Simulation Tools for OpticalCommunication and Networks”, St.Joseph’s College Of Engineering,Chennai.

    5. 3 days hands on training on “Artificial Neural network using Matlab”, MIT,Anna University, Chennai.

    6. Two day Faculty Development Training programme on “Image analysis in spatial domain”, Rajalakshmi Engineering College.

    7.6-Day Faculty Development programme on “Signal Integrity forHigh Speed Digital Links”, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai.

    8. Online Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learningand Deep Learning”, SRM Institute of Science and Technology.

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


18 years and 4 months

Area of specialization


1.Optical Communication

Subjects Expertise


    1.Optical Communication and Networking

    2.Analog and Digital Communication

    3.Communication Engineering

    4.Principles of Communication

    5.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    6. Electron Devices and Circuits

    7.Linear Integrated circuits

    8.Digital Principles and system Design

Journals published


    1. S.Vinayagapriya, .Sivasubramanian, “Analysis of PMD and PDL effect on Chirped Gaussian and SuperGaussain pulse shapes by controlling SOP in SMF”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol.6, No.2, April-May 2014.

    2.S.Vinayagapriya, Sivasubramanian, “Analysis of Pulse Deformation Induced by PDL on Propagation of Chirped Supergaussian Pulse in SMF with and without PMD”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol.66, No.1, August 2014.

    3.S.Vinayagapriya,A.Sivasubramanian, “Analysis of Pulse Deformation Induced by PDL on Propagation of Chirped Supergaussian Pulse in SMF with and without PMD”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol.66, No.1, August 2014(Annexure-II- Scopus), pp. 104-110, ISSN: 1992-8645.

    4.S.Vinayagapriya,A.Sivasubramanian, “Performance Optimization in SMF with PMD and PDL using MPO Technique”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, vol.6, No.2 April-May 2015, pp. 40-44, ISSN: 0976-5166. 5.S.Vinayagapriya, A.Sivasubramanian(2016), “Mitigation of PMD and PDL induced signaldegradation using Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm”, Optoelectronics and AdvancedMaterial-Rapid Communications, vol.10, No.5-6, May-June 2016 pp.447-452(Annexure-I- web of science) ISSN: 1842-6573.

    6. S. SreeSouthry,S.Vinayagapriya (2020)“A Highly Accurate And Fast Identification OfForest Fire Based On Supervised Multi Model Image Classification Algorithm (Smica)”,Journal Of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 6, 2020, Issn- 2394-5125.

    7. A Ayub Khan, S. SreeSouthry, S.Vinayagapriya (2020)“ ADEQUATE IMPROVEMENT FOR SPATIAL VIDEO SCALING FOR VIDEO SURVEILLANCE APPLICATIONS”,Journal Of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 6, 2020, Issn- 2394-5125.

    8. S. SreeSouthry, S.Vinayagapriya (2020)“ PERCEPTIVE DATA HEURISTIC CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM BASED BRAIN TUMOR DETECTION FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS”,Journal Of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 6, 2020, Issn- 2394-5125.

    9. S. SreeSouthry, S.Vinayagapriya (2021)“Energy Measurement of Solar through cloud source using Aurdino”, Turkish Journal Of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol 12, No 10, Issn- 5924-5930.

    10. R.Janarthanan , S.Vinayagapriya (2015), “HIGH GAIN MICROSTRIP ARRAY ANTENNA FORWLAN APPLICATIONS”, International Journal of Electrical, Electronic Engineeering and Telecommunications, Vol 1, No 1, ISSN 2319 – 2518.

    11. S.Vinayagapriya, S.Vinayagapriya (2015), “Performance Optimization in SMF with PMD and PDL using MPO Technique”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.6, No.2, ISSN : 0976-5166.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.S.Vinayagapriya, Sivasubramanian, “Literature Survey on Pulse Width Narrowing in Optical Fibres” proc. in National Conference on Information and Communication Engineering Systems (NICE’11)

    2.S.Vinayagapriya,A.Sivasubramanian, “Pulse Width Analysis on propagation of Chirped Super Gaussian Pulse in Single Mode Optical Fibre”, proc. in the National Conference on Signals, Computing and Communication (COMMUNIQUEST’ 12).

    3.S.Vinayagapriya, .Sivasubramanian, “PMD induced broadening on propagation of Chirped Super Gaussian pulse in Single Mode Optical Fiber”, proc. in International Conference on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (ICSIPR’13)

    4.S.Vinayagapriya, Sivasubramanian, “Investigation of Positive and Negative chirped Supergaussian Pulse with PMD and PDL”, International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Applied Sciences(ICAEAS’15).

    5.S.Vinayagapriya, , A.Sivasubramanian, “BER Optimization in SMF in the presence of PMD and PDL using MPO Technique” proc. in the National Conference on NASCENT TECHNOLOGIES in Signal Processing and Communication (NT-SIPCOM’16), SEP’2016, pp-35-38,Anna University, BIT Campus.

    6.S.Vinayagapriya, , Vaishali ,” Channel capacity maximisation by PAPR reduction in pilot assisted fiber optic OFDM Communications “ proceeding of the 4th international conference on electrical and electronics, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.


    1. One Day National Workshop On “Emerging Trends In Optical NetworkTechnologies”, VIT University, Chennai.

    2. National Level Workshop On “Optical Network Design And SystemModelling”, St.Joseph’s College Of Engineering, Chennai.

    3. National Level Seminar On “Advances In Optical Technologies”,VIT University, Chennai.

    4. National Level workshop on “Software Simulation Tools for OpticalCommunication and Networks”, St.Joseph’s College Of Engineering,Chennai.

    5. 3 days hands on training on “Artificial Neural network using Matlab”, MIT,Anna University, Chennai.

    6. Two day Faculty Development Training programme on “Image analysis in spatial domain”, Rajalakshmi Engineering College.

    7.6-Day Faculty Development programme on “Signal Integrity forHigh Speed Digital Links”, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai.

    8. Online Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learningand Deep Learning”, SRM Institute of Science and Technology.


Staff Name


Dr. D.Lakshmi

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


26 Years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1. Digital Image Processing

2. Medical Image Processing

3. Machine Learning Techniques

4. Soft Computing Techniques

Subjects Expertise


    1. Digital Image Processing

    2. VLSI Design

    3. Digital Signal Processing

    4. Electronic Circuits I

    5. Electronic Circuits II

    6. Digital Principles and System Design

    7. Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    8. Electron Devices

Journals published


    1. Thendral. N, 1. Lakshmi. D , J. Sivakumar, KP. Thanaraj, N. Thendral, Customized Convolution Neural Network for Multi-Class Lung Abnormality Classification from CT Images, Information Technology in Industry,Vol-9,Issue-1,pages 49-57, Feb 2021

    2. Lakshmi. D , K. Palani Thanaraj M. Arunmozhi, Convolutional neural network in the detection of lung carcinoma using transfer learning approach, Int J Imaging Syst Technol. 2019;pages:445-454, Vol:30,Issue:2, 1–10.DOI: 10.1002/ima.22394,IF :1.254/ H-Index – 43

    3. Thendral. N, Lakshmi. D ,”Performance Comparison of SVM Classifer Based on Kernel Functions in Colposcopic Image Segmentation for Cervical Cancer”, ISMAC-CVB 2018, Springer Book Series- Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, pp: 1835-1844.

    4. Lakshmi. D , Niruban. R,” Mathematical model for Characterization of Lung Tissues using Multiple Regression Analysis”, Book Title - Soft Computing in Data Analytics, Springer Book Series - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, AISC, Vol.758, pp:117-123.

    5. Lakshmi. D ., Roy Santosham and H. Ranganathan,, “Automated Texture Based Characterization of Fibrosis and Carcinoma Using Low-Dose Lung CT Images”, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol - 24, Issue -1 -Mar 2014, Pages: 39-44, Online ISSN: 1098-1098. DOI: 10.1002/ima.22077. –ANNEXURE- I, Impact Factor: 0.768.

    6. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham and H. Ranganathan,, “ANOVA of Texture based Feature Set for Lung Tissue Characterization using CT Images”, Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.7, Issue-1, Jan-Mar 2014, pp.1-5, ISSN: 0974-1925. 7. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham, H. Ranganathan, “ANFIS in the Characterization of Fibrosis and Carcinoma using Lung CT Images”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.4,Issue-4, Aug-Sep 2013, E - ISSN: 0976-5166, P-ISSN: 2231-3850,pp-317-323.

    8. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham, H. Ranganathan, “Neural Network in the Characterization of Fibrosis and Scar Carcinoma using Lung CT Images”, IJERIA,Vol. 7,No II, May 2014.

Conference / workshop attended


    Confernce Attended 1. Thendral. N, Lakshmi. D Classification of Cervix Type Colposcopy Images using Deep Learning in International Virtual Conference on Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 in Loyola Institute of Technology, Chennai on 21.06.21.

    2. Thendral. N, Lakshmi. D , Automatic Segmentation and Detection of Cervical Cancer using Image Processing in International Conference on Innovation and technological Development in Electronics, Computer and Communication (ITDECC-21)" in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus on 17th and 18th May 2021.

    3. Lakshmi. D , J. Sivakumar,S. Ramani, Multi-Class SVM Prediction Model For Lung Cancer Diagnosis, International Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Smart Community, UTP, Malaysia with NGP Institute of Technology,17 and 18th Dec 2020.

    4. Lakshmi. D ., Roy Santosham and H. Ranganathan, “Comparison of Texture Analysis in the Differentiation of Carcinoma from Other Lung Abnormalities using Low Dose CT Images”, IEEE EMBS-Special Topic Conference on Point-Of- Care Technologies(IEEE- EMBS POCHT 2013), Bangalore,India, 16-18th January 2013, pp.271- 274.

    DOI:10.1109/PHT.2013.6461337. 5. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham and H. Ranganathan, “PCA for Non-Invasive Tissue Characterization of lung using low-dose Computed Tomography Images”, National Conference on Recent Innovations in Science Engineering and Technology (NCRISET 2014), Institute of Research and Journals, Pune, India, 10st August 2014, pp.71-73.

    6. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham, H. Ranganathan, “ Non-Invasive Method of Characterization of Fibrosis and Carcinoma using Low-Dose Lung CT Images”, IEEE – International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2013 (IEEE SMC 2013), Manchester, U.K., 13-16th October 2013.pages-2168-2172. DOI:10.1109/SMC.2013.371

    7. Lakshmi. D , H. Ranganathan, “Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix based Isolated Nodule Classification for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer”, Joint International Conference on Swarm Evolutionary and Memetic Computing (SEMCCO 2011) and Fuzzy and Neural Computing Conference (FANCCO 2011), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India,19-21st December 2011,pages 24-28. 8. Lakshmi. D , H. Ranganathan, “Morphological Processing in Segmentation of Lung from CT scan images for Diagnosis of Lung Cancer”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication Systems (NCETCS 2008), DMI College of Engineering, Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India, 19th September 2008, pages 116-119

    9. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham, H. Ranganathan, “Application of ANOVA in Lung Tissue Characterization using CT images”, National Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology (NCACT 2014), VIT University- Chennai Campus, India, to be held on 21st February 2014.pages:32-37.

    10. Srinivasan K S,Lakshmi. D , Ranganathan H, Gunasekaran N, “Non-Invasive Estimation of Hemoglobin in Blood using Color Analysis”, First international Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, August 2006, DOI: 10.1109/ICIIS.2006.365788

    Workshop Attended


Funded Project Details


    1. IOT based Water Quality Remote Monitoring System, PI: Dr.D.Lakshmi, Co-PI: Dr.Shirley Selvan, TNSCST, Project Scheme, March 2022.

Patent Applied Details


    1. Brain Controlled Automated Wheel Chair For The Patients With Continuous Reading Of Brain Waves With The Help Of Brain To Computer Interface Technology , India 202241001439, Dr.D.Lakshmi, Dr.I.Johnsi Stella, Dr.Shirley Selvan, Mrs.E.Malarvizhi, 11/01/2022.

Patent Applied Details


    1. Confederation of Elite Academicians of IICDC –India Innovation Challenge Design Contest – 2019, AICTE,DST and Texas Instruments Inc.,India.

    2. IICDC – Fund of 400 USD is received from AICTE,DST and Texas Instruments Inc.,India

    3. As a Reviewer in International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Wiley, 2021.

Staff Name


Dr. D.Lakshmi

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


26 Years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1. Digital Image Processing

2. Medical Image Processing

3. Machine Learning Techniques

4. Soft Computing Techniques

Subjects Expertise


    1. Digital Image Processing

    2. VLSI Design

    3. Digital Signal Processing

    4. Electronic Circuits I

    5. Electronic Circuits II

    6. Digital Principles and System Design

    7. Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    8. Electron Devices

Journals published


    1. Thendral. N, 1. Lakshmi. D , J. Sivakumar, KP. Thanaraj, N. Thendral, Customized Convolution Neural Network for Multi-Class Lung Abnormality Classification from CT Images, Information Technology in Industry,Vol-9,Issue-1,pages 49-57, Feb 2021

    2. Lakshmi. D , K. Palani Thanaraj M. Arunmozhi, Convolutional neural network in the detection of lung carcinoma using transfer learning approach, Int J Imaging Syst Technol. 2019;pages:445-454, Vol:30,Issue:2, 1–10.DOI: 10.1002/ima.22394,IF :1.254/ H-Index – 43

    3. Thendral. N, Lakshmi. D ,”Performance Comparison of SVM Classifer Based on Kernel Functions in Colposcopic Image Segmentation for Cervical Cancer”, ISMAC-CVB 2018, Springer Book Series- Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, pp: 1835-1844.

    4. Lakshmi. D , Niruban. R,” Mathematical model for Characterization of Lung Tissues using Multiple Regression Analysis”, Book Title - Soft Computing in Data Analytics, Springer Book Series - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, AISC, Vol.758, pp:117-123.

    5. Lakshmi. D ., Roy Santosham and H. Ranganathan,, “Automated Texture Based Characterization of Fibrosis and Carcinoma Using Low-Dose Lung CT Images”, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol - 24, Issue -1 -Mar 2014, Pages: 39-44, Online ISSN: 1098-1098. DOI: 10.1002/ima.22077. –ANNEXURE- I, Impact Factor: 0.768.

    6. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham and H. Ranganathan,, “ANOVA of Texture based Feature Set for Lung Tissue Characterization using CT Images”, Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.7, Issue-1, Jan-Mar 2014, pp.1-5, ISSN: 0974-1925. 7. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham, H. Ranganathan, “ANFIS in the Characterization of Fibrosis and Carcinoma using Lung CT Images”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.4,Issue-4, Aug-Sep 2013, E - ISSN: 0976-5166, P-ISSN: 2231-3850,pp-317-323.

    8. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham, H. Ranganathan, “Neural Network in the Characterization of Fibrosis and Scar Carcinoma using Lung CT Images”, IJERIA,Vol. 7,No II, May 2014.

Conference / workshop attended


    Confernce Attended 1. Thendral. N, Lakshmi. D Classification of Cervix Type Colposcopy Images using Deep Learning in International Virtual Conference on Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 in Loyola Institute of Technology, Chennai on 21.06.21.

    2. Thendral. N, Lakshmi. D , Automatic Segmentation and Detection of Cervical Cancer using Image Processing in International Conference on Innovation and technological Development in Electronics, Computer and Communication (ITDECC-21)" in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus on 17th and 18th May 2021.

    3. Lakshmi. D , J. Sivakumar,S. Ramani, Multi-Class SVM Prediction Model For Lung Cancer Diagnosis, International Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Smart Community, UTP, Malaysia with NGP Institute of Technology,17 and 18th Dec 2020.

    4. Lakshmi. D ., Roy Santosham and H. Ranganathan, “Comparison of Texture Analysis in the Differentiation of Carcinoma from Other Lung Abnormalities using Low Dose CT Images”, IEEE EMBS-Special Topic Conference on Point-Of- Care Technologies(IEEE- EMBS POCHT 2013), Bangalore,India, 16-18th January 2013, pp.271- 274.

    DOI:10.1109/PHT.2013.6461337. 5. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham and H. Ranganathan, “PCA for Non-Invasive Tissue Characterization of lung using low-dose Computed Tomography Images”, National Conference on Recent Innovations in Science Engineering and Technology (NCRISET 2014), Institute of Research and Journals, Pune, India, 10st August 2014, pp.71-73.

    6. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham, H. Ranganathan, “ Non-Invasive Method of Characterization of Fibrosis and Carcinoma using Low-Dose Lung CT Images”, IEEE – International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2013 (IEEE SMC 2013), Manchester, U.K., 13-16th October 2013.pages-2168-2172. DOI:10.1109/SMC.2013.371

    7. Lakshmi. D , H. Ranganathan, “Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix based Isolated Nodule Classification for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer”, Joint International Conference on Swarm Evolutionary and Memetic Computing (SEMCCO 2011) and Fuzzy and Neural Computing Conference (FANCCO 2011), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India,19-21st December 2011,pages 24-28. 8. Lakshmi. D , H. Ranganathan, “Morphological Processing in Segmentation of Lung from CT scan images for Diagnosis of Lung Cancer”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication Systems (NCETCS 2008), DMI College of Engineering, Anna University, Tamil Nadu, India, 19th September 2008, pages 116-119

    9. Lakshmi. D , Roy Santosham, H. Ranganathan, “Application of ANOVA in Lung Tissue Characterization using CT images”, National Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology (NCACT 2014), VIT University- Chennai Campus, India, to be held on 21st February 2014.pages:32-37.

    10. Srinivasan K S,Lakshmi. D , Ranganathan H, Gunasekaran N, “Non-Invasive Estimation of Hemoglobin in Blood using Color Analysis”, First international Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, August 2006, DOI: 10.1109/ICIIS.2006.365788

    Workshop Attended


Funded Project Details


    1. IOT based Water Quality Remote Monitoring System, PI: Dr.D.Lakshmi, Co-PI: Dr.Shirley Selvan, TNSCST, Project Scheme, March 2022.

Patent Applied Details


    1. Brain Controlled Automated Wheel Chair For The Patients With Continuous Reading Of Brain Waves With The Help Of Brain To Computer Interface Technology , India 202241001439, Dr.D.Lakshmi, Dr.I.Johnsi Stella, Dr.Shirley Selvan, Mrs.E.Malarvizhi, 11/01/2022.

Patent Applied Details


    1. Confederation of Elite Academicians of IICDC –India Innovation Challenge Design Contest – 2019, AICTE,DST and Texas Instruments Inc.,India.

    2. IICDC – Fund of 400 USD is received from AICTE,DST and Texas Instruments Inc.,India

    3. As a Reviewer in International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Wiley, 2021.


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


25 years 3 months

Area of specialization


1.VLSI Design

2.Digital Electronics

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Signal Processing

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Signals and System

    4.Digital Electronics

    5.Communication Engineering

    6.Digital Principles and system Design

    8.Total Quality Management

    9.VLSI Design

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    Conference attended

    1.E.Malarvizhi “Evaluation of Particle ,Swarm optimization Algorithm in Photovoltaic Application.”IEEE ISCO16. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control ,During 7& 8 Janurary 2016, at Karpagam College of Engineering .Coimbatore.

    Workshop/FDP attended

    1.FDP on “EC2354-VLSI DESIGN” from 8th to 15th December 2014, at St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119.

    2.One day workshop on “Swarm Intelligence:Illustrated.”at Anna University Regional Office –Coimbatore ,Coimbatore -641046 ,on 12th September 2015.

    3.FDP on Embedded Systems Design Using ARM Cortex M4 TM4C123G Starter Kit, at St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology. Chennai-119.(20.01.2016 to 22.01.2016)

    4.Two Days workshop on “Basics of solar PV system and components” 3rd and 4th June 2016 at CEG, Anna University Chennai-25.

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


25 years 3 months

Area of specialization


1.VLSI Design

2.Digital Electronics

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Signal Processing

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Signals and System

    4.Digital Electronics

    5.Communication Engineering

    6.Digital Principles and system Design

    8.Total Quality Management

    9.VLSI Design

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    Conference attended

    1.E.Malarvizhi “Evaluation of Particle ,Swarm optimization Algorithm in Photovoltaic Application.”IEEE ISCO16. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control ,During 7& 8 Janurary 2016, at Karpagam College of Engineering .Coimbatore.

    Workshop/FDP attended

    1.FDP on “EC2354-VLSI DESIGN” from 8th to 15th December 2014, at St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119.

    2.One day workshop on “Swarm Intelligence:Illustrated.”at Anna University Regional Office –Coimbatore ,Coimbatore -641046 ,on 12th September 2015.

    3.FDP on Embedded Systems Design Using ARM Cortex M4 TM4C123G Starter Kit, at St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology. Chennai-119.(20.01.2016 to 22.01.2016)

    4.Two Days workshop on “Basics of solar PV system and components” 3rd and 4th June 2016 at CEG, Anna University Chennai-25.


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


13 years 6 months

Area of specialization



2.Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Communication Theory

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Mobile Communication

    4.Digital Signal Processing

    5.Linear Integrated circuits

    6.Analog and Digital Communication

    7. Electronic Circuits –I

    8.Environmental Science and Engineering

    9.Digital Image Processing

    10.Satellite Communication

Journals published


    1. Maheswari.S ,Dr.Reeba Korah, “Enhanced skin tone detection using heuristic thresholding”, Biomedical Research (2017) Volume 28, Issue 9

    2. Maheswari.S ,Dr.Reeba Korah, “A Framework of Secured Embedding Scheme Using Vector Discrete Wavelet Transformation and Lagrange Interpolation”, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Volume 2018, Article ID 8695103, 9 pages

    3. Maheswari.S,Dr.Reeba Korah, “A BLIND DES-LSB BASED DATA EMBEDDING SCHEME”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Volume 117 No. 16 2017, 409-415

    4. Maheswari.S ,Dr.Reeba Korah, “Data Hiding Using Ycbcr-DWT in Addition to Noise”,International Journal of Engineering & Technology, volume -7 (3.34) (2018) 688-691

Conference / workshop attended


    Conference attended

    1. Mrs.Maheswari.S, Madhumitha. R,”Two-Stage Enhancement For Low Quality Fingerprint Images In Spatial And Frequency Domain”, International Conference on Computing. Communication and Advanced Network - ICCCAN 2013

    2.Mrs.Maheswari.S, Dr.Reeba Korah, “Review on Image Segmentation Based on Color Space And Its Hybrid”, 2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)

    Workshop attended

    1.Participated in Short Term Training Programme on RECENT TRENDS IN OPTICAL NETWORKS conducted by Kongu Engineering College-Erode from 28.11.2004 to 11.12.2004.

    2.Participated in Short course on Instructional design and delivery conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research –Chennai-Govt. of India from 17.04.2005 to 22.04.2005.

    3.Participated in MATLAB integration with FPGA in Image processing and Digital communication from 8/11/2017 to 10/11/2017

    4. Hands on training on Artificial Neural Network using Matlab from 25/05/2018 to 27/05/2018

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E., Ph.D

Teaching Experience


13 years 6 months

Area of specialization



2.Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Communication Theory

    2.Electron Devices and Circuits

    3.Mobile Communication

    4.Digital Signal Processing

    5.Linear Integrated circuits

    6.Analog and Digital Communication

    7. Electronic Circuits –I

    8.Environmental Science and Engineering

    9.Digital Image Processing

    10.Satellite Communication

Journals published


    1. Maheswari.S ,Dr.Reeba Korah, “Enhanced skin tone detection using heuristic thresholding”, Biomedical Research (2017) Volume 28, Issue 9

    2. Maheswari.S ,Dr.Reeba Korah, “A Framework of Secured Embedding Scheme Using Vector Discrete Wavelet Transformation and Lagrange Interpolation”, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Volume 2018, Article ID 8695103, 9 pages

    3. Maheswari.S,Dr.Reeba Korah, “A BLIND DES-LSB BASED DATA EMBEDDING SCHEME”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Volume 117 No. 16 2017, 409-415

    4. Maheswari.S ,Dr.Reeba Korah, “Data Hiding Using Ycbcr-DWT in Addition to Noise”,International Journal of Engineering & Technology, volume -7 (3.34) (2018) 688-691

Conference / workshop attended


    Conference attended

    1. Mrs.Maheswari.S, Madhumitha. R,”Two-Stage Enhancement For Low Quality Fingerprint Images In Spatial And Frequency Domain”, International Conference on Computing. Communication and Advanced Network - ICCCAN 2013

    2.Mrs.Maheswari.S, Dr.Reeba Korah, “Review on Image Segmentation Based on Color Space And Its Hybrid”, 2016 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT)

    Workshop attended

    1.Participated in Short Term Training Programme on RECENT TRENDS IN OPTICAL NETWORKS conducted by Kongu Engineering College-Erode from 28.11.2004 to 11.12.2004.

    2.Participated in Short course on Instructional design and delivery conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research –Chennai-Govt. of India from 17.04.2005 to 22.04.2005.

    3.Participated in MATLAB integration with FPGA in Image processing and Digital communication from 8/11/2017 to 10/11/2017

    4. Hands on training on Artificial Neural Network using Matlab from 25/05/2018 to 27/05/2018


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


15 years 7 months

Area of specialization


1.Medical Electronics

2.Digital Electronics

3.VLSI Design

Subjects Expertise


    1.Medical Electronics

    2.Basics of Biomedical Instrumentation

    3.Digital Electronics

    4.Linear Integrated circuits and its application

    5. Digital Signal Processing

    6.Analog and Digital Communication

    7.Environmental Science and Engineering

    8.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    9. Satellite Communication

    10. Computer Networks

    11. Disaster Management

    12. Professional Ethics

    13. Radar and Navigational Aids

Journals published


    1. P.Thenmozhi ,Leukemia Blood Cancer Detection Using MATLAB “Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation”2021 JULY Volume 32,issue 3,page no.10257-10261, ISSN 2651-4451.

    2.Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Fragmentation Pattern Using Neural Network Classifier “Journal of Information and Computational Science” Volume 10, Issue 8 ,August 2020 ISSN: 1548-7741 page no.414-419.

    3.“Patient Monitoring And Control System Using Internet Of Things” JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 ISSN-2349-5162 page no.344-348.

    4.Robust and Efficient Method for White Blood Cell Counting in Microscopic Image“International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering” Feb 2018.

    5.Intelligent Device to Device Communication with WI-FI Using Internet of Things“International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering &Technology”, May 2017.

    6.Timing and frequency synchronized MIMO_OFDM system using phase locked loop with low fault rate “International journal of advanced research trends in engineering and technology”,volume II,Special issue XXIII,march 2015.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.“Patient Monitoring and Control System”in International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research and Education (Icmdrse-19)”March 2019.

    2.“IOT BASED AIR OXYGEN MONITORING AND ALERT SYSTEM” , in International Conference on Cognitive IOT with Big Data and Cloud”,Oct 2018.

    3.“Robust and Efficient Method for White Blood Cell Counting in Microscopic Image”, in International Conference on Electricals,Electronics,Instrumentation&Computer Communication”,Jan 2018.

    4.“Intelligent device to device communication with Wi-Fi using Internet of things”,in International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology”,March 2017.

    5.“A Novel Approach on Designing an Embedded Web Server Based Home automation”in the international conference on Dr.Navalar Nedunchezhiyan college of engineering”,2016.

    6.“Data Fusion of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image”.June 2006. .

    Workshop attended

    1.Attended a 7 days FDP on “Introduction to Psychology”. (NPTEL-AICTE).

    2.Attended a 7 days FDP on “Speech and Vision Enabled Intelligent System”at SSN College of Engineering,Kalavakkam,Chennai.

    3.Attended a Three days International STTP on "Current Trends and Projections in Electrical,Electronics,Computer,Civil and Mathematical Engineering" at St. Mother Theresa Engineering College,Thoothukudi.

    4.Attended a Seven days Faculty Development Program on AICTE - STTP on "Digitization in Industrial Automation" at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.

    5.Attended a Three days FDP on Technologies for Health Care at GMR Institute of Technology,Rajam,AP.

    6.Attended a Three days FDP on Research topics in VLSI and Industry trends at GMR Institute of Technology,Rajam,AP.

    7.FDP on Biomedical Signal Processing –(NPTEL-AICTE).

    8. Attended a two days FDP on Image Analysis Spatial Domain at Rajalakshmi Engineering College.

    9. Attended a two days FDP on IIOT & Automation at St. Joseph’s college of engineering.

    10. Attended a two days Workshop on “Real Time Signal & Image Processing using XILINX VIVADO System Generator and Simulation” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology.

    11. Attended a 8 days FDP on EC2354-VLSI DESIGN at St.Joseph’s college of engineering.

    12. Attended a 8 days FDP on EE6502-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers at St.Joseph’s college of engineering.

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


15 years 7 months

Area of specialization


1.Medical Electronics

2.Digital Electronics

3.VLSI Design

Subjects Expertise


    1.Medical Electronics

    2.Basics of Biomedical Instrumentation

    3.Digital Electronics

    4.Linear Integrated circuits and its application

    5. Digital Signal Processing

    6.Analog and Digital Communication

    7.Environmental Science and Engineering

    8.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    9. Satellite Communication

    10. Computer Networks

    11. Disaster Management

    12. Professional Ethics

    13. Radar and Navigational Aids

Journals published


    1. P.Thenmozhi ,Leukemia Blood Cancer Detection Using MATLAB “Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation”2021 JULY Volume 32,issue 3,page no.10257-10261, ISSN 2651-4451.

    2.Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Fragmentation Pattern Using Neural Network Classifier “Journal of Information and Computational Science” Volume 10, Issue 8 ,August 2020 ISSN: 1548-7741 page no.414-419.

    3.“Patient Monitoring And Control System Using Internet Of Things” JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 ISSN-2349-5162 page no.344-348.

    4.Robust and Efficient Method for White Blood Cell Counting in Microscopic Image“International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering” Feb 2018.

    5.Intelligent Device to Device Communication with WI-FI Using Internet of Things“International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering &Technology”, May 2017.

    6.Timing and frequency synchronized MIMO_OFDM system using phase locked loop with low fault rate “International journal of advanced research trends in engineering and technology”,volume II,Special issue XXIII,march 2015.

Conference / workshop attended


    1.“Patient Monitoring and Control System”in International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Research and Education (Icmdrse-19)”March 2019.

    2.“IOT BASED AIR OXYGEN MONITORING AND ALERT SYSTEM” , in International Conference on Cognitive IOT with Big Data and Cloud”,Oct 2018.

    3.“Robust and Efficient Method for White Blood Cell Counting in Microscopic Image”, in International Conference on Electricals,Electronics,Instrumentation&Computer Communication”,Jan 2018.

    4.“Intelligent device to device communication with Wi-Fi using Internet of things”,in International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology”,March 2017.

    5.“A Novel Approach on Designing an Embedded Web Server Based Home automation”in the international conference on Dr.Navalar Nedunchezhiyan college of engineering”,2016.

    6.“Data Fusion of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image”.June 2006. .

    Workshop attended

    1.Attended a 7 days FDP on “Introduction to Psychology”. (NPTEL-AICTE).

    2.Attended a 7 days FDP on “Speech and Vision Enabled Intelligent System”at SSN College of Engineering,Kalavakkam,Chennai.

    3.Attended a Three days International STTP on "Current Trends and Projections in Electrical,Electronics,Computer,Civil and Mathematical Engineering" at St. Mother Theresa Engineering College,Thoothukudi.

    4.Attended a Seven days Faculty Development Program on AICTE - STTP on "Digitization in Industrial Automation" at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.

    5.Attended a Three days FDP on Technologies for Health Care at GMR Institute of Technology,Rajam,AP.

    6.Attended a Three days FDP on Research topics in VLSI and Industry trends at GMR Institute of Technology,Rajam,AP.

    7.FDP on Biomedical Signal Processing –(NPTEL-AICTE).

    8. Attended a two days FDP on Image Analysis Spatial Domain at Rajalakshmi Engineering College.

    9. Attended a two days FDP on IIOT & Automation at St. Joseph’s college of engineering.

    10. Attended a two days Workshop on “Real Time Signal & Image Processing using XILINX VIVADO System Generator and Simulation” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology.

    11. Attended a 8 days FDP on EC2354-VLSI DESIGN at St.Joseph’s college of engineering.

    12. Attended a 8 days FDP on EE6502-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers at St.Joseph’s college of engineering.


Staff Name


Mr.K.Ramachandra Reddy

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


13 years and 2 months

Area of specialization


1.Signal Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Signal Processing

    2.Signals and Systems

    3.Circuit Analysis

    4.Digital Principles and System Design

    5.Digital Logic Circuits

    6.Digital Electronics

    7.Discrete Time Signal Processing

    8.Circuit Theory

Journals published


    1.Ramachandra Reddy Konda , Narmadha Thirunavvukkarasu Velayudham, and Ramesh Ponukara Govindaswamy Venkatesan Performance study of randomly coupled erbium-doped fiber amplifier using machine learning, Optical Engineering, July 2021 , Vol. 60(7).

    2. Ramachandra Reddy Konda , , Narmadha Thirunavvukkarasu Velayudham, and Ramesh Ponukara Govindaswamy Venkatesan Performance analysis of coherent free-space optics transmission link using in-phase quadrature modulator-based polarization multiplexed-256-quadrature amplitude modulation, Trans Emerging Tel Tech. 2021;e4262.0973- 4562).

Conference / workshop attended


    1. NPTEL-AICTE Online 12 week FDP on “Signal Processing Techniques and Its Applications” From Jan 2022 to Apr 2022 at IIT Kharagpur.

    2. Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Photonics and its application" from 14/02/2022 to 18/02/2022 at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology.

    3. Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Cyber Security" from 01/02/2021 to 05/02/2021 at Central University of Kerala.

    4. Participated In The Two Day Workshop on“ CYBER SECURITY ” 29 th & 30 th January, 2021 (Under TEQIP – III) Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.

    5. Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Ethics, Moral Values, Behavioral Science & Attitude" from 2020-10-12 to 2020-10-16 at College of Engineering, Trivandrum.

    6. Attended Pedagogy Workshop on Building an Online Signals and Systems Course Part – I conducted from 27 to 30 November 2020. This is a joint initiative by TEQIP-III KITE, PPCCLT (IIT Bombay).This workshop is offered by IITBombayX an online learning initiative of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

    7. Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on ECE Virtual Lab Practices using Free Simulators from 19/10/2020 to 23/10/2020 (one Week) Conducted by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh

    8. NPTEL-AICTE Online 12 week FDP on “Control Engineering” From Sep2020 to Dec 2020 at IIT Madras.

    9. Attended online Faculty Development Program on “Internet of Things for Intelligent Systems” conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering from 20-07-2020 to 24-07-2020 at NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL.

    10. Attended AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Cyber Security" from 28-05-2020 to 01-06-2020 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh.

    11. Attended in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Advances in Antenna Design Techniques and Simulations using CST Studio Suite” from 22/06/2020 to 26/06/2020 (One Week) Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh.

    12. Attended one week Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Technological Interventions using Wireless Communication” From 18/05/2020 to 22/05/2020 (One Week) Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh.

    13. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on "Artificial Intelligence" from 19-11-2019 to 23-11-2019 at NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL.

Awards & Achievements


    1. Recognised as NPTEL DISCIPLINE STARS in Electrical Engineering DEC 2019.

    2. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 22- APR 22 on “Signal Processing Techniques And Its Applications” with final score 79% (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    3. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 22- APR 22 on “Digital Electronic Circuits” with final score 70% (ELITE) organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    4. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JUN 21- OCT 21 on “Switching Circuits and Logic Design” with final score 56% organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    5. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 21- APR 21 on “Digital System Design” with final score 80 % (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Madras.

    6. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 21- APR 21 on “Digital Signal Processing and its Applications” with final score 80% (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Bombay.

    7. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From SEP 20- DEC 20 on “Control engineering” with final score 48% organized by IIT Madras.

    8. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 2020- APR 2020 on “Network Analysis” with final score 73% (ELITE) organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    9. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JUL 2019- OCT 2019 on “Digital Signal Processing” with final score 62% (ELITE) organized by IIT Madras.

    10. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JUL 2019- OCT 2019 on “Basic Electric Circuits” with final score 76% (ELITE+SILVER)organized by IIT Kanpur.

    11. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 2019- APR 2019 on “Principles of Signals and Systems” with final score 81% (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Kanpur.

    12. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JUL 2018- OCT 2018 on “Digital Circuits” with final score 85% (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    13. Attended NPTEL 8 week course From AUG 2018- SEP 2018 on “Discrete Time Signal Processing” with final score 74% (ELITE) organized by IIT Kharagpur.

Staff Name


Mr.K.Ramachandra Reddy

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


13 years and 2 months

Area of specialization


1.Signal Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Signal Processing

    2.Signals and Systems

    3.Circuit Analysis

    4.Digital Principles and System Design

    5.Digital Logic Circuits

    6.Digital Electronics

    7.Discrete Time Signal Processing

    8.Circuit Theory

Journals published


    1.Ramachandra Reddy Konda , Narmadha Thirunavvukkarasu Velayudham, and Ramesh Ponukara Govindaswamy Venkatesan Performance study of randomly coupled erbium-doped fiber amplifier using machine learning, Optical Engineering, July 2021 , Vol. 60(7).

    2. Ramachandra Reddy Konda , , Narmadha Thirunavvukkarasu Velayudham, and Ramesh Ponukara Govindaswamy Venkatesan Performance analysis of coherent free-space optics transmission link using in-phase quadrature modulator-based polarization multiplexed-256-quadrature amplitude modulation, Trans Emerging Tel Tech. 2021;e4262.0973- 4562).

Conference / workshop attended


    1. NPTEL-AICTE Online 12 week FDP on “Signal Processing Techniques and Its Applications” From Jan 2022 to Apr 2022 at IIT Kharagpur.

    2. Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Photonics and its application" from 14/02/2022 to 18/02/2022 at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology.

    3. Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Cyber Security" from 01/02/2021 to 05/02/2021 at Central University of Kerala.

    4. Participated In The Two Day Workshop on“ CYBER SECURITY ” 29 th & 30 th January, 2021 (Under TEQIP – III) Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad.

    5. Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Ethics, Moral Values, Behavioral Science & Attitude" from 2020-10-12 to 2020-10-16 at College of Engineering, Trivandrum.

    6. Attended Pedagogy Workshop on Building an Online Signals and Systems Course Part – I conducted from 27 to 30 November 2020. This is a joint initiative by TEQIP-III KITE, PPCCLT (IIT Bombay).This workshop is offered by IITBombayX an online learning initiative of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

    7. Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on ECE Virtual Lab Practices using Free Simulators from 19/10/2020 to 23/10/2020 (one Week) Conducted by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh

    8. NPTEL-AICTE Online 12 week FDP on “Control Engineering” From Sep2020 to Dec 2020 at IIT Madras.

    9. Attended online Faculty Development Program on “Internet of Things for Intelligent Systems” conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering from 20-07-2020 to 24-07-2020 at NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL.

    10. Attended AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Cyber Security" from 28-05-2020 to 01-06-2020 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh.

    11. Attended in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Advances in Antenna Design Techniques and Simulations using CST Studio Suite” from 22/06/2020 to 26/06/2020 (One Week) Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh.

    12. Attended one week Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Technological Interventions using Wireless Communication” From 18/05/2020 to 22/05/2020 (One Week) Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh.

    13. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on "Artificial Intelligence" from 19-11-2019 to 23-11-2019 at NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL.

Awards & Achievements


    1. Recognised as NPTEL DISCIPLINE STARS in Electrical Engineering DEC 2019.

    2. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 22- APR 22 on “Signal Processing Techniques And Its Applications” with final score 79% (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    3. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 22- APR 22 on “Digital Electronic Circuits” with final score 70% (ELITE) organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    4. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JUN 21- OCT 21 on “Switching Circuits and Logic Design” with final score 56% organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    5. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 21- APR 21 on “Digital System Design” with final score 80 % (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Madras.

    6. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 21- APR 21 on “Digital Signal Processing and its Applications” with final score 80% (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Bombay.

    7. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From SEP 20- DEC 20 on “Control engineering” with final score 48% organized by IIT Madras.

    8. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 2020- APR 2020 on “Network Analysis” with final score 73% (ELITE) organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    9. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JUL 2019- OCT 2019 on “Digital Signal Processing” with final score 62% (ELITE) organized by IIT Madras.

    10. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JUL 2019- OCT 2019 on “Basic Electric Circuits” with final score 76% (ELITE+SILVER)organized by IIT Kanpur.

    11. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JAN 2019- APR 2019 on “Principles of Signals and Systems” with final score 81% (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Kanpur.

    12. Attended NPTEL 12 week course From JUL 2018- OCT 2018 on “Digital Circuits” with final score 85% (ELITE+SILVER) organized by IIT Kharagpur.

    13. Attended NPTEL 8 week course From AUG 2018- SEP 2018 on “Discrete Time Signal Processing” with final score 74% (ELITE) organized by IIT Kharagpur.


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


13 years and 2 months

Area of specialization


1. Embedded System technologies

2. Nonlinear optics

3.Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning

Subjects Expertise


    1.Optical Communication

    2.Embedded and Real Time systems

    3.Digital signal processing

    4.Wireless Communication

    5.Signals & system

    6.Principles of Management

    7.Advanced Digital signal processing

    8.Electronic devices and circuits

    9.Wireless sensor networks

Journals published


    1. K. Venkatesan, Chandrasekhar A. and Ramesh P. G. V. “Supervised regression modelling for mitigation of four-wave mixing in dense wavelength-division multiplexing systems”. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 22: 12 – 30. Doi: 10.3116/16091833/22/1/12/2021 (2021). (1.97)

    2. K. Venkatesan,, A. CHANDRASEKAR, P. G. V. RAMESH, C. SELVAKUMAR, “Theoretical investigation for optimization of FWM effects for 1Tb/s ultra-band DWDM system”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 15, 3-4, March-April 2021, pp.148-156 (2021). (0.441)

    3. K. Venkatesan,, A. CHANDRASEKAR, P. G. V. RAMESH, “DWDM reconstruction using supervised and unsupervised learning approaches”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 15, 9-10, September-October 2021, pp.459-470 (2021). (0.441)

    4. K. Venkatesan,, P.G.V, Ramesh & M.K.Srilekha. “Analysis of EDFA Parameters Amenable for Ultra High Bitrate Based DWDM System”. 9. 433-442. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.F3711.049620. (2020).

    5. K. Venkatesan,. Chandrasekar A., Ramesh P.G.V. (2022) “Parametric Optimization and FWM Mitigations in 64-Channel DWDM System”. Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 792. Springer, Singapore.

    6. K. Venkatesan,, A. CHANDRASEKAR, P. G. V. RAMESH, “Green channel DWDM design using Optimized CFBG”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications. (Accepted for publication) (0.441)

    7. K. Venkatesan,, Chandrasekhar A. and Ramesh P. G. V. "On Demand DWDM Design Based on Transmission Requirements Using Machine Learning" Journal of soft computing Springer (Accepted for publication) (3.643)

    8. K. Venkatesan,, CHANDRASEKAR A., RAMESH P.G.V. “Performance Analysis of Fiber-Optic DWDM System”. Presented In Virtual International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies VICFCNT– 2021 (Springer-Scopus)

    9. K. Venkatesan,, Dhayapraveen.R, Sanjay.S, "Smart Industrial Pollution Monitoring and Controlling" International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) 2021/3 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 868-874 DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2021.1003055.

    10. S. Balakrishnan, K. Venkatesan, and M. S. S. Hameed, "An Embarking User Friendly Palm print Biometric Recognition System with Topnotch Security," 2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS), 2021, pp. 1028-1032, doi: 10.1109/ICICCS51141.2021.9432230.

    11. S. Balakrishnan, M. S. S. Hameed, K. Venkatesan, and G. Aswin, "Interaction of Spatial Computing In Augmented Reality," 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2021, pp. 1900-1904, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9442010.

    12. S. Balakrishnan, M. S. S. Hameed, K. Venkatesan, and G. Aswin, "An Exploration of Robotic Process Automation in all Spans of Corporate Considerations," 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2021, pp. 1881-1884, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9441996.

Conference / workshop attended


    1. Participated FDP at NIT, Warangal for the topic of “signals and processing”.

    2. Participated FDP at RIT, for the topic of “Digital signals processing and FPGA Debugging Flow using Xilinx Edition”.

    3. Participated FDP at VIT, Chennai for the topic of “Emerging Trend in optical Technologies with Hands-on Training”.

    4. Participated AICTE Sponsored STTP at SIT, Chennai for the topic of “Research Areas in Smart Antenna Design for CubeSat applications”.

    5. Completed 5- days live webinar on “THE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE HOW TO WRITE A JOURNAL ARTICLE WITHIN 3 MONTHS” conducted by Chase Research and Development Department, Chennai.

    6. Completed 7-days “OCTAVE/MATLAB - Project based Learning – Programming & Design Skills” live online course conducted by Chase Research and Development Department, Chennai.

    7. Successfully completed AICTE Sponsored Short term course on "Advances in Optical Communication" at Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM).

    8. Participated 6 days Online FDTP ON “Machine Learning Techniques” at Sai Ram Engineering College sponsored by Centre for Faculty Development Anna University

    9. Participated 5 days Online Faculty Development Programme on “Advancements in Optical Communication Research” by Department of ECE, Alagappa Chettiar Govt. College of Technology, Karaikudi SPONSORED by Tamil Nadu State Govt.

    10. Participated 6 days virtual STTP on “Writing and Publishing High Impact Research Publications And Scientific Documents” organized by Department of IT at RajaLakshmi Engineering College in Associate sponsored with AICTE.

      Workshops/Webinars/FDP – Conducted

      1. Conducted a National Level Workshop on “Image Processing and Machine learning using Python” on March 7th and 8th 2019.

      2. Organized Guest lecture on “Electric Vehicles: Indian Perspective and R&D Opportunities” 26.07.2019 (Scientist, CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation)

      3. Organized a Guest lecture on “Benefits towards society by IEEE community” - 24-02- 2020 (Expert from IEEE University Program Manager).

      4. Conducted Virtual National Workshop on “Research Scopes in Remote Sensing” conducted from 24.06.2020 to 26.06.2020 for faculties and research scholar.

      5. Conducted a National Level Online School event on, “Seek Fun”, for the students of grades X to XII and Diploma on 25.07.2020 and 26.07.2020.

      6. Conducted an Online National level school event “young talent” from Grade lX-Xll on 10.06.2020.

      7. Conducted Virtual Workshop on “Pragmatic Way of Understanding ANN & Fuzzy Control” Conducted from 29.04.2021 to 30.04.2021 for faculties and research scholar.

      8. Organized an online Guest Lecture Series talk on “IoT in Healthcare and Automobile Industry” during 14-06-2021 Mr. Aswin Seshadri, Associate General Manager, Motherson, Chennai.

      9. Organized an online Guest Lecture Series talk on “Industry trends in cloud computing Application IoT in Healthcare and Automobile Industry” during 25-06-2021 Mr. Jos Muthumani, Senior Manager, Capgemini, USA.

      10. Organized an online Guest Lecture Series talk on "Trends and Opportunities in Autonomous Vehicle". on 15-07-2021 Mr. Shyam Anand, Senior Director, Faraday Future, Los-Angeles

      11. Organized a Virtual Workshop on "INDUSTRY 4.0". Resource speaker Mr. F. Ejaz Ahmed, Senior Developer, Gustovalley Technovations, during 28th & 31st August 2021.

Patent Details


    1. Application Number: 202141022931A Date of Filing: 22-05-2021 Publication date: 11-06-2021 Title: Automated Meticulous Mitigation of Traffic Congestion in handling Uninterrupted Travel of Emergency Vehicle Using RFID and IOT.

    2. Application Number: 202141056652A Date of Filing: 07-12-2021 Publication date: 04-02-2022 Title: Punctilious Monitoring of Crop Health and Forewarn Alarm using IOT Mechanism

    3. Application Number: 202141061786 Date of Filing: 30-12-2021 Publication date: 23-02-2022 Title: An IOT Based Cattle Health Monitoring System

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


13 years and 2 months

Area of specialization


1. Embedded System technologies

2. Nonlinear optics

3.Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning

Subjects Expertise


    1.Optical Communication

    2.Embedded and Real Time systems

    3.Digital signal processing

    4.Wireless Communication

    5.Signals & system

    6.Principles of Management

    7.Advanced Digital signal processing

    8.Electronic devices and circuits

    9.Wireless sensor networks

Journals published


    1. K. Venkatesan, Chandrasekhar A. and Ramesh P. G. V. “Supervised regression modelling for mitigation of four-wave mixing in dense wavelength-division multiplexing systems”. Ukr.J.Phys.Opt. 22: 12 – 30. Doi: 10.3116/16091833/22/1/12/2021 (2021). (1.97)

    2. K. Venkatesan,, A. CHANDRASEKAR, P. G. V. RAMESH, C. SELVAKUMAR, “Theoretical investigation for optimization of FWM effects for 1Tb/s ultra-band DWDM system”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 15, 3-4, March-April 2021, pp.148-156 (2021). (0.441)

    3. K. Venkatesan,, A. CHANDRASEKAR, P. G. V. RAMESH, “DWDM reconstruction using supervised and unsupervised learning approaches”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 15, 9-10, September-October 2021, pp.459-470 (2021). (0.441)

    4. K. Venkatesan,, P.G.V, Ramesh & M.K.Srilekha. “Analysis of EDFA Parameters Amenable for Ultra High Bitrate Based DWDM System”. 9. 433-442. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.F3711.049620. (2020).

    5. K. Venkatesan,. Chandrasekar A., Ramesh P.G.V. (2022) “Parametric Optimization and FWM Mitigations in 64-Channel DWDM System”. Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 792. Springer, Singapore.

    6. K. Venkatesan,, A. CHANDRASEKAR, P. G. V. RAMESH, “Green channel DWDM design using Optimized CFBG”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications. (Accepted for publication) (0.441)

    7. K. Venkatesan,, Chandrasekhar A. and Ramesh P. G. V. "On Demand DWDM Design Based on Transmission Requirements Using Machine Learning" Journal of soft computing Springer (Accepted for publication) (3.643)

    8. K. Venkatesan,, CHANDRASEKAR A., RAMESH P.G.V. “Performance Analysis of Fiber-Optic DWDM System”. Presented In Virtual International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies VICFCNT– 2021 (Springer-Scopus)

    9. K. Venkatesan,, Dhayapraveen.R, Sanjay.S, "Smart Industrial Pollution Monitoring and Controlling" International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) 2021/3 Volume 10 Issue 3 Pages 868-874 DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2021.1003055.

    10. S. Balakrishnan, K. Venkatesan, and M. S. S. Hameed, "An Embarking User Friendly Palm print Biometric Recognition System with Topnotch Security," 2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS), 2021, pp. 1028-1032, doi: 10.1109/ICICCS51141.2021.9432230.

    11. S. Balakrishnan, M. S. S. Hameed, K. Venkatesan, and G. Aswin, "Interaction of Spatial Computing In Augmented Reality," 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2021, pp. 1900-1904, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9442010.

    12. S. Balakrishnan, M. S. S. Hameed, K. Venkatesan, and G. Aswin, "An Exploration of Robotic Process Automation in all Spans of Corporate Considerations," 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2021, pp. 1881-1884, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9441996.

Conference / workshop attended


    1. Participated FDP at NIT, Warangal for the topic of “signals and processing”.

    2. Participated FDP at RIT, for the topic of “Digital signals processing and FPGA Debugging Flow using Xilinx Edition”.

    3. Participated FDP at VIT, Chennai for the topic of “Emerging Trend in optical Technologies with Hands-on Training”.

    4. Participated AICTE Sponsored STTP at SIT, Chennai for the topic of “Research Areas in Smart Antenna Design for CubeSat applications”.

    5. Completed 5- days live webinar on “THE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE HOW TO WRITE A JOURNAL ARTICLE WITHIN 3 MONTHS” conducted by Chase Research and Development Department, Chennai.

    6. Completed 7-days “OCTAVE/MATLAB - Project based Learning – Programming & Design Skills” live online course conducted by Chase Research and Development Department, Chennai.

    7. Successfully completed AICTE Sponsored Short term course on "Advances in Optical Communication" at Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM).

    8. Participated 6 days Online FDTP ON “Machine Learning Techniques” at Sai Ram Engineering College sponsored by Centre for Faculty Development Anna University

    9. Participated 5 days Online Faculty Development Programme on “Advancements in Optical Communication Research” by Department of ECE, Alagappa Chettiar Govt. College of Technology, Karaikudi SPONSORED by Tamil Nadu State Govt.

    10. Participated 6 days virtual STTP on “Writing and Publishing High Impact Research Publications And Scientific Documents” organized by Department of IT at RajaLakshmi Engineering College in Associate sponsored with AICTE.

      Workshops/Webinars/FDP – Conducted

      1. Conducted a National Level Workshop on “Image Processing and Machine learning using Python” on March 7th and 8th 2019.

      2. Organized Guest lecture on “Electric Vehicles: Indian Perspective and R&D Opportunities” 26.07.2019 (Scientist, CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation)

      3. Organized a Guest lecture on “Benefits towards society by IEEE community” - 24-02- 2020 (Expert from IEEE University Program Manager).

      4. Conducted Virtual National Workshop on “Research Scopes in Remote Sensing” conducted from 24.06.2020 to 26.06.2020 for faculties and research scholar.

      5. Conducted a National Level Online School event on, “Seek Fun”, for the students of grades X to XII and Diploma on 25.07.2020 and 26.07.2020.

      6. Conducted an Online National level school event “young talent” from Grade lX-Xll on 10.06.2020.

      7. Conducted Virtual Workshop on “Pragmatic Way of Understanding ANN & Fuzzy Control” Conducted from 29.04.2021 to 30.04.2021 for faculties and research scholar.

      8. Organized an online Guest Lecture Series talk on “IoT in Healthcare and Automobile Industry” during 14-06-2021 Mr. Aswin Seshadri, Associate General Manager, Motherson, Chennai.

      9. Organized an online Guest Lecture Series talk on “Industry trends in cloud computing Application IoT in Healthcare and Automobile Industry” during 25-06-2021 Mr. Jos Muthumani, Senior Manager, Capgemini, USA.

      10. Organized an online Guest Lecture Series talk on "Trends and Opportunities in Autonomous Vehicle". on 15-07-2021 Mr. Shyam Anand, Senior Director, Faraday Future, Los-Angeles

      11. Organized a Virtual Workshop on "INDUSTRY 4.0". Resource speaker Mr. F. Ejaz Ahmed, Senior Developer, Gustovalley Technovations, during 28th & 31st August 2021.

Patent Details


    1. Application Number: 202141022931A Date of Filing: 22-05-2021 Publication date: 11-06-2021 Title: Automated Meticulous Mitigation of Traffic Congestion in handling Uninterrupted Travel of Emergency Vehicle Using RFID and IOT.

    2. Application Number: 202141056652A Date of Filing: 07-12-2021 Publication date: 04-02-2022 Title: Punctilious Monitoring of Crop Health and Forewarn Alarm using IOT Mechanism

    3. Application Number: 202141061786 Date of Filing: 30-12-2021 Publication date: 23-02-2022 Title: An IOT Based Cattle Health Monitoring System


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


9 Years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1.Wireless Sensor Networks

2.Biomedical Signal Processing

3.Internet of Things (IoT)

Subjects Expertise


    1.Communication Theory

    2.Satellite Communication

    3.Solid State Devices

    4.Internet of Things

    5.Multimedia Compression and Communication

    6.Circuit Theory

Journals published


    1. G. Anitha , M. Adeline Christina, M. Mohanapriya, “Weather Adaptive Smart Street lighting with face recognition, International journal of advanced research in basic engineering sciences and technology, Vol 5, Issue 7, July 2019, ISSN : 2456-5717.

    2. G. Anitha ,"Design and analysis of Efficient Scaled-down magnetic full adder using Magnetic Tunnel Junction". Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.Vol.10, No.1 pp.340-353, 2019, (Online ISSN:0975-8585), Impact Factor 1.35)

Conference / workshop attended


    1. G. Anitha ,Paroma Roy, Nashita.S, E-SEEK - RFID based Detection System for Localizing the Misplaced Objects, IEEE Xplore - 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES-2021), July 2021, ISBN: 978-166543587-1(Scopus)

    2. S.Harish Kumar, B.Jasper Jude Joshua, G. Anitha , Quick Witted meter for domestic natural gas using IOT, International Conference on "Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities", Vol 7, Issue 3, Aug 2020, ISBN no: 978-93-88096-42-3 (UGC).

    3. G. Anitha , Secured Header Authentication Design using Time Competent HMAC for Optical Burst Switched Networks, IEEE Xplore - 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES-2021), July 2021, ISBN: 978-166543587-1 (Scopus).

    4. G. Anitha ,Improving power efficiency of nodes using Enhanced Source Routing International Conference on "Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities", Vol 7, Issue 3, Aug 2020, ISBN no: 978-93-88096-42-3 (UGC).

    5. G. Anitha ,Machine Learning based non-invasive method of determining total body water, International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES-2022), June 2022 (Accepted for Scopus).

    6. G. Anitha , and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2011), ‘Co-operative Trust management scheme for Wireless sensor networks’, National conference on role of cryptography and Network security in Defence (NCRCNS’11), Feb 2011.

    Workshop Attended

    1. ATAL sponsored Faculty Development Program on Diverse Applications of Research Paradigms in AI.

    2. Faculty Development Program on Computer vision and Natural Language Processing.

    3. Faculty Development Program on Artificial intelligence and optimisation techniques conducted by NITTTR Chandigarh.

    4. SERB sponsored higher-end workshop on the topic "Behavioral Signal Processing tools and techniques for the emotional analysis in autism children" from 21.02.2022 to 03.03.2022 conducted by the Department of Information Science and Engineering, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathymangalam.

    5. FDP on the topic of "Verilog Programming and Implementation in FPGA" conducted by NITTR, Chennai.

    6. FDP on the topic of " Introduction to IoT" conducted by NPTEL AICTE.

    7. FDP on the topic of " PHP and MySQL" conducted by JNTUH.

    8. FDP on the topic of " JAVA and PYTHON" conducted by SJCE (QIC).

    9. FDP on the topic of " AGILE METHODOLOGY" conducted by SJCE.

Funded Project Details


    1. Applied for TNSCST- Innovation and Product Development on the topic “MAnDe: Machine Learning based Early Anxiety level Detector for Autistic Patients” which is under review.

    2. Applied for TNSCST- Innovation and Product Development on the topic “Nanocrystalline TiO2 based Natural Pigments Dye – Sensitized Solar Cells” which is under review.

Patent Details


    1. Balamurugan A M , G. Anitha ,,S.Devipriya, K.Jasmine Mystica, "Intelligent smart poly house roof top irrigation robot" Intellectual Property India, Patent No: 202141061139, Published Date: 22/12/2022

    2.Balamurugan A M , B.VictorianJancee, G. Anitha ,, V.Chandana, A.Prabhu Chakkaravarthy "SKIN DISEASE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM AND A METHOD THEREOF" Intellectual Property India, Patent No: 201941020433, Published Date: 22/12/2022

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


9 Years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1.Wireless Sensor Networks

2.Biomedical Signal Processing

3.Internet of Things (IoT)

Subjects Expertise


    1.Communication Theory

    2.Satellite Communication

    3.Solid State Devices

    4.Internet of Things

    5.Multimedia Compression and Communication

    6.Circuit Theory

Journals published


    1. G. Anitha , M. Adeline Christina, M. Mohanapriya, “Weather Adaptive Smart Street lighting with face recognition, International journal of advanced research in basic engineering sciences and technology, Vol 5, Issue 7, July 2019, ISSN : 2456-5717.

    2. G. Anitha ,"Design and analysis of Efficient Scaled-down magnetic full adder using Magnetic Tunnel Junction". Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.Vol.10, No.1 pp.340-353, 2019, (Online ISSN:0975-8585), Impact Factor 1.35)

Conference / workshop attended


    1. G. Anitha ,Paroma Roy, Nashita.S, E-SEEK - RFID based Detection System for Localizing the Misplaced Objects, IEEE Xplore - 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES-2021), July 2021, ISBN: 978-166543587-1(Scopus)

    2. S.Harish Kumar, B.Jasper Jude Joshua, G. Anitha , Quick Witted meter for domestic natural gas using IOT, International Conference on "Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities", Vol 7, Issue 3, Aug 2020, ISBN no: 978-93-88096-42-3 (UGC).

    3. G. Anitha , Secured Header Authentication Design using Time Competent HMAC for Optical Burst Switched Networks, IEEE Xplore - 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES-2021), July 2021, ISBN: 978-166543587-1 (Scopus).

    4. G. Anitha ,Improving power efficiency of nodes using Enhanced Source Routing International Conference on "Continuity, Consistency and Innovation in Applied Sciences and Humanities", Vol 7, Issue 3, Aug 2020, ISBN no: 978-93-88096-42-3 (UGC).

    5. G. Anitha ,Machine Learning based non-invasive method of determining total body water, International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES-2022), June 2022 (Accepted for Scopus).

    6. G. Anitha , and Martin Leo Manickam J. (2011), ‘Co-operative Trust management scheme for Wireless sensor networks’, National conference on role of cryptography and Network security in Defence (NCRCNS’11), Feb 2011.

    Workshop Attended

    1. ATAL sponsored Faculty Development Program on Diverse Applications of Research Paradigms in AI.

    2. Faculty Development Program on Computer vision and Natural Language Processing.

    3. Faculty Development Program on Artificial intelligence and optimisation techniques conducted by NITTTR Chandigarh.

    4. SERB sponsored higher-end workshop on the topic "Behavioral Signal Processing tools and techniques for the emotional analysis in autism children" from 21.02.2022 to 03.03.2022 conducted by the Department of Information Science and Engineering, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathymangalam.

    5. FDP on the topic of "Verilog Programming and Implementation in FPGA" conducted by NITTR, Chennai.

    6. FDP on the topic of " Introduction to IoT" conducted by NPTEL AICTE.

    7. FDP on the topic of " PHP and MySQL" conducted by JNTUH.

    8. FDP on the topic of " JAVA and PYTHON" conducted by SJCE (QIC).

    9. FDP on the topic of " AGILE METHODOLOGY" conducted by SJCE.

Funded Project Details


    1. Applied for TNSCST- Innovation and Product Development on the topic “MAnDe: Machine Learning based Early Anxiety level Detector for Autistic Patients” which is under review.

    2. Applied for TNSCST- Innovation and Product Development on the topic “Nanocrystalline TiO2 based Natural Pigments Dye – Sensitized Solar Cells” which is under review.

Patent Details


    1. Balamurugan A M , G. Anitha ,,S.Devipriya, K.Jasmine Mystica, "Intelligent smart poly house roof top irrigation robot" Intellectual Property India, Patent No: 202141061139, Published Date: 22/12/2022

    2.Balamurugan A M , B.VictorianJancee, G. Anitha ,, V.Chandana, A.Prabhu Chakkaravarthy "SKIN DISEASE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM AND A METHOD THEREOF" Intellectual Property India, Patent No: 201941020433, Published Date: 22/12/2022

Subjects Expertise

Staff Name


Mrs.Madhumitha R

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


9 years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1. Digital Image Processing

2. Applied Electronics


    1. Microprocessor and Microcontroller

    2. Linear Integrated Circuits

    3. Multimedia Compression and Communication

    4. Embedded and Real time systems

    5. Digital Image Processing

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    1.Madhumitha. R, Mrs. Maheswari. S, ‘Two-Stage Enhancement For Low Quality Fingerprint Images In Spatial And Frequency Domain’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing. Communication and Advanced Network – ICCCAN’ 2013.

    2. Madhumitha. R, Mrs. Maheswari. S, ‘Two-Stage Enhancement For Low Quality Fingerprint Images in Spatial And Frequency Domain’, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering NCRTEEE’ 2013.

    Workshop Attended

    1.National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Application of Innovative Soft Tools and Techniques in Research” conducted by Department of IT, Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women, Tiruchengode in association with Computer Society of India and Institution’s Innovation Council on 25th Feb,2022.

    2. 6 hours FDP on Microsoft Azure fundamentals (ONLINE FDP) conducted by ICT Academy from 16th feb 2022 to 18th feb 2022

    3.Three days national workshop on “APPLICATIONS OF DEEP LEARNING IN COMPUTER VISION” from 10th to 12th feb 2022


    5. FDP ON "MEDICAL SIGNAL AND IMAGE ANALYSIS" 15/06/2020 TO 17/06/2020


    7. One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on Artificial Intelligence for Real Time Applications organized by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during 25 - 29 April, 2022.

    8. 5days STTP on “Verilog programming”, conducted by NITTTR,Chennai, from 29th December 2019 to 02nd January 2020

    9. 1 week FDP on “VLSI DESIGN”, conducted by Dept of ECE, St.Joseph’s college of engineering, Nov 19th to nov 23rd 2014

    10. 2 day workshop on “INDUSTRY 4.0” conducted by St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology, on 27th and 28th December 2018

    11. 5 days FDP on “LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS”, conducted by Karpaga vinayaga institute of technology, Chengalpattu, from December 17th to 22nd 2013


Patent details


    India 202141061786 AN IOT BASED CATTLE HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM dated 22.12.2021

Staff Name


Mrs.Madhumitha R

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


9 years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1. Digital Image Processing

2. Applied Electronics


    1. Microprocessor and Microcontroller

    2. Linear Integrated Circuits

    3. Multimedia Compression and Communication

    4. Embedded and Real time systems

    5. Digital Image Processing

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    1.Madhumitha. R, Mrs. Maheswari. S, ‘Two-Stage Enhancement For Low Quality Fingerprint Images In Spatial And Frequency Domain’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing. Communication and Advanced Network – ICCCAN’ 2013.

    2. Madhumitha. R, Mrs. Maheswari. S, ‘Two-Stage Enhancement For Low Quality Fingerprint Images in Spatial And Frequency Domain’, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering NCRTEEE’ 2013.

    Workshop Attended

    1.National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Application of Innovative Soft Tools and Techniques in Research” conducted by Department of IT, Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women, Tiruchengode in association with Computer Society of India and Institution’s Innovation Council on 25th Feb,2022.

    2. 6 hours FDP on Microsoft Azure fundamentals (ONLINE FDP) conducted by ICT Academy from 16th feb 2022 to 18th feb 2022

    3.Three days national workshop on “APPLICATIONS OF DEEP LEARNING IN COMPUTER VISION” from 10th to 12th feb 2022


    5. FDP ON "MEDICAL SIGNAL AND IMAGE ANALYSIS" 15/06/2020 TO 17/06/2020


    7. One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on Artificial Intelligence for Real Time Applications organized by the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during 25 - 29 April, 2022.

    8. 5days STTP on “Verilog programming”, conducted by NITTTR,Chennai, from 29th December 2019 to 02nd January 2020

    9. 1 week FDP on “VLSI DESIGN”, conducted by Dept of ECE, St.Joseph’s college of engineering, Nov 19th to nov 23rd 2014

    10. 2 day workshop on “INDUSTRY 4.0” conducted by St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology, on 27th and 28th December 2018

    11. 5 days FDP on “LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS”, conducted by Karpaga vinayaga institute of technology, Chengalpattu, from December 17th to 22nd 2013


Patent details


    India 202141061786 AN IOT BASED CATTLE HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM dated 22.12.2021


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


7 years and 4 months

Area of specialization


1. Remote Sensing Satellite Image Processing (Multispectral and Hyperspectral)

2. Digital Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1. Digital Image Processing

    2. Satellite Remote Sensing and data analysis

    3. Pattern Recognition

    4.Analog and Digital Communication

    5.Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

    6. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Journals published


    1. Avudaiammal, R., Elaveni P , Selvan, S. et al. “Extraction of Buildings in Urban Area for Surface Area Assessment from Satellite Imagery based on Morphological Building Index using SVM Classifier”. J Indian Soc Remote Sens 48, 1325–1344 (2020).

    2. Dr. R. Avudaiammal, Elaveni P ,P.S Nancy., S.Pavithra, “Indices Based Land Use Classification Using Svm” Journal of Critical Reviews. 2020; Issue-19: 165-171 doi: 10.31838/jcr.07.19.16.

    3. Elaveni P ,, V.T Sivasubbu and R.Vignesh, “A Novel Approach to Brain Tumour Detection”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2019.

    4. J.Sowmya, and Elaveni P ,“Image De-noising using BM3D-Sparse Representation on 2D images” International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology,Vol. 4, Special Issue 10, March 2017.

    5. Elaveni P , N.Venkateswaran, “Feature Extraction and Classification of Hyperspectral images using Novel Support Vector Machine Based algorithms” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2014, Volume 5, Issue 4

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences attended

    1. Elaveni P ,G. Sai Sindhuja, Samantha Leann Dickson, “ CNN based change detection for urban imagery” AIP Conference Proceedings 2336,2021

    2. Elaveni P , N.Venkateswaran, “kernel based Classification of Hyperspectral Image” in proceedings of International conference on Electrical, Communication and Computing 2014.

    3. Elaveni P , N.Venkateswaran, “ A Novel Algorithm for the Classification of High Dimensional Hyperspectral Data”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational systems in Engineering and Technology 2014.

    4. Elaveni P , N.Venkateswaran, “Hyperspectral Image Feature extraction and Classification using KPCA-SVM and ICA-SVM”, in proceedings of National Conference on Computers, Communication and Signal Processing 2014.

    Workshop Attended

    1. IIT Kanpur Advanced Career School for PYTHON based DataScience, Machine Learning and Deep Learning from 22nd January to 25th February 2022.

    2. International Faculty Development Program on “ Exploring the nuances of Deep Learning for Research Applications”, conducted by Karunya University, from 13th to 17th July 2020.

    3. Virtual National Workshop on Research Scopes in Remote Sensing (June 2020) conducted by St.Joseph’s College of Engineering.

    4. Training on “Bhuvan Overview” conducted by National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad from October 29 to 31, 2019.

Awards & Achievements


    1. ELITE+GOLD Medal in NPTEL Swayam Course on Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing of Satellite Data in July-October 2019.

    2. ELITE+SILVER Medal in NPTEL Swayam Course on Digital Image Processing in July-October 2019. Anna University Rank Holder in ME Communication Systems, 2014.

    3. Received GATE STIPEND of 8000 per month from AICTE to pursue ME.

    4. Won GATE SCHOLARSHIP( Full fees refund) from SSN College of Engineering for pursuing ME.

    5. Anna University Rank Holder in BE ECE, 2012.

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


7 years and 4 months

Area of specialization


1. Remote Sensing Satellite Image Processing (Multispectral and Hyperspectral)

2. Digital Image Processing

Subjects Expertise


    1. Digital Image Processing

    2. Satellite Remote Sensing and data analysis

    3. Pattern Recognition

    4.Analog and Digital Communication

    5.Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

    6. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Journals published


    1. Avudaiammal, R., Elaveni P , Selvan, S. et al. “Extraction of Buildings in Urban Area for Surface Area Assessment from Satellite Imagery based on Morphological Building Index using SVM Classifier”. J Indian Soc Remote Sens 48, 1325–1344 (2020).

    2. Dr. R. Avudaiammal, Elaveni P ,P.S Nancy., S.Pavithra, “Indices Based Land Use Classification Using Svm” Journal of Critical Reviews. 2020; Issue-19: 165-171 doi: 10.31838/jcr.07.19.16.

    3. Elaveni P ,, V.T Sivasubbu and R.Vignesh, “A Novel Approach to Brain Tumour Detection”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2019.

    4. J.Sowmya, and Elaveni P ,“Image De-noising using BM3D-Sparse Representation on 2D images” International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology,Vol. 4, Special Issue 10, March 2017.

    5. Elaveni P , N.Venkateswaran, “Feature Extraction and Classification of Hyperspectral images using Novel Support Vector Machine Based algorithms” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2014, Volume 5, Issue 4

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences attended

    1. Elaveni P ,G. Sai Sindhuja, Samantha Leann Dickson, “ CNN based change detection for urban imagery” AIP Conference Proceedings 2336,2021

    2. Elaveni P , N.Venkateswaran, “kernel based Classification of Hyperspectral Image” in proceedings of International conference on Electrical, Communication and Computing 2014.

    3. Elaveni P , N.Venkateswaran, “ A Novel Algorithm for the Classification of High Dimensional Hyperspectral Data”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational systems in Engineering and Technology 2014.

    4. Elaveni P , N.Venkateswaran, “Hyperspectral Image Feature extraction and Classification using KPCA-SVM and ICA-SVM”, in proceedings of National Conference on Computers, Communication and Signal Processing 2014.

    Workshop Attended

    1. IIT Kanpur Advanced Career School for PYTHON based DataScience, Machine Learning and Deep Learning from 22nd January to 25th February 2022.

    2. International Faculty Development Program on “ Exploring the nuances of Deep Learning for Research Applications”, conducted by Karunya University, from 13th to 17th July 2020.

    3. Virtual National Workshop on Research Scopes in Remote Sensing (June 2020) conducted by St.Joseph’s College of Engineering.

    4. Training on “Bhuvan Overview” conducted by National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad from October 29 to 31, 2019.

Awards & Achievements


    1. ELITE+GOLD Medal in NPTEL Swayam Course on Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing of Satellite Data in July-October 2019.

    2. ELITE+SILVER Medal in NPTEL Swayam Course on Digital Image Processing in July-October 2019. Anna University Rank Holder in ME Communication Systems, 2014.

    3. Received GATE STIPEND of 8000 per month from AICTE to pursue ME.

    4. Won GATE SCHOLARSHIP( Full fees refund) from SSN College of Engineering for pursuing ME.

    5. Anna University Rank Holder in BE ECE, 2012.


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


7 years and 9 months

Area of specialization


1. Mobile Communication

2. Signal Estimation theory

3. Cooperative Communication

4. Machine Learning

5. Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Techniques

Subjects Expertise


    1. Wireless Communication

    2. Linear Integrated Circuits

    3. Communication Engineering

    4. Analog and Digital Communication

    5. RF and Microwave Engineering

    6. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Journals published


    1. Devipriya, S., Martin Leo Manickam, J. & Anita, X. On the outage performance of decode-and-forward based relay ordering in cognitive wireless sensor networks. Wireless Netw 28, 3247–3259 (2022). (Annexure-I) 2. Avudaiammal, R., S.Devipriya , A. Swarnalatha, and R. Vijayarajan. "An Efficient Hybrid De-Noising Method for Remote Sensing Images." In Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies, pp. 449-459. Springer, Singapore, 2022.

    3. S.Devipriya , N.Venkateswaran, “Power Optimization computation using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm in Cooperative Communication”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, Issue 63, pp.276-279, 2015.

    4.S.Devipriya, N.Venkateswaran, “Optimization of Power Allocation in Relay based Cooperative Communication using Amplify and Forward Protocol” International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp.227-231, 2014.

Conference / workshop attended



    1.S.Devipriya, J. M. Leo Manickam and K. Jasmine Mystica, "A Deep-Learning Based Approach to Resource Allocation in NOMA Based Cognitive Radio Network with Heterogeneous IoT Users," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), Ballari, India, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICDCECE53908.2022.9793269.

    2. K. Jasmine Mystica, J. Martin Leo Manickam and S.Devipriya, "Node Temperature Aware Next Hop Selection Scheme for Implant WBAN," 2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), Ravet, India, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ASIANCON55314.2022.9909215.

    3. Avudaiammal, R., S.Devipriya, A. Swarnalatha, and R. Vijayarajan. "An Efficient Hybrid De-Noising Method for Remote Sensing Images.", Virtual International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies 2020 (Vicfcnt-2020), Nov 6-7, 2020.

    4. S.Devipriya, and N.Venkateswaran, “Performance Analysis of Power Optimization in Amplify-and- Forward Cooperative Communication”, International Conference on Computational Systems in Engineering and Technology-2014.

    5.S.Devipriya, and N.Venkateswaran, “Power Optimization Computation using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm in Cooperative Communication”, International Conference on Electrical, Communication & Computing, 2014.
    S.Devipriya, N.Venkateswaran, “Power Allocation in Amplify and Forward Relaying with Training Aided Channel Estimation”, in proc. NCCCSP 2014.

    Workshop Attended

    1. ATAL FDP on “Diverse Applications of Research Paradigms in AI” conducted by St.Joseph’s College of Engineering

    2. FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and Optimization techniques” conducted by NITTR Chandigarh

    3. Workshop on “Application of Deep Learning in Computer Vision”, conducted by SSN College of Engineering from Feb 10-12, 2022.

    4. Workshop on “Data Analytics” conducted by from.

    5.Fuzzy Decision Making conducted by Periayr Maniammai University

    6. “4G Wireless Systems and Beyond” conducted by Madras institute of Technology

    7. “Wireless Communication” conducted by Periyar Maniammai University

    8. “Advances in Wireless Communication” conducted by SSN College of Engineering

    9. “Application of software in mathematical field” conducted by Periyar Maniammai University

    10. “Frontiers of Modern Database Technologies” conducted by VIT university



    1. Balamurugan AM, Anitha G, S.Devipriya, Jasmine Mystica K, “ Intelligent smart ploy house roof top irrigation robot” Intellectual Property India, Patent no: 202141061139, Publieshed date: 22/12/2022

Awards & Achievements


    1. ELITE+GOLD Medal in NPTEL Swayam Course on Principles of Signal Estimation for MIMO/OFDM Wireless Communication in September-December 2020.

    2. ELITE+SILVER Medal in NPTEL Swayam Course on Introduction to Wireless and Cellular Communication in July-October 2019.

    3.Anna University Rank Holder in ME Communication Systems, 2014.

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


7 years and 9 months

Area of specialization


1. Mobile Communication

2. Signal Estimation theory

3. Cooperative Communication

4. Machine Learning

5. Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Techniques

Subjects Expertise


    1. Wireless Communication

    2. Linear Integrated Circuits

    3. Communication Engineering

    4. Analog and Digital Communication

    5. RF and Microwave Engineering

    6. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Journals published


    1. Devipriya, S., Martin Leo Manickam, J. & Anita, X. On the outage performance of decode-and-forward based relay ordering in cognitive wireless sensor networks. Wireless Netw 28, 3247–3259 (2022). (Annexure-I) 2. Avudaiammal, R., S.Devipriya , A. Swarnalatha, and R. Vijayarajan. "An Efficient Hybrid De-Noising Method for Remote Sensing Images." In Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies, pp. 449-459. Springer, Singapore, 2022.

    3. S.Devipriya , N.Venkateswaran, “Power Optimization computation using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm in Cooperative Communication”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, Issue 63, pp.276-279, 2015.

    4.S.Devipriya, N.Venkateswaran, “Optimization of Power Allocation in Relay based Cooperative Communication using Amplify and Forward Protocol” International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp.227-231, 2014.

Conference / workshop attended



    1.S.Devipriya, J. M. Leo Manickam and K. Jasmine Mystica, "A Deep-Learning Based Approach to Resource Allocation in NOMA Based Cognitive Radio Network with Heterogeneous IoT Users," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), Ballari, India, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICDCECE53908.2022.9793269.

    2. K. Jasmine Mystica, J. Martin Leo Manickam and S.Devipriya, "Node Temperature Aware Next Hop Selection Scheme for Implant WBAN," 2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), Ravet, India, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ASIANCON55314.2022.9909215.

    3. Avudaiammal, R., S.Devipriya, A. Swarnalatha, and R. Vijayarajan. "An Efficient Hybrid De-Noising Method for Remote Sensing Images.", Virtual International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies 2020 (Vicfcnt-2020), Nov 6-7, 2020.

    4. S.Devipriya, and N.Venkateswaran, “Performance Analysis of Power Optimization in Amplify-and- Forward Cooperative Communication”, International Conference on Computational Systems in Engineering and Technology-2014.

    5.S.Devipriya, and N.Venkateswaran, “Power Optimization Computation using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm in Cooperative Communication”, International Conference on Electrical, Communication & Computing, 2014.
    S.Devipriya, N.Venkateswaran, “Power Allocation in Amplify and Forward Relaying with Training Aided Channel Estimation”, in proc. NCCCSP 2014.

    Workshop Attended

    1. ATAL FDP on “Diverse Applications of Research Paradigms in AI” conducted by St.Joseph’s College of Engineering

    2. FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and Optimization techniques” conducted by NITTR Chandigarh

    3. Workshop on “Application of Deep Learning in Computer Vision”, conducted by SSN College of Engineering from Feb 10-12, 2022.

    4. Workshop on “Data Analytics” conducted by from.

    5.Fuzzy Decision Making conducted by Periayr Maniammai University

    6. “4G Wireless Systems and Beyond” conducted by Madras institute of Technology

    7. “Wireless Communication” conducted by Periyar Maniammai University

    8. “Advances in Wireless Communication” conducted by SSN College of Engineering

    9. “Application of software in mathematical field” conducted by Periyar Maniammai University

    10. “Frontiers of Modern Database Technologies” conducted by VIT university



    1. Balamurugan AM, Anitha G, S.Devipriya, Jasmine Mystica K, “ Intelligent smart ploy house roof top irrigation robot” Intellectual Property India, Patent no: 202141061139, Publieshed date: 22/12/2022

Awards & Achievements


    1. ELITE+GOLD Medal in NPTEL Swayam Course on Principles of Signal Estimation for MIMO/OFDM Wireless Communication in September-December 2020.

    2. ELITE+SILVER Medal in NPTEL Swayam Course on Introduction to Wireless and Cellular Communication in July-October 2019.

    3.Anna University Rank Holder in ME Communication Systems, 2014.


Staff Name


Mrs. K. Jasmine Mystica

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


7 years 4 months

Area of specialization


1. Embedded Systems

2. Wireless Sensor Networks

3. IoT

Subjects Expertise


    1.Wireless Communication

    2.Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

    3.Digital Electronics

    4.Electronic Devices

    5.Embedded Systems

    6. Real Time Systems

Journals published


    1. K. Jasmine Mystica, Martin Leo Manickam, J.,(2023), “Joint Power and Temperature Aware Routing for implant wireless body area networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, ISSN: 1099-1131.

    2. K. Jasmine Mystica (2014), "Controller Area Network based distribution of coconut harvester process" has been published with International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) Proceedings on International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems ICIIECS(2):28-33.

Conference / workshop attended


    1. K. Jasmine Mystica, Martin Leo Manickam, J., Devipriya, S.,(2022), “Node Temperature Aware Next Hop Selection Scheme for Implant WBAN”, 2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology, ASIANCON 2022.

    2. Devipriya, S., Leo Manickam, J.M., K. Jasmine Mystica, (2022), “A Deep-Learning Based Approach to Resource Allocation in NOMA Based Cognitive Radio Network with Heterogeneous IoT Users”, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics, ICDCECE 2022.

    3. Avudaiammal, R., K. Jasmine Mystica, Raveendran, K.P., ...George, R., (2022), “IMD Signaling-Based Automated Safety Aid System for Fishermen”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 792, pp. 315-323.

    4. Avudaiammal, R., K. Jasmine Mystica, Balaji, A., ...Raja, B., (2020), “Brain sense controlled wireless robot: Interfacing neurosky brainsense to a wheelchair prototype”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, ICSSIT 2020 pp. 276-280.

    5. K., Avudaiammal, K. Jasmine Mystica, R., Akella, K.C., ...Arun Gokul, M., Samuel, R., (2020), “Bidirectional Vehicle Platooning Based Intelligent Transportation System”, International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology, ICITIIT 2020.

    6. K. Jasmine Mystica (2014), “Automation of coconut harvesting process with Controller Area Network”, International Conference on Research Vogues in Information and Communication Technologies.

    7. K. Jasmine Mystica (2014), “Controller Area Network based distribution of coconut harvester process”, International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems

    Workshop Attended

    1. STTP on Deep learning tools and its applications (25.07.2022 to 29.07.2022 – 5 days)

    2. ATAL FDP on Wearable Technologies (17/01/22 to 21/01/22 – 5 days)

    3. Online FDP on Recent Trends in Biomedical Applications (13/07/2020 to 17/07/2020 – 5 days)

    4. Robotic Process Automation, Bennett University, Noida, by leading India,AI (27/05/2020 to 31/05/2020 -5 days )

    5. FDP on EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Dept. of ECE, CEG campus, Anna University, Chennai.(5 days)

    6. A workshop on ANDROID OS for Portable Embedded system Design at National Engineering College Kovilpatti .

Staff Name


Mrs. K. Jasmine Mystica

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


7 years 4 months

Area of specialization


1. Embedded Systems

2. Wireless Sensor Networks

3. IoT

Subjects Expertise


    1.Wireless Communication

    2.Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

    3.Digital Electronics

    4.Electronic Devices

    5.Embedded Systems

    6. Real Time Systems

Journals published


    1. K. Jasmine Mystica, Martin Leo Manickam, J.,(2023), “Joint Power and Temperature Aware Routing for implant wireless body area networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, ISSN: 1099-1131.

    2. K. Jasmine Mystica (2014), "Controller Area Network based distribution of coconut harvester process" has been published with International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) Proceedings on International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems ICIIECS(2):28-33.

Conference / workshop attended


    1. K. Jasmine Mystica, Martin Leo Manickam, J., Devipriya, S.,(2022), “Node Temperature Aware Next Hop Selection Scheme for Implant WBAN”, 2022 2nd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology, ASIANCON 2022.

    2. Devipriya, S., Leo Manickam, J.M., K. Jasmine Mystica, (2022), “A Deep-Learning Based Approach to Resource Allocation in NOMA Based Cognitive Radio Network with Heterogeneous IoT Users”, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics, ICDCECE 2022.

    3. Avudaiammal, R., K. Jasmine Mystica, Raveendran, K.P., ...George, R., (2022), “IMD Signaling-Based Automated Safety Aid System for Fishermen”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 792, pp. 315-323.

    4. Avudaiammal, R., K. Jasmine Mystica, Balaji, A., ...Raja, B., (2020), “Brain sense controlled wireless robot: Interfacing neurosky brainsense to a wheelchair prototype”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, ICSSIT 2020 pp. 276-280.

    5. K., Avudaiammal, K. Jasmine Mystica, R., Akella, K.C., ...Arun Gokul, M., Samuel, R., (2020), “Bidirectional Vehicle Platooning Based Intelligent Transportation System”, International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology, ICITIIT 2020.

    6. K. Jasmine Mystica (2014), “Automation of coconut harvesting process with Controller Area Network”, International Conference on Research Vogues in Information and Communication Technologies.

    7. K. Jasmine Mystica (2014), “Controller Area Network based distribution of coconut harvester process”, International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems

    Workshop Attended

    1. STTP on Deep learning tools and its applications (25.07.2022 to 29.07.2022 – 5 days)

    2. ATAL FDP on Wearable Technologies (17/01/22 to 21/01/22 – 5 days)

    3. Online FDP on Recent Trends in Biomedical Applications (13/07/2020 to 17/07/2020 – 5 days)

    4. Robotic Process Automation, Bennett University, Noida, by leading India,AI (27/05/2020 to 31/05/2020 -5 days )

    5. FDP on EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Dept. of ECE, CEG campus, Anna University, Chennai.(5 days)

    6. A workshop on ANDROID OS for Portable Embedded system Design at National Engineering College Kovilpatti .


Staff Name


Mrs. K. R. Kayalvizhi

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


5 years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1.Digital Electronics

2.Linear Integrated Circuits

Subjects Expertise


    1.Linear Integrated Circuits

    2.Electromagnetic Interference and Compatability

    3.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    4.Embeeded Systems

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    1.K.R Kayalvizhi, N.R. Bhuvaneshwari, ‘Interactive Segmentation for Two Toned Still Images’, International Journals on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science, Management and Mechanical Engineering, April 2015.pp 578-581.

    2.Attended a workshop titled Matlab in Power Electronics

    3.STTP on VLSI and Embedded Systems for IOT applications ,SRM university,Kattankulathur. (30/10/18 to 3/11/2018)

Staff Name


Mrs. K. R. Kayalvizhi

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


5 years 8 Months

Area of specialization


1.Digital Electronics

2.Linear Integrated Circuits

Subjects Expertise


    1.Linear Integrated Circuits

    2.Electromagnetic Interference and Compatability

    3.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    4.Embeeded Systems

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    1.K.R Kayalvizhi, N.R. Bhuvaneshwari, ‘Interactive Segmentation for Two Toned Still Images’, International Journals on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science, Management and Mechanical Engineering, April 2015.pp 578-581.

    2.Attended a workshop titled Matlab in Power Electronics

    3.STTP on VLSI and Embedded Systems for IOT applications ,SRM university,Kattankulathur. (30/10/18 to 3/11/2018)


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


2 years and 10 months

Area of specialization


1.Green Communication

2.Cellular Networks

3.Communication Systems

Subjects Expertise


    1.Optical Communication and Networking

    2.Digital Electronics

    3.Antennas and Wave Propagation

    4.Wireless COmmunication

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    1. Presented a paper entitled “ Energy Efficiency Improvement in cellular networks with Heterogeneous Backhaul”, at 7th National Conference on Signal Processing Communication and VLSI Design at Anna University, Coimbatore (NCSCV 15)

    2.Attended a workshop on basic electronic devices in Panimalar Institute of Technology

    3.Attended a workshop on Wireless Technology and Computer Networks organized by IETE Student Chapter at Panimalar Institute of Technology

    4.Attended a workshop on WBAN at College of Engineering (Anna University), Guindy

    5. MATLAB Integration with FPGA in IMAGE Processing and Digital Communication 3 Days

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,

Teaching Experience


2 years and 10 months

Area of specialization


1.Green Communication

2.Cellular Networks

3.Communication Systems

Subjects Expertise


    1.Optical Communication and Networking

    2.Digital Electronics

    3.Antennas and Wave Propagation

    4.Wireless COmmunication

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    1. Presented a paper entitled “ Energy Efficiency Improvement in cellular networks with Heterogeneous Backhaul”, at 7th National Conference on Signal Processing Communication and VLSI Design at Anna University, Coimbatore (NCSCV 15)

    2.Attended a workshop on basic electronic devices in Panimalar Institute of Technology

    3.Attended a workshop on Wireless Technology and Computer Networks organized by IETE Student Chapter at Panimalar Institute of Technology

    4.Attended a workshop on WBAN at College of Engineering (Anna University), Guindy

    5. MATLAB Integration with FPGA in IMAGE Processing and Digital Communication 3 Days


Staff Name


Mr. M. Lingeshwaran

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


7 years 7 Months

Area of specialization


1. Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS)

2. Antenna Design


Subjects Expertise


    1. Transmission Lines and RF Systems

    2. Antennas and Microwave Engineering

    3. Radar and Navigational Aids

    4. Wireless Networks

    5. Communication Systems

Journals published


    1. Lingeshwaran Murugasamy and Ramprabhu Sivasamy, “A Novel Fractal Inspired Iterated Four-Legged Loaded Loop Elements Based 2.5-D Miniaturized Frequency Selective Surface”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 63 no. 6 pp. 2164-2167, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1109 /TEMC.2021.3095168. (Impact Factor: 2.006)

    2. Ramprabhu Sivasamy, Lingeshwaran Murugasamy,“A low-profile paper substrate-based dual band FSS for GSM shielding”, IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.58, No.2, pp.611-614,April 2016. (Impact Factor: 2.006)

Conference / workshop attended



    1. Lingeshwaran Murugasamy, R. Priyadharshini, “Gain Enhancement of Ultra-Wide Band Antenna using Frequency Selective Surface”, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation & Computer Communication, organized by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Karpagam College of Engineering on 19th & 20th January 2017.

    Workshop Attended

    1. Received NPTEL – AICTE FDP certificate for completing “Antennas” course between January and April 2022 (Duration: 12 weeks)

    2. Participated and successfully completed ATAL Academy Online FDP on “The Trends of Research and Development of Electronics and Communication Area” from 17/01/2022 to 21/01/2022, organized by NIT, Manipur.

    3. Participated in AICTE sponsored online Short-Term Training Programme (STTP) on Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence in Smart Communication and Networking (Phase-1) from 02/11/2020 to 07/11/2020, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in QIS College of Engineering and Technology.

    4. Participated in the International Webinar Series on “Advanced Antenna Design Principles” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN from 25th to 27th June 2020.

    5. Attended 5 days online FDP on Computing & Signal Processing in IoT Applications (23-27 May 2020) Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE SSIT Society, Organized by Research and Product Development, Department of ECE, QIS College of Engineering and Technology.

    6. Attended a webinar series on “Modern Antennas for Wireless Systems” sponsored by IEEE MTT-S and AP-S, Gujarat Section during 22-24 May, 2020.

    7. Attended a FDP on “Advanced Antenna Pattern Synthesis and Beamforming with Computational Intelligence” at NIT, Warangal between 12.11.19 and 17.11.19 sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), GOI.

    8. Attended DHR-ICMR sponsored five-day workshop on “Emerging Trends in Wearable sensors for Health Care Applications” organised by KCG College of Technology (May 27-31 2019)

    9. Participated in a one-week FDP on “5G Communications” organised by Electronics and ICT Academy, NIT-Warangal (Jun 11-15 2018)

    10. Participated in workshop on “Research Implications & Analysis of Smart Antenna Systems for Advanced Imaging” conducted by Kongu Engineering College (Sep 11-12 2015)

    11. Participated in workshop on “Introduction to Robotics” conducted by Kongu Engineering College (Aug 28-29 2015)

    12. Participated in workshop on “Advanced Antenna Technology” conducted by IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (Nov 05-07 2014)

    13. "Advanced Horn structures for Reflectors and Phased Arrays" by Dr. Arun Bhattacharyya,Northrop Grumman Corporation, USA, a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE AP-S (held at SAMEER - Centre for Electromagnetics)

    14. "Dynamic Spectrum Access Wireless Networking" by Dr. R. Chandramouli, Thomas E. Hattrick Chair Professor of Information systems, Dept. of ECE, Stevens Institute of Technology,USA.

    15. "Current and emerging technologies for research in Wireless communication" by Dr. Devendra Jalihal, Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Madras.

    16. "Current and emerging technologies for research in Wireless Networking" by Dr. Radhakrishna Ganti, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Madras.

    17. Participated in workshop on “Next Generation Wireless Technologies” organized by Department of ECE,SSN (Feb 21-22 2014)

    18. Participated in workshop on “Intelligent Networks” conducted by Telecordia (March 30,31 2012)

    19. Participated in workshop on “Analog Design and Integration : A Portable/Mobile Embedded systems Perspective ” conducted by Texas Instruments.(march 19, 20 2011).

    Professional Societies

    1. ISTE Life Member Since 2015.

Funded Project Details


    1.Two Final Year students who worked under my guidance received a sum of Rs.7,500 from Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) under Student Project Funding for the academic year 2019-2020.

Awards & Achievements


    1. Secured State First Rank by obtaining 1183/1200 in Higher Secondary Examination (+2) conducted by Govt. of Tamil Nadu on March 2009 and received a prize money of Fifty Thousand Rupees (Rs.50,000/-) & a letter of appreciation from Mr. M. Karunanidhi, Ex., Hon., Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.

    2. Secured 99/100 in Physical Science & received a letter of appreciation from Council of Matriculation Schools (2009).

Staff Name


Mr. M. Lingeshwaran

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


7 years 7 Months

Area of specialization


1. Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS)

2. Antenna Design


Subjects Expertise


    1. Transmission Lines and RF Systems

    2. Antennas and Microwave Engineering

    3. Radar and Navigational Aids

    4. Wireless Networks

    5. Communication Systems

Journals published


    1. Lingeshwaran Murugasamy and Ramprabhu Sivasamy, “A Novel Fractal Inspired Iterated Four-Legged Loaded Loop Elements Based 2.5-D Miniaturized Frequency Selective Surface”, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 63 no. 6 pp. 2164-2167, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1109 /TEMC.2021.3095168. (Impact Factor: 2.006)

    2. Ramprabhu Sivasamy, Lingeshwaran Murugasamy,“A low-profile paper substrate-based dual band FSS for GSM shielding”, IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.58, No.2, pp.611-614,April 2016. (Impact Factor: 2.006)

Conference / workshop attended



    1. Lingeshwaran Murugasamy, R. Priyadharshini, “Gain Enhancement of Ultra-Wide Band Antenna using Frequency Selective Surface”, 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation & Computer Communication, organized by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Karpagam College of Engineering on 19th & 20th January 2017.

    Workshop Attended

    1. Received NPTEL – AICTE FDP certificate for completing “Antennas” course between January and April 2022 (Duration: 12 weeks)

    2. Participated and successfully completed ATAL Academy Online FDP on “The Trends of Research and Development of Electronics and Communication Area” from 17/01/2022 to 21/01/2022, organized by NIT, Manipur.

    3. Participated in AICTE sponsored online Short-Term Training Programme (STTP) on Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence in Smart Communication and Networking (Phase-1) from 02/11/2020 to 07/11/2020, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in QIS College of Engineering and Technology.

    4. Participated in the International Webinar Series on “Advanced Antenna Design Principles” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN from 25th to 27th June 2020.

    5. Attended 5 days online FDP on Computing & Signal Processing in IoT Applications (23-27 May 2020) Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE SSIT Society, Organized by Research and Product Development, Department of ECE, QIS College of Engineering and Technology.

    6. Attended a webinar series on “Modern Antennas for Wireless Systems” sponsored by IEEE MTT-S and AP-S, Gujarat Section during 22-24 May, 2020.

    7. Attended a FDP on “Advanced Antenna Pattern Synthesis and Beamforming with Computational Intelligence” at NIT, Warangal between 12.11.19 and 17.11.19 sponsored by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), GOI.

    8. Attended DHR-ICMR sponsored five-day workshop on “Emerging Trends in Wearable sensors for Health Care Applications” organised by KCG College of Technology (May 27-31 2019)

    9. Participated in a one-week FDP on “5G Communications” organised by Electronics and ICT Academy, NIT-Warangal (Jun 11-15 2018)

    10. Participated in workshop on “Research Implications & Analysis of Smart Antenna Systems for Advanced Imaging” conducted by Kongu Engineering College (Sep 11-12 2015)

    11. Participated in workshop on “Introduction to Robotics” conducted by Kongu Engineering College (Aug 28-29 2015)

    12. Participated in workshop on “Advanced Antenna Technology” conducted by IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (Nov 05-07 2014)

    13. "Advanced Horn structures for Reflectors and Phased Arrays" by Dr. Arun Bhattacharyya,Northrop Grumman Corporation, USA, a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE AP-S (held at SAMEER - Centre for Electromagnetics)

    14. "Dynamic Spectrum Access Wireless Networking" by Dr. R. Chandramouli, Thomas E. Hattrick Chair Professor of Information systems, Dept. of ECE, Stevens Institute of Technology,USA.

    15. "Current and emerging technologies for research in Wireless communication" by Dr. Devendra Jalihal, Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Madras.

    16. "Current and emerging technologies for research in Wireless Networking" by Dr. Radhakrishna Ganti, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Madras.

    17. Participated in workshop on “Next Generation Wireless Technologies” organized by Department of ECE,SSN (Feb 21-22 2014)

    18. Participated in workshop on “Intelligent Networks” conducted by Telecordia (March 30,31 2012)

    19. Participated in workshop on “Analog Design and Integration : A Portable/Mobile Embedded systems Perspective ” conducted by Texas Instruments.(march 19, 20 2011).

    Professional Societies

    1. ISTE Life Member Since 2015.

Funded Project Details


    1.Two Final Year students who worked under my guidance received a sum of Rs.7,500 from Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) under Student Project Funding for the academic year 2019-2020.

Awards & Achievements


    1. Secured State First Rank by obtaining 1183/1200 in Higher Secondary Examination (+2) conducted by Govt. of Tamil Nadu on March 2009 and received a prize money of Fifty Thousand Rupees (Rs.50,000/-) & a letter of appreciation from Mr. M. Karunanidhi, Ex., Hon., Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.

    2. Secured 99/100 in Physical Science & received a letter of appreciation from Council of Matriculation Schools (2009).


Staff Name


Mr. R. Prabhu

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,(Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


7 years 2 month

Area of specialization


1.Satellite Image Processing(Remote Sensing)

2. Digital Image Processing

3.Signal Processing Issues in MIMO Wireless Communication

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Image Processing

    2.Satellite Remote Sensing and data analysis


    4.Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    5.Wireless Communication

    6.Communication Engineering

    7.Signals and Systems

    8.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Journals published


    1.R.Prabhu, Parvathavarthini, "Morphological slum index for slum extraction from high-resolution remote sensing imagery over urban areas", Geocarto International, Taylor & Francis,Volume 37 Issue 26, June 2022. Impact Factor: 4.883 (SCI Indexed)

    2.R.Prabhu, B. Parvathavarthini, R.A. Alaguraja,Integration of deep convolutional neural networks and mathematical morphology- based postclassification framework for urban slum mapping, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, SPIE, 15, 1, March 2021, Impact factor: 1.53. (SCI Indexed)

    3.R.Prabhu, B. Parvathavarthini (2021) An enhanced approach for informal settlement extraction from optical data using morphological profile-guided filters: A case study of madurai city, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42, 17, September 2021, 6692-6709, Impact factor: 3.151. (SCI Indexed)

    4.R.Prabhu, B. Parvathavarthini, R.A. Alaguraja,Integration of deep convolutional neural networks and mathematical morphology- based postclassification framework for urban slum mapping, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, SPIE, 15, 1, March 2021, Impact factor: 1.53. (SCI Indexed)

    5.R.Prabhu, B. Parvathavarthini, R.A. Alaguraja, Slum Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Data using Mathematical Morphology based approach, International Journal of Remote Sensing, MDPI, 42, 1, January 2021, 172-190, Impact factor: 3.151 . (SCI Indexed)

    6.R.Prabhu , R.A.Alagu Raja, “ Urban Slum Detection Approaches from High-Resolution Satellite Data Using Statistical and Spectral Based Approaches ” Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing(Springer) , , October 2018. (ISSN No. 0255-660X (print version))

    7.R.Prabhu , Girija.G, Immaculate Nikhila.R, (2018) “ Slum Extraction Approaches from High Resolution Satellite Data – A Case Study Of Madurai City” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 14509-14514 (Special Issue) (ISSN No 1314-3395) (April 2018)

    8.R.Prabhu,Harini Ananya Srinivasan,(2018) ” Post classification framework for building extraction from high resolution satellite data” IAETSD Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences (JARAS) , Volume5, Issue 4, page (260-265) )(ISSN No 2394-8442)

    9.R.Prabhu ,Girija.G, Immaculate Nikhila.R, (2018) ”Classification of urban slum areas using homogenous urban patches” IAETSD Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences (JARAS) , Volume5, Issue 4, page (266-270) )(ISSN No 2394-8442)

    10.S.Rajesh Kannan,R.Prabhu (2018) ”Modified PCA based image fusion using feature matching” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(15) (Special Issue) (ISSN No 1314-3395) (April 2018)

    11.R.Prabhu , R.A.Alagu Raja, “Land Cover Classification of satellite Data using Morphological Attribute Profiles” International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research (ISSN 0973- 4562)

    12. R.Prabhu , R.A.Alagu Raja, “Modified Morphological Profiles Based Classification from Very High Resolution Data” published in Australian Journal of Basic and applied sciences (AJBAS) (THOMSON REUTERS) ISSN 1991-8178).

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1.Suresh, K., Sakthi, U., Raja, N.S.M., R.Prabhu, (2020) "Analysis of Histogram Distance Measures for Change Detection in Brain Symmetry", 2020 6th International Conference on Bio Signals, Images, and Instrumentation, ICBSII 2020, 2020, 9167640.

    2.R.Prabhu,Girija.G, Immaculate Nikhila.R, (2018)“Classification of urban slum areas using homogenous urban patches” 4th International Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (ICONSET-18),Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai.(Mar 23,24 2018)

    3.R.Prabhu, Harini , Ananya Srinivasan (2018) “Post classification framework for building extraction from high resolution satellite data” 4th International Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (ICONSET-18),Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai.(Mar 23,24 2018)

    4.R.Prabhu, Girija.G, Immaculate Nikhila.R, (2018)“Slum extraction approaches from high resolution satellite data using GLCM features” International Conference on Automation and Computing Technologies (ICACT-18),Velammal Institute of Technology,Ponneri, Thiruvallur. (March 17, 2018)

    5.S.Dayana and .R.Avudaiammal, R.Prabhu and A.Swarnalatha (2018)”Automatic Building Extraction From VHR Satellite Image” IEEE International Conference on Current trends towards Converging Technologies,SVS College Of Engineering, Coimbatore. (April 2018)

    6.R.Prabhu, R.Prabhu,R.A.AlaguRaja,S.Umasree,(2017) ”Urban Slum Extraction using GLCM based Statistical approach from Very High Resolution Satellite data” International Conference on Advanced Computing at Anna University, MIT Campus, Chennai.(Dec 12-14 2017)

    7.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja,(2017) “Modified Morphological Vegetation Index from High Resolution Satellite data- A Case Study of Madurai City” International Conference on Recent trends in Science and Technology at St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai on April 2017.

    8.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja, (2015)“Impact of Structuring Element in Morphological Profiles based Classification” National Conference on Remote Sensing and Satellite Communication, at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on Sep 5,2015.

    *.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja (2015) “Modified Morphological Profiles Based Classification from Very High Resolution Data” National Conference on Remote Sensing and Satellite Communication at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 5th September 2015

    10.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja, (2015) “Morphological Vegetation Index from Very High Resolution Satellite Data” National Conference on Remote Sensing and Satellite Communication at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 5th September 2015

    11.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja,(2015) “Urban Slum detection from high resolution satellite data using gabor wavelets” National Seminar on Geoinformatics Applications in Rural Development‟ ( ISBN No: 978-81-909728-09-5) conducted by NIRDPR, Hyderabad , on Mar 2015.

    12.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja, (2015) “Land Cover Classification of Satellite Data using Morphological Attribute Profiles” ” IEEE Sponsored Second International conference on information, communication and embedded systems (ICIIECS’15)” , conducted by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on March 2015

    13.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja (2015) “Land Cover Classification using Morphological Area Attribute” National Seminar on Land Use/ Land Cover Changes and its impact: Spatial Challenges and Geospatial Technologies (ISBN No: 978-93-80686-03-5) conducted by ICSR society at Madurai Kamarajar University, Madurai on Feb,2015.

    14.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja (2014) “Mathematical Morphology for Remote Sensing Applications” International Symposium on Operational Remote Sensing Applications Challenges " conducted by ISRO and NRSC (National Remote Sensing Centre) , Hyderabad at NRSC Hyderabad on Dec 9-12, 2014.

    15.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja (2014)“Mathematical Morphology based classification of very high Resolution Data” National Conference on Geo-informatics in Rural, Urban & Climatic Studies, Geomatrix 2014, conducted by REA,CSRE , IIT Bombay on June 9-12, 2014, Mumbai.

    16.V.Pavithra, R.Pounroja, B.Sathyabama, R.Prabhu,(2014) “Forest Fire Detection using low resolution aerial videos” National Conference on Geo-informatics in Rural, Urban & Climatic Studies , Geomatrix 2014, conducted by REA,CSRE , IIT Bombay on June 9-12, 2014, Mumbai.

    17.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja, N.Gowtham Pandian (2013)“Mathematical Morphology based Feature Extraction for very high resolution Remotely sensed (VHR) images” in the “National Conference on Remote Sensing & GIS for Environment with special Emphasis on marine and coastal dynamics” conducted by ISRS & ISG at Andhra College of Engineering,Visakapatnam on Dec 10-12, 2013.

    18.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja, N.Gowtham Pandian (2013)“Slum Extraction Approaches from High Resolution Satellite Data” in the “National Conference on Remote Sensing & GIS for Environment with special Emphasis on marine and coastal dynamics” conducted by ISRS & ISG at Andhra College of Engineering,Visakapatnam on Dec 10-12, 2013

    19.R.Prabhu , R.A.Alagu Raja(2012) “Automatic Building Extraction From High Resolution Imagery using Morphological Building Index ” in the “National Conference on Space Technology for Food and Environmental Security ” conducted by ISRS & (ISG ) at national Agricultral Research Institute,New Delhi on 9-10, 2012

    Workshop Attended

    1.Five Days online summer workshop on "Recent Algorithms for Remote Sensing Applications" at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal – 12th– 16th July 2022.

    2.Three Days National workshop on "Applications of Deep Learning in Computer Vision", SSN College of Engineering– 10th – 12th February 2022.

    3. Two weeks online summer school on "Machine and Deep learning for Remote sensing Applications” at National Institute of TechnologyKarnataka, Surathkal – 5th– 16th July 2021.

    4. Five days Faculty Development Program on "Electron Devices, Microprocessors & Digital Image Processing", at SRM Valliammai Engineering College– 11th – 15th May 2020.

    5.One day Short term course on "Solve Geospatial Problems with Deep Learning", conducted by Harris Geospatial Solutions– 6 th May 2020.

    6.Two days Workshop on "FDP on Image Analysis Spatial Domain", at Rajalakshmi Engineering College– 23th–24th November 2018.

    7.Three days workshop on "Signal Processing Issues in MIMO Wireless Communication Systems" at Thiagarajar College of Engineering– 11th – 13th August 2017.

    8.Two days Faculty Development Program on "Robotics and Automation" at St. Joseph’s Institute ofTechnology, Chennai– 13th – 14th March 2017.

    9.Three days workshop on "Synthetic Aperture radar (SAR) Image Analysis and Understanding" at Thiagarajar College of Engineering– 10th – 12th August 2015.

    10.Three days “Pre- Conference Tutorial” on "High Resolution Satellite Processing" at CSRE , IIT Bombay– 6th – 8th June 2014.

    11.Three days “Pre- Conference Tutorial” on "Planetary Exploration" at Department of Geo Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam– 5th – 7th December 2014.

    12.Three days workshop on "Satellite Image Processing with Matlab" at Thiagarajar College ofEngineering– 10th – 11th April 2014.

      Professional Societies

      ISTE Lifer Member Since 2015.

Funded Project Details


    1. TEQIP Sponsored Project “Urban Slum Extraction Approaches from High resolution Satellite Data for Madurai City” (Project Sactioned for the amount of Rs.40,000)

Awards & Achievements


    1. Reviewer in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation-Elsevier": 2020-21:& 2021-22.

    2. Reviewer in Computer Vision and Image Understanding- Elsevier from 2022.

    3. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment- Elsevier from 2022/

    4. Reviewer in Hindawi Wireless communications and Mobile computing from 2022/

    5. Got “Elite+Gold Certificate” for attending “Remote Sensing and Digital Image processing of Satellite Data” course conducted by NPTEL,SWAYAM, MHRD.

    6. Got “Elite+Silver Certificate” for attending “Digital Image processing” course conducted by NPTEL,SWAYAM, MHRD.

    7.Received a Best Outgoing Student Award in M.E Wireless Technologies at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 2015

    8. Received the Medal of Excellence Award (Gold Medal) for securing “ first rank” in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester during PG examinations at Thiagarajar college of Engineering,Madurai. 2016.

    9. Received a BRONZE Medal in Environmental Engineering Discipline for "45th All INDIA Student Design Contest” conducted by Institution of Engineers, India (IEI), at College of Engineering,Andhra University, Vishakapatnam during dec, 2014.

    10.Got District “THIRD” during Tamilnadu Higher Secondary Examinations, Government of Tamilnadu, 2009.

Staff Name


Mr. R. Prabhu

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,(Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


7 years 2 month

Area of specialization


1.Satellite Image Processing(Remote Sensing)

2. Digital Image Processing

3.Signal Processing Issues in MIMO Wireless Communication

Subjects Expertise


    1.Digital Image Processing

    2.Satellite Remote Sensing and data analysis


    4.Transmission Lines and Waveguides

    5.Wireless Communication

    6.Communication Engineering

    7.Signals and Systems

    8.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Journals published


    1.R.Prabhu, Parvathavarthini, "Morphological slum index for slum extraction from high-resolution remote sensing imagery over urban areas", Geocarto International, Taylor & Francis,Volume 37 Issue 26, June 2022. Impact Factor: 4.883 (SCI Indexed)

    2.R.Prabhu, B. Parvathavarthini, R.A. Alaguraja,Integration of deep convolutional neural networks and mathematical morphology- based postclassification framework for urban slum mapping, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, SPIE, 15, 1, March 2021, Impact factor: 1.53. (SCI Indexed)

    3.R.Prabhu, B. Parvathavarthini (2021) An enhanced approach for informal settlement extraction from optical data using morphological profile-guided filters: A case study of madurai city, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42, 17, September 2021, 6692-6709, Impact factor: 3.151. (SCI Indexed)

    4.R.Prabhu, B. Parvathavarthini, R.A. Alaguraja,Integration of deep convolutional neural networks and mathematical morphology- based postclassification framework for urban slum mapping, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, SPIE, 15, 1, March 2021, Impact factor: 1.53. (SCI Indexed)

    5.R.Prabhu, B. Parvathavarthini, R.A. Alaguraja, Slum Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Data using Mathematical Morphology based approach, International Journal of Remote Sensing, MDPI, 42, 1, January 2021, 172-190, Impact factor: 3.151 . (SCI Indexed)

    6.R.Prabhu , R.A.Alagu Raja, “ Urban Slum Detection Approaches from High-Resolution Satellite Data Using Statistical and Spectral Based Approaches ” Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing(Springer) , , October 2018. (ISSN No. 0255-660X (print version))

    7.R.Prabhu , Girija.G, Immaculate Nikhila.R, (2018) “ Slum Extraction Approaches from High Resolution Satellite Data – A Case Study Of Madurai City” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 14509-14514 (Special Issue) (ISSN No 1314-3395) (April 2018)

    8.R.Prabhu,Harini Ananya Srinivasan,(2018) ” Post classification framework for building extraction from high resolution satellite data” IAETSD Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences (JARAS) , Volume5, Issue 4, page (260-265) )(ISSN No 2394-8442)

    9.R.Prabhu ,Girija.G, Immaculate Nikhila.R, (2018) ”Classification of urban slum areas using homogenous urban patches” IAETSD Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences (JARAS) , Volume5, Issue 4, page (266-270) )(ISSN No 2394-8442)

    10.S.Rajesh Kannan,R.Prabhu (2018) ”Modified PCA based image fusion using feature matching” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 119(15) (Special Issue) (ISSN No 1314-3395) (April 2018)

    11.R.Prabhu , R.A.Alagu Raja, “Land Cover Classification of satellite Data using Morphological Attribute Profiles” International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research (ISSN 0973- 4562)

    12. R.Prabhu , R.A.Alagu Raja, “Modified Morphological Profiles Based Classification from Very High Resolution Data” published in Australian Journal of Basic and applied sciences (AJBAS) (THOMSON REUTERS) ISSN 1991-8178).

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1.Suresh, K., Sakthi, U., Raja, N.S.M., R.Prabhu, (2020) "Analysis of Histogram Distance Measures for Change Detection in Brain Symmetry", 2020 6th International Conference on Bio Signals, Images, and Instrumentation, ICBSII 2020, 2020, 9167640.

    2.R.Prabhu,Girija.G, Immaculate Nikhila.R, (2018)“Classification of urban slum areas using homogenous urban patches” 4th International Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (ICONSET-18),Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai.(Mar 23,24 2018)

    3.R.Prabhu, Harini , Ananya Srinivasan (2018) “Post classification framework for building extraction from high resolution satellite data” 4th International Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (ICONSET-18),Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai.(Mar 23,24 2018)

    4.R.Prabhu, Girija.G, Immaculate Nikhila.R, (2018)“Slum extraction approaches from high resolution satellite data using GLCM features” International Conference on Automation and Computing Technologies (ICACT-18),Velammal Institute of Technology,Ponneri, Thiruvallur. (March 17, 2018)

    5.S.Dayana and .R.Avudaiammal, R.Prabhu and A.Swarnalatha (2018)”Automatic Building Extraction From VHR Satellite Image” IEEE International Conference on Current trends towards Converging Technologies,SVS College Of Engineering, Coimbatore. (April 2018)

    6.R.Prabhu, R.Prabhu,R.A.AlaguRaja,S.Umasree,(2017) ”Urban Slum Extraction using GLCM based Statistical approach from Very High Resolution Satellite data” International Conference on Advanced Computing at Anna University, MIT Campus, Chennai.(Dec 12-14 2017)

    7.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja,(2017) “Modified Morphological Vegetation Index from High Resolution Satellite data- A Case Study of Madurai City” International Conference on Recent trends in Science and Technology at St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai on April 2017.

    8.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja, (2015)“Impact of Structuring Element in Morphological Profiles based Classification” National Conference on Remote Sensing and Satellite Communication, at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on Sep 5,2015.

    *.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja (2015) “Modified Morphological Profiles Based Classification from Very High Resolution Data” National Conference on Remote Sensing and Satellite Communication at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 5th September 2015

    10.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja, (2015) “Morphological Vegetation Index from Very High Resolution Satellite Data” National Conference on Remote Sensing and Satellite Communication at Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 5th September 2015

    11.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja,(2015) “Urban Slum detection from high resolution satellite data using gabor wavelets” National Seminar on Geoinformatics Applications in Rural Development‟ ( ISBN No: 978-81-909728-09-5) conducted by NIRDPR, Hyderabad , on Mar 2015.

    12.R.Prabhu, R.A.AlaguRaja, (2015) “Land Cover Classification of Satellite Data using Morphological Attribute Profiles” ” IEEE Sponsored Second International conference on information, communication and embedded systems (ICIIECS’15)” , conducted by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on March 2015

    13.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja (2015) “Land Cover Classification using Morphological Area Attribute” National Seminar on Land Use/ Land Cover Changes and its impact: Spatial Challenges and Geospatial Technologies (ISBN No: 978-93-80686-03-5) conducted by ICSR society at Madurai Kamarajar University, Madurai on Feb,2015.

    14.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja (2014) “Mathematical Morphology for Remote Sensing Applications” International Symposium on Operational Remote Sensing Applications Challenges " conducted by ISRO and NRSC (National Remote Sensing Centre) , Hyderabad at NRSC Hyderabad on Dec 9-12, 2014.

    15.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja (2014)“Mathematical Morphology based classification of very high Resolution Data” National Conference on Geo-informatics in Rural, Urban & Climatic Studies, Geomatrix 2014, conducted by REA,CSRE , IIT Bombay on June 9-12, 2014, Mumbai.

    16.V.Pavithra, R.Pounroja, B.Sathyabama, R.Prabhu,(2014) “Forest Fire Detection using low resolution aerial videos” National Conference on Geo-informatics in Rural, Urban & Climatic Studies , Geomatrix 2014, conducted by REA,CSRE , IIT Bombay on June 9-12, 2014, Mumbai.

    17.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja, N.Gowtham Pandian (2013)“Mathematical Morphology based Feature Extraction for very high resolution Remotely sensed (VHR) images” in the “National Conference on Remote Sensing & GIS for Environment with special Emphasis on marine and coastal dynamics” conducted by ISRS & ISG at Andhra College of Engineering,Visakapatnam on Dec 10-12, 2013.

    18.R.Prabhu, R.A.Alagu Raja, N.Gowtham Pandian (2013)“Slum Extraction Approaches from High Resolution Satellite Data” in the “National Conference on Remote Sensing & GIS for Environment with special Emphasis on marine and coastal dynamics” conducted by ISRS & ISG at Andhra College of Engineering,Visakapatnam on Dec 10-12, 2013

    19.R.Prabhu , R.A.Alagu Raja(2012) “Automatic Building Extraction From High Resolution Imagery using Morphological Building Index ” in the “National Conference on Space Technology for Food and Environmental Security ” conducted by ISRS & (ISG ) at national Agricultral Research Institute,New Delhi on 9-10, 2012

    Workshop Attended

    1.Five Days online summer workshop on "Recent Algorithms for Remote Sensing Applications" at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal – 12th– 16th July 2022.

    2.Three Days National workshop on "Applications of Deep Learning in Computer Vision", SSN College of Engineering– 10th – 12th February 2022.

    3. Two weeks online summer school on "Machine and Deep learning for Remote sensing Applications” at National Institute of TechnologyKarnataka, Surathkal – 5th– 16th July 2021.

    4. Five days Faculty Development Program on "Electron Devices, Microprocessors & Digital Image Processing", at SRM Valliammai Engineering College– 11th – 15th May 2020.

    5.One day Short term course on "Solve Geospatial Problems with Deep Learning", conducted by Harris Geospatial Solutions– 6 th May 2020.

    6.Two days Workshop on "FDP on Image Analysis Spatial Domain", at Rajalakshmi Engineering College– 23th–24th November 2018.

    7.Three days workshop on "Signal Processing Issues in MIMO Wireless Communication Systems" at Thiagarajar College of Engineering– 11th – 13th August 2017.

    8.Two days Faculty Development Program on "Robotics and Automation" at St. Joseph’s Institute ofTechnology, Chennai– 13th – 14th March 2017.

    9.Three days workshop on "Synthetic Aperture radar (SAR) Image Analysis and Understanding" at Thiagarajar College of Engineering– 10th – 12th August 2015.

    10.Three days “Pre- Conference Tutorial” on "High Resolution Satellite Processing" at CSRE , IIT Bombay– 6th – 8th June 2014.

    11.Three days “Pre- Conference Tutorial” on "Planetary Exploration" at Department of Geo Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam– 5th – 7th December 2014.

    12.Three days workshop on "Satellite Image Processing with Matlab" at Thiagarajar College ofEngineering– 10th – 11th April 2014.

      Professional Societies

      ISTE Lifer Member Since 2015.

Funded Project Details


    1. TEQIP Sponsored Project “Urban Slum Extraction Approaches from High resolution Satellite Data for Madurai City” (Project Sactioned for the amount of Rs.40,000)

Awards & Achievements


    1. Reviewer in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation-Elsevier": 2020-21:& 2021-22.

    2. Reviewer in Computer Vision and Image Understanding- Elsevier from 2022.

    3. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment- Elsevier from 2022/

    4. Reviewer in Hindawi Wireless communications and Mobile computing from 2022/

    5. Got “Elite+Gold Certificate” for attending “Remote Sensing and Digital Image processing of Satellite Data” course conducted by NPTEL,SWAYAM, MHRD.

    6. Got “Elite+Silver Certificate” for attending “Digital Image processing” course conducted by NPTEL,SWAYAM, MHRD.

    7.Received a Best Outgoing Student Award in M.E Wireless Technologies at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 2015

    8. Received the Medal of Excellence Award (Gold Medal) for securing “ first rank” in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semester during PG examinations at Thiagarajar college of Engineering,Madurai. 2016.

    9. Received a BRONZE Medal in Environmental Engineering Discipline for "45th All INDIA Student Design Contest” conducted by Institution of Engineers, India (IEI), at College of Engineering,Andhra University, Vishakapatnam during dec, 2014.

    10.Got District “THIRD” during Tamilnadu Higher Secondary Examinations, Government of Tamilnadu, 2009.


Staff Name


Mr. C.Ashok

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,(Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


6 years 7 Months

Area of specialization


1. Array Signal Processing

2. Statistical Signal Processing

3. Detection and Estimation Theory

4. Machine Learning

5. Applied Linear Algebra

Subjects Expertise


    1. Signal and Systems

    2. Digital Signal Processing

    3. Advanced Digital Signal Processing

    4. Electronic Devices

    5. Analog and Digital Communication

Journals published


    1.Ashok C, and Venkateswaran N, "Manifold Ambiguity-Free Low Complexity DOA Estimation Method for Unfolded Co-Prime Arrays”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1886-1890, June 2021. (IF: 3.436)

    2. Ashok C, Venkateswaran N, Vaddi Lakshmi Satya Sai Sarojini and Sneha Rajan, “An Unambiguous DOA Estimation Method for Coprime Array with Displaced Subarrays”, vol. 195, pp.108818, Applied Acoustics (Elsevier), June 2022. (IF: 3.614)

    3.Ashok C, and Venkateswaran N, “An Efficient Method for Resolving Ambiguity in DOA Estimation with Coprime Linear Array”, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing (Springer), November 2021. (IF: 2.225)

    4.Ashok C, and Venkateswaran N, “An Improved Polynomial Rooting-based Method for Solving Non-Trivial Ambiguity in Direction-Finding using an Unfolded Co-prime Linear Array”, Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer), March 2022. (IF: 2.157)

    5.Ashok C, and Venkateswaran N, "A Computationally Efficient Modified MUSIC Spectrum for Resolving DOAs of Multiple Closely Spaced Non-Gaussian Sources," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 102, 241-251, 2020. (IF:1.48).

Conference / Workshop Attended


    Conferences Attended

    1.Ashok C , Vaddi Lakshmi Satya Sai Sarojini, Venkateswaran N, “Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation of Multiple Closely Spaced Signals using MVDR-CSVR Approach”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Human Empowerment IETE Chencon pp.47-51, India, May 2022.

    2. Ashok C , Sharon Jacob and Swetha John, “A Cumulant Based Subspace Method for Signal Parameter Estimation”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), pp. 63-67, 2018.

    3. Ashok C , Pranishaa Prakash and Vinodha Gunasekaran, “Adaptive DOA Estimation Using Subspace Method for Underwater Applications”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), pp. 68-71,2018.

    4. N. Venkateswaran and Ashok C , “DoA estimation of Near-Field sources using Support Vector Regression”, in proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference TENCON, pp. 1570-1574 ,2016.

    5. Ashok C , and N. Venkateswaran, “Support Vector Regression Based Direction of Arrival Estimation in Heavy-Tailed Noise Environment”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), pp. 99-102, March 23, 2016.

    6. J. Surya Prakash, K. Annamalai Vignesh, Ashok C , R. Adhithyan, “Multi Class Support Vector Machines Classifier for Machine Vision Application”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Machine Vision And Image Processing (MVIP12), Pages: 197-199, December 15, 2012.

    7. Attended Virtual 11th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (IEEE SAM 2020), IEEE Signal processing society, Hangzhou, China, June 80 – 11, 2020.

    8. Attended Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC), IIT Madras, 2017.

    Workshop Attended

    1. Attended Centre for Faculty Development – Anna University Organized six- days FDP on “ EC8702 Adhoc and Wireless Sensor Networks”, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, 27.06.2022 to 02.07.2022.

    2. Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Advanced FDP on "Signal Processing for Cognitive Neuroscience Applications", National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya, 17/01/2022 to 21/01/2022.

    3. Attended an International webinar 1: “Perceptive Mobile Networks: Enabling Joint Communication and Radio Sensing in Mobile Networks”; Webinar 2: “Signaling Strategies and Array Processing for Sensing and Communications”, IEEE ComSoc-SPS ISAC Webinar Series, 24.11.2021.

    4. Attended AICTE-sponsored STTP on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Signal Processing” Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, from 24th May 2021 to 29th May 2021.

    5. Attended Two-day FDP on “Advances in Photonics and Fiber Optics Technologies” organized by IETE Chennai Centre & IEEE Photonics Society Madras Chapter on 21.06.2021 & 22.06.2021.

    6. Attended AICTE sponsored six days Online Short-Term Training Program (STTP) on “Terahertz Band: Next Frontier for Wireless Communication”, IFET COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Villupuram, 20th July to 25th July 2020

    7. Attended a Webinar on “Art and Challenges of Writing papers for IEEE Transactions”, IEEE Bangalore Section, 8 June, 2020.

    8. Attended Five Days online FDP on “Evolving Trends in Communication and Networking”, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, July 6-10, 2020.

    9. Attended virtual FDP on “Evolutionary Optimization Techniques”, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, June 15-17, 2020.

    10. Attended a 3 days Webinar on “Modern Antennas for Wireless Systems” organized by Dept. of ECE, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, 22- 24 May, 2020.

    11. Attended a webinar on “Biomedical Applications of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors” organized by IE(I) Local Centre and Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Chennai, 18 May, 2020.

    12. Attended one week Short Term course on “ Verilog Programming and Implementation in FPGA”, at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chennai, 30 Dec 2019 to 3 Jan 2020.

    13. Attended one-week FDP course on “Machine learning application in signal processing” organized by Electronics and ICT, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal, June 4-9, 2019.

    14. Attended an AICTE QIP one-week Short term course on “Array Signal Processing in Radar and Wireless communication” at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, December 4-10, 2017.

    15. Attended Distinguished Lecturer’s seminar on “Phased Array Antennas for Radio Astronomy” organized by IEEE Madras Section at Campus of Engineering, Anna University, Guindy, Chennai, 21 September, 2017

    16. Attended Distinguished Lecturer’s seminar on “Advanced Horn structures for Reflectors and Phased Arrays” and “Efficient Shaped Beam Synthesis in Phased Arrays and Reflectors” organized by IEEE Madras Section at SAMEER, Centre for Electromagnetics, Taramani, Chennai. 04 October 2014.

    17. Attended two-day workshop on “Technologies for Speaker and Language Recognition” at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, April 29-30, 2015

    18. Attended a two-day workshop on “Modeling Photonic Devices” at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, March 30-31, 2015.

    Professional Societies

    IIEEE membership (IEEE Signal Processing Society and IEEE Communication Society)

Funded Project Details


    1. Development of a Robust Machine Learning Inspired Adaptive Subspace Methods for Localization and Tracking Underwater Sources under Array sensor failure. Status: Submitted,NAVAL RESEARCH BOARD,2020

Awards & Achievements


    1. Received an IEEE Publication Award - 2021 from IEEE Madras Section for a research article titled “Manifold Ambiguity-Free Low Complexity DOA Estimation Method for Unfolded Co-Prime Arrays” published in IEEE Journal named IEEE Communications Letters (Impact Factor:3.436).

    2. Reviewer in "IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technologies": 2020-21:& 2021-22.

    3. Reviewer in IEEE Sensors Journal from 2022.

    4. Reviewer in IEEE Systems Journal from 2022/

    5. Reviewer in Hindawi Wireless communications and Mobile computing from 2022/

    6. Received a Gold medal for securing “first rank” (cgpa:9.0) in the first semester of Anna university PG examination at SSN College of Engineering, 2016.

    7. Received a Silver medal for securing “second rank” in the second semester of Anna university PG examination at SSN College of Engineering, 2016.

Staff Name


Mr. C.Ashok

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,(Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


6 years 7 Months

Area of specialization


1. Array Signal Processing

2. Statistical Signal Processing

3. Detection and Estimation Theory

4. Machine Learning

5. Applied Linear Algebra

Subjects Expertise


    1. Signal and Systems

    2. Digital Signal Processing

    3. Advanced Digital Signal Processing

    4. Electronic Devices

    5. Analog and Digital Communication

Journals published


    1.Ashok C, and Venkateswaran N, "Manifold Ambiguity-Free Low Complexity DOA Estimation Method for Unfolded Co-Prime Arrays”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1886-1890, June 2021. (IF: 3.436)

    2. Ashok C, Venkateswaran N, Vaddi Lakshmi Satya Sai Sarojini and Sneha Rajan, “An Unambiguous DOA Estimation Method for Coprime Array with Displaced Subarrays”, vol. 195, pp.108818, Applied Acoustics (Elsevier), June 2022. (IF: 3.614)

    3.Ashok C, and Venkateswaran N, “An Efficient Method for Resolving Ambiguity in DOA Estimation with Coprime Linear Array”, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing (Springer), November 2021. (IF: 2.225)

    4.Ashok C, and Venkateswaran N, “An Improved Polynomial Rooting-based Method for Solving Non-Trivial Ambiguity in Direction-Finding using an Unfolded Co-prime Linear Array”, Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer), March 2022. (IF: 2.157)

    5.Ashok C, and Venkateswaran N, "A Computationally Efficient Modified MUSIC Spectrum for Resolving DOAs of Multiple Closely Spaced Non-Gaussian Sources," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 102, 241-251, 2020. (IF:1.48).

Conference / Workshop Attended


    Conferences Attended

    1.Ashok C , Vaddi Lakshmi Satya Sai Sarojini, Venkateswaran N, “Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation of Multiple Closely Spaced Signals using MVDR-CSVR Approach”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Human Empowerment IETE Chencon pp.47-51, India, May 2022.

    2. Ashok C , Sharon Jacob and Swetha John, “A Cumulant Based Subspace Method for Signal Parameter Estimation”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), pp. 63-67, 2018.

    3. Ashok C , Pranishaa Prakash and Vinodha Gunasekaran, “Adaptive DOA Estimation Using Subspace Method for Underwater Applications”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), pp. 68-71,2018.

    4. N. Venkateswaran and Ashok C , “DoA estimation of Near-Field sources using Support Vector Regression”, in proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference TENCON, pp. 1570-1574 ,2016.

    5. Ashok C , and N. Venkateswaran, “Support Vector Regression Based Direction of Arrival Estimation in Heavy-Tailed Noise Environment”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), pp. 99-102, March 23, 2016.

    6. J. Surya Prakash, K. Annamalai Vignesh, Ashok C , R. Adhithyan, “Multi Class Support Vector Machines Classifier for Machine Vision Application”, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Machine Vision And Image Processing (MVIP12), Pages: 197-199, December 15, 2012.

    7. Attended Virtual 11th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (IEEE SAM 2020), IEEE Signal processing society, Hangzhou, China, June 80 – 11, 2020.

    8. Attended Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC), IIT Madras, 2017.

    Workshop Attended

    1. Attended Centre for Faculty Development – Anna University Organized six- days FDP on “ EC8702 Adhoc and Wireless Sensor Networks”, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, 27.06.2022 to 02.07.2022.

    2. Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Advanced FDP on "Signal Processing for Cognitive Neuroscience Applications", National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya, 17/01/2022 to 21/01/2022.

    3. Attended an International webinar 1: “Perceptive Mobile Networks: Enabling Joint Communication and Radio Sensing in Mobile Networks”; Webinar 2: “Signaling Strategies and Array Processing for Sensing and Communications”, IEEE ComSoc-SPS ISAC Webinar Series, 24.11.2021.

    4. Attended AICTE-sponsored STTP on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Signal Processing” Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, from 24th May 2021 to 29th May 2021.

    5. Attended Two-day FDP on “Advances in Photonics and Fiber Optics Technologies” organized by IETE Chennai Centre & IEEE Photonics Society Madras Chapter on 21.06.2021 & 22.06.2021.

    6. Attended AICTE sponsored six days Online Short-Term Training Program (STTP) on “Terahertz Band: Next Frontier for Wireless Communication”, IFET COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Villupuram, 20th July to 25th July 2020

    7. Attended a Webinar on “Art and Challenges of Writing papers for IEEE Transactions”, IEEE Bangalore Section, 8 June, 2020.

    8. Attended Five Days online FDP on “Evolving Trends in Communication and Networking”, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, July 6-10, 2020.

    9. Attended virtual FDP on “Evolutionary Optimization Techniques”, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, June 15-17, 2020.

    10. Attended a 3 days Webinar on “Modern Antennas for Wireless Systems” organized by Dept. of ECE, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, 22- 24 May, 2020.

    11. Attended a webinar on “Biomedical Applications of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors” organized by IE(I) Local Centre and Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Chennai, 18 May, 2020.

    12. Attended one week Short Term course on “ Verilog Programming and Implementation in FPGA”, at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chennai, 30 Dec 2019 to 3 Jan 2020.

    13. Attended one-week FDP course on “Machine learning application in signal processing” organized by Electronics and ICT, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal, June 4-9, 2019.

    14. Attended an AICTE QIP one-week Short term course on “Array Signal Processing in Radar and Wireless communication” at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, December 4-10, 2017.

    15. Attended Distinguished Lecturer’s seminar on “Phased Array Antennas for Radio Astronomy” organized by IEEE Madras Section at Campus of Engineering, Anna University, Guindy, Chennai, 21 September, 2017

    16. Attended Distinguished Lecturer’s seminar on “Advanced Horn structures for Reflectors and Phased Arrays” and “Efficient Shaped Beam Synthesis in Phased Arrays and Reflectors” organized by IEEE Madras Section at SAMEER, Centre for Electromagnetics, Taramani, Chennai. 04 October 2014.

    17. Attended two-day workshop on “Technologies for Speaker and Language Recognition” at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, April 29-30, 2015

    18. Attended a two-day workshop on “Modeling Photonic Devices” at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, March 30-31, 2015.

    Professional Societies

    IIEEE membership (IEEE Signal Processing Society and IEEE Communication Society)

Funded Project Details


    1. Development of a Robust Machine Learning Inspired Adaptive Subspace Methods for Localization and Tracking Underwater Sources under Array sensor failure. Status: Submitted,NAVAL RESEARCH BOARD,2020

Awards & Achievements


    1. Received an IEEE Publication Award - 2021 from IEEE Madras Section for a research article titled “Manifold Ambiguity-Free Low Complexity DOA Estimation Method for Unfolded Co-Prime Arrays” published in IEEE Journal named IEEE Communications Letters (Impact Factor:3.436).

    2. Reviewer in "IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technologies": 2020-21:& 2021-22.

    3. Reviewer in IEEE Sensors Journal from 2022.

    4. Reviewer in IEEE Systems Journal from 2022/

    5. Reviewer in Hindawi Wireless communications and Mobile computing from 2022/

    6. Received a Gold medal for securing “first rank” (cgpa:9.0) in the first semester of Anna university PG examination at SSN College of Engineering, 2016.

    7. Received a Silver medal for securing “second rank” in the second semester of Anna university PG examination at SSN College of Engineering, 2016.


Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E, M.E.,

Teaching Experience


6 years 7 Months

Area of specialization


Cognitive Radio Networks

Subjects Expertise


    1.Wireless Networks

    2.Linear Integrated Circuits

    3.Satellite Communiation

    4.Analog and Digital Communication

    5.Environmental Science and Engineering

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1.G.D.Vignesh“Power Control technique to mitigate interference for MIMO Cognitive Radio”, 3rd International Conference on Signal processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN), Pg no: 1-5, ISBN 978-1-4673-6822-3.

    Workshop Attended

    1.Attended a Cognitive Radio Networks-Enabling technologies and Challenges’ at CEG, Anna University (6th to 8th Jan 2015)

    2.‘WBAN - Sensing and Signal Processing Challenges’ at CEG, Anna University (4th to 25th Feb 2015)

    3.Workshop on Fiber optic cables and link management conducted by PSG college of Tech 4.Attended ATAL FDP ON “ INTERNET OF THINGS” AT CEG, ANNA UNIVERSITY,Chennai.29-10-2019 to 2-11-2019

Patent details



Funded Project Details



Awards & Achievements



Staff Name



Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E, M.E.,

Teaching Experience


6 years 7 Months

Area of specialization


Cognitive Radio Networks

Subjects Expertise


    1.Wireless Networks

    2.Linear Integrated Circuits

    3.Satellite Communiation

    4.Analog and Digital Communication

    5.Environmental Science and Engineering

Journals published



Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1.G.D.Vignesh“Power Control technique to mitigate interference for MIMO Cognitive Radio”, 3rd International Conference on Signal processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN), Pg no: 1-5, ISBN 978-1-4673-6822-3.

    Workshop Attended

    1.Attended a Cognitive Radio Networks-Enabling technologies and Challenges’ at CEG, Anna University (6th to 8th Jan 2015)

    2.‘WBAN - Sensing and Signal Processing Challenges’ at CEG, Anna University (4th to 25th Feb 2015)

    3.Workshop on Fiber optic cables and link management conducted by PSG college of Tech 4.Attended ATAL FDP ON “ INTERNET OF THINGS” AT CEG, ANNA UNIVERSITY,Chennai.29-10-2019 to 2-11-2019

Patent details



Funded Project Details



Awards & Achievements




Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E.,Ph.D

Teaching Experience


21 years 9 months

Area of specialization


1.Control Engineering

2.Soft computing

3.Process Control

Subjects Expertise


    1. Control system Engineering

    2. Logic and Distributed Control System

    3. Advanced Digital Principles Design

    4. Process Control

    5. Digital Control System

    6. Automotive Embedded System

Journals published


    1. Divya Perumal, M. Suresh, Automated BFT testing in LABCAR using ECU Test Tool,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May 2020.

    2. Palanisamy Boopathi Nevetha, M. Sureshh, 2016, ‘Design of Decoupler and Performance Analysis of Distillation Column’, International Journal Of Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation And Control Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 6, pp 40-43.

    3. R. Ranjitha, Vijay Ramraj Rangam, M. Suresh, 2016, ‘Design Of Feed Forward Compensator For A Thermal Process’, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research, Vol 5, Issue 6, pp. 2014-2028, 2016.

    4. T. Babu, M. Suresh and N. Pappa,” QFT Based Controller Design for Class of Nonlinear Uncertain System”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (Sensing, Signal Processing and Security): 249-256, 2015 ISSN 1990-9233, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2015.23.ssps.104

    5. M. Suresh, Selvakumar, C & Rani Hemamalini, R 2013, ‘Active disturbance rejection control of nonlinear thermal process’, International review on mechanical engineering, International review of mechanical Engineering, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1213 – 1217.

    6. M. Suresh, Selvakumar, C & Rani Hemamalini, R 2012, ‘Design of feedforward controller for a FOPDT nonlinear thermal process’, International review on modelling and simulations, vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 2507-2511.

    7. M. Suresh, Rani Hemamalini, R & Srinivasan, GJ 2010,‘Limitations of feedback, feedforward and IMC controller for a first order nonlinear process with dead time’, Sensors & Transducers Journal, vol. 121, no.10, pp. 77-93.

    8. M. Suresh, Rani Hemamalini, R & Srinivasan, GJ 2009, ‘Fuzzy logic based set-point weighted controller for an internal model based PID controller’, Sensors & Transducers Journal, vol. 109, No. 10, pp. 29-42.

    9. M. Suresh, Rani Hemamalini, R & Srinivasan, GJ 2009, ‘Integrated fuzzy logic based intelligent control of three tank system’, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 6, No. 1, pp.1-14.

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1. M. Suresh, Kotteeswaran.R, Suresh.M, Bat Algorithm based Centralized PI Controller for a Nonsquare Multivariable System with RHP Zeros, International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICECON - 2019), NIT Trichy.

    2. Nivethitha M, Sornambiga S and M. Suresh, Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm using Kinect, International E-Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Computing and Communication Engineering (ICRTECC 2020), p.21. ISBN:9-788190-994811

    3. M. Suresh, C.Selvakumar, Mohamed Rashid, Siddikhan, “The performance analysis of PID Controller with set point filter and anti-integral windup for a FOPDT thermal process” IEEE Third international conference on sensing, signal processing and security (ICSSS 2017), 4 and 5 May 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5090-4929-5(Online),ISBN: 978-1-5090-4930-1(Print),DOI: 10.1109/SSPS.2017.8071636.

    4. Rani Hemamalini, R, Sudha, K, M. Suresh & Sri Madhavaraja, N 2008, ‘Intelligent Fuzzy Control For Multi Variable Four Tank System’, The 51 Annual POWID Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, June 8-13.

    5. Rani Hemamalini, & M. Suresh 2003 ‘Fuzzy Logic Augumented Feedforward Feedback Control of Processes’, Aerospace Industries/Test Measurement Division 49th International Instrumentation Symposium, Orando, FL, USA

    Workshop Attended

    1. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on " Industry Oriented FDP on Artificial Intelligence" from 2021-06-07 to 2021-06-11 at MSME-Technology Development Centre (PPDC), Meerut.

    2. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on " Cultivating Excellence in Implementation of Computation-al Science for Scientific and Technological Innovations" from 2021-06-14 to 2021-06-18 at National Institute of Technology Rourkela.

    3. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on " Applications of Machine Learning for Autonomous futuristic Electric Vehicles" from 2021-7-12 to 2021-7-16 at National Institute of Technology, Calicut.

    4. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on " Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles" from 2021-7-5 to 2021-7-9 at National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh.

    5. International Webinar on "Design of Wind Tower Cooling System with passive Evaporative cooling", conducted by SRMIST- ENFUSE on 31st July 2020.

    6. Webinar “Adaptive Tracker For N-Link Rigid Robotic Manipulators Via Sliding Mode Control” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research Nashik on 28th July, 2020.

    7. Online Webinar on “IPR and Technology Transfer”, Institution’s Innovation Council Innovation Ambassadors (IA) Programme, R.M.K. Engineering College, 12-7-2020.

    8. Webinar on " Research aspects on Medical device development" conducted by EEE department, Nalla Narasimha Reddy Group of Institutions on 8th July 2020.

    9. Webinar on “Role of language as the ultimate & vital factor for success in careers” organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119 in association with IEEE Control Systems Society on June 11, 2020.

    10. Webinar on “Role of language as the ultimate & vital factor for success in careers” organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119 in association with IEEE Control Systems Society on June 11, 2020.

    11. Webinar on smart factory automation with digital twin and live demonstration on skillon365, conducted by MTAB TECHNOLOGY CENTER P LTD, Organized by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering of KCG College of Technology on 10 June 2020.

    12. Future Electric Grid Organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 08-06-2020.

    13. Research Trends in VLSI Design from 25-05-20 to 29-05-20 (One Week) Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh

    14. Strategic Planning for Entrepreneurship Promotion from 04-05-20 to 08-05-20 (One Week) Organized by Entrepreneurship Development and Industrial Coordination Department, NITTTR, Chandigarh

    15. Scilab Programming from 14-04-20 to 18-04-20 (One Week) Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh

    16. Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing from 14-04-20 to 18-04-20 (One Week) Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department, NITTTR, Chandigarh.

    17. Neural Network and CNN, Conducted by Curriculum Development Centre Department, from 09/04/2020 to 13/04/2020 (One Week) at NITTTR, Chandigarh.

      Professional Societies

      1. FIE – Institute of Engineers ( F-123485-0)

      2. Solar Chartered Engineer Certification (No. 526737-N)

      3. ISTE membership

Staff Name



Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E.,Ph.D

Teaching Experience


21 years 9 months

Area of specialization


1.Control Engineering

2.Soft computing

3.Process Control

Subjects Expertise


    1. Control system Engineering

    2. Logic and Distributed Control System

    3. Advanced Digital Principles Design

    4. Process Control

    5. Digital Control System

    6. Automotive Embedded System

Journals published


    1. Divya Perumal, M. Suresh, Automated BFT testing in LABCAR using ECU Test Tool,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May 2020.

    2. Palanisamy Boopathi Nevetha, M. Sureshh, 2016, ‘Design of Decoupler and Performance Analysis of Distillation Column’, International Journal Of Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation And Control Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 6, pp 40-43.

    3. R. Ranjitha, Vijay Ramraj Rangam, M. Suresh, 2016, ‘Design Of Feed Forward Compensator For A Thermal Process’, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research, Vol 5, Issue 6, pp. 2014-2028, 2016.

    4. T. Babu, M. Suresh and N. Pappa,” QFT Based Controller Design for Class of Nonlinear Uncertain System”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (Sensing, Signal Processing and Security): 249-256, 2015 ISSN 1990-9233, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2015.23.ssps.104

    5. M. Suresh, Selvakumar, C & Rani Hemamalini, R 2013, ‘Active disturbance rejection control of nonlinear thermal process’, International review on mechanical engineering, International review of mechanical Engineering, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1213 – 1217.

    6. M. Suresh, Selvakumar, C & Rani Hemamalini, R 2012, ‘Design of feedforward controller for a FOPDT nonlinear thermal process’, International review on modelling and simulations, vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 2507-2511.

    7. M. Suresh, Rani Hemamalini, R & Srinivasan, GJ 2010,‘Limitations of feedback, feedforward and IMC controller for a first order nonlinear process with dead time’, Sensors & Transducers Journal, vol. 121, no.10, pp. 77-93.

    8. M. Suresh, Rani Hemamalini, R & Srinivasan, GJ 2009, ‘Fuzzy logic based set-point weighted controller for an internal model based PID controller’, Sensors & Transducers Journal, vol. 109, No. 10, pp. 29-42.

    9. M. Suresh, Rani Hemamalini, R & Srinivasan, GJ 2009, ‘Integrated fuzzy logic based intelligent control of three tank system’, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 6, No. 1, pp.1-14.

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1. M. Suresh, Kotteeswaran.R, Suresh.M, Bat Algorithm based Centralized PI Controller for a Nonsquare Multivariable System with RHP Zeros, International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICECON - 2019), NIT Trichy.

    2. Nivethitha M, Sornambiga S and M. Suresh, Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm using Kinect, International E-Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Computing and Communication Engineering (ICRTECC 2020), p.21. ISBN:9-788190-994811

    3. M. Suresh, C.Selvakumar, Mohamed Rashid, Siddikhan, “The performance analysis of PID Controller with set point filter and anti-integral windup for a FOPDT thermal process” IEEE Third international conference on sensing, signal processing and security (ICSSS 2017), 4 and 5 May 2017, ISBN: 978-1-5090-4929-5(Online),ISBN: 978-1-5090-4930-1(Print),DOI: 10.1109/SSPS.2017.8071636.

    4. Rani Hemamalini, R, Sudha, K, M. Suresh & Sri Madhavaraja, N 2008, ‘Intelligent Fuzzy Control For Multi Variable Four Tank System’, The 51 Annual POWID Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, June 8-13.

    5. Rani Hemamalini, & M. Suresh 2003 ‘Fuzzy Logic Augumented Feedforward Feedback Control of Processes’, Aerospace Industries/Test Measurement Division 49th International Instrumentation Symposium, Orando, FL, USA

    Workshop Attended

    1. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on " Industry Oriented FDP on Artificial Intelligence" from 2021-06-07 to 2021-06-11 at MSME-Technology Development Centre (PPDC), Meerut.

    2. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on " Cultivating Excellence in Implementation of Computation-al Science for Scientific and Technological Innovations" from 2021-06-14 to 2021-06-18 at National Institute of Technology Rourkela.

    3. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on " Applications of Machine Learning for Autonomous futuristic Electric Vehicles" from 2021-7-12 to 2021-7-16 at National Institute of Technology, Calicut.

    4. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on " Recent Trends in Electric Vehicles" from 2021-7-5 to 2021-7-9 at National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh.

    5. International Webinar on "Design of Wind Tower Cooling System with passive Evaporative cooling", conducted by SRMIST- ENFUSE on 31st July 2020.

    6. Webinar “Adaptive Tracker For N-Link Rigid Robotic Manipulators Via Sliding Mode Control” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research Nashik on 28th July, 2020.

    7. Online Webinar on “IPR and Technology Transfer”, Institution’s Innovation Council Innovation Ambassadors (IA) Programme, R.M.K. Engineering College, 12-7-2020.

    8. Webinar on " Research aspects on Medical device development" conducted by EEE department, Nalla Narasimha Reddy Group of Institutions on 8th July 2020.

    9. Webinar on “Role of language as the ultimate & vital factor for success in careers” organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119 in association with IEEE Control Systems Society on June 11, 2020.

    10. Webinar on “Role of language as the ultimate & vital factor for success in careers” organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119 in association with IEEE Control Systems Society on June 11, 2020.

    11. Webinar on smart factory automation with digital twin and live demonstration on skillon365, conducted by MTAB TECHNOLOGY CENTER P LTD, Organized by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering of KCG College of Technology on 10 June 2020.

    12. Future Electric Grid Organized by Chennai Institute of Technology on 08-06-2020.

    13. Research Trends in VLSI Design from 25-05-20 to 29-05-20 (One Week) Organized by Electronics and Communication Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh

    14. Strategic Planning for Entrepreneurship Promotion from 04-05-20 to 08-05-20 (One Week) Organized by Entrepreneurship Development and Industrial Coordination Department, NITTTR, Chandigarh

    15. Scilab Programming from 14-04-20 to 18-04-20 (One Week) Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh

    16. Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing from 14-04-20 to 18-04-20 (One Week) Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department, NITTTR, Chandigarh.

    17. Neural Network and CNN, Conducted by Curriculum Development Centre Department, from 09/04/2020 to 13/04/2020 (One Week) at NITTTR, Chandigarh.

      Professional Societies

      1. FIE – Institute of Engineers ( F-123485-0)

      2. Solar Chartered Engineer Certification (No. 526737-N)

      3. ISTE membership


Staff Name


Dr. G. Sivagurunathan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E.,Ph.D

Teaching Experience


22 Years 2 Months

Area of specialization


1. Process Control

2. Transducer Engineering

3.Control System Engineering

Subjects Expertise


    1. Electrical Measurement

    2. Electronics and Instrumentation

    3. Analytical Instruments

    4. Basic Electrical Instrumentation

    5. Industrial Instrumentation

    6. Industrial Data Networks

    7. Power Plant Instrumentation

    8. Modern Electronic and Instrumentation

Journals published


    1. G Sivagurunathan , R Kotteeswaran, M Suresh, A Kirthini Godweena,‘Design of centralized controller for multivariable process using MOPSO algorithm’Indian Journal of Science and Technology 14 (26), 2223-2237, (2021).

    2. J. Ramyashree , M.R. Roja, G Sivagurunathan, R. Kotteeswaran, “ Firefly algorithm based multivariable PID controller design for MIMO proces” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2.31) (2018) 41-44.

    3. G Sivagurunathan and K. Saravanan, “ PID Controller Parameter Optimization for a Non Linear Spherical Tank System Using an Improved Particle Swam Optimization Technique” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.20 (2015).

    4. G Sivagurunathan and K. Saravanan, “Design and implementation of Controller for a Nonlinear Spherical Tank System using Soft computing Techniques” International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), ISSN : 0975-4024, Vol 6 No 3 Jun-Jul 2014, page 1371-1379.

    5. G Sivagurunathan, Kaliannan Saravanan, ‘’Evolutionary Algorithms based Controller Optimization for a Real Time Spherical Tank System ‘’ Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(3) March 2014, Pages: 244-254.

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1.Rangasamy K., G Sivagurunathan , Ramraj R.V.,” Performance assessment of MofA based decentralized PI controller of fluidized bed coal gasifier”, 2020 1st IEEE International onference on Measurement, Instrumentation, Control and Automation, ICMICA 2020, DOI : 10.1109/ICMICA48462.2020.9242900

    2. Rangasamy K., Ramraj R.V., G Sivagurunathan ,” Performance Assessment of Conventional and Cuckoo Search Algorithm Based Centralized PID Controller for Multivariable Non-square System with RHP Zeros”, 2020 1st IEEE International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation, Control and Automation, ICMICA 2020.DOI : 10.1109/ICMICA48462.2020.9242858

    3. Arunmozhi S., G Sivagurunathan , Meenakshi P.K., Karishma S., Rajinikanth V.,” A Study on the Assesment of Leukocyte with Hybrid Imaging Technique”, 2020 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking, ICSCAN 2020

    4. G Sivagurunathan , Kotteeswaran.R, Suresh.M,” Bat Algorithm based Centralized PI Controller for a Nonsquare Multivariable System with RHP Zeros”, International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Engineering 2019, ICECON2019, NIT, Tiruchirappalli

    5. Vijayakumari, SG, Sindhuja, S, G Sivagurunathan. Kapur’s Thresholding and DRLS Segmentation to Extract Lung Region from Chest CT Picture. 2018 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation, 2018; DOI: 10.1109/ICSCAN.2018.8541190

    6. G Sivagurunathan and K. Saravanan,” Design of PI Controller for a Non-linear Spherical Tank System Using Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Algorithm”Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, , Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Front. ofIntell. Comput. (FICTA) 2014. – Vol. 1, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 327, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11933-5_81.

    7. G Sivagurunathan ,Dr. K. B. Jayanthi ,” Fuzzy Logic Based Self tuning of PI Controller for a Non Linear Spherical Tank System”, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, 978-1-4673-1344-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

    Workshop Attended

    1. Attended 14 days online FDP on Data Science (AI with ML) organised by ECE Dept, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore from 5-7-2021 to 17-7- 2021.

    2. Attended 6 days online FDP on Emerging Techniques in Biomedical Instrumentation –ETBI -2020 organised by KL University association with Biomedical Instrumentation Sub System Microelectronics Research Group from 28-6-2021 to 3-7- 2021.

    3. Attended 14 days National level online FDP on Digital Teaching, Learning and Research organised by St.Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research , Chennai from12-6-2021 to 23-6- 2021.

    4. Attended 5 days online FDP on Internet of Things and Applications in 5G organized by ECE Dept, Easwari Engineering College , Chennai from 5-1-2021 to 09-1- 2021.

    5. Attended 7 days value added course on Robotics Process Automation organised by St.Joseph’s College of Engg with RoboRAM Technologies from 25-10-2021 to 1-11-2021

    6. Attended one day online workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and IP management for a Start-up organised by Prathyusha .Engineering College, Chennai on 17-5-2021.

    7. Attended 5 days online STTP on Industrial IoT and Industry 4.0 – Smart Industry Automation organised by Dept of EIE, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode from 11-8-2020 to 15-8- 2020.

    8. Attended 5 days online FDP on Research Aspects in Signal and Image Processing organised by Dept of ECE, Mohamed Sathak A J College of Engineering, Chennai from 27-7-2020 to 31-7- 2020.

    9. Attended one day online webinar on Supervisory and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System organized by ECE Dept of SriRam Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu on 18 -7-2020.

    10. Attended one day online webinar on Emerging Trends in Embedded systems and IoT in Process Industries ,organized by EIE Dept of St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu on 27- 7-2020.

    11. Attended 6 days online FDP on Next Generation Intelligence organised by St.Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research , Chennai from 20-5-2020 to 25-6- 2020.

    12. Attended 5 days FDP on Internet Of Things (IoT) organised by IIITDM, Knacheepuram from 15-11-19 to 19-11-2019.

Staff Name


Dr. G. Sivagurunathan

Faculty ID





Associate Professor



B.E., M.E.,Ph.D

Teaching Experience


22 Years 2 Months

Area of specialization


1. Process Control

2. Transducer Engineering

3.Control System Engineering

Subjects Expertise


    1. Electrical Measurement

    2. Electronics and Instrumentation

    3. Analytical Instruments

    4. Basic Electrical Instrumentation

    5. Industrial Instrumentation

    6. Industrial Data Networks

    7. Power Plant Instrumentation

    8. Modern Electronic and Instrumentation

Journals published


    1. G Sivagurunathan , R Kotteeswaran, M Suresh, A Kirthini Godweena,‘Design of centralized controller for multivariable process using MOPSO algorithm’Indian Journal of Science and Technology 14 (26), 2223-2237, (2021).

    2. J. Ramyashree , M.R. Roja, G Sivagurunathan, R. Kotteeswaran, “ Firefly algorithm based multivariable PID controller design for MIMO proces” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2.31) (2018) 41-44.

    3. G Sivagurunathan and K. Saravanan, “ PID Controller Parameter Optimization for a Non Linear Spherical Tank System Using an Improved Particle Swam Optimization Technique” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.20 (2015).

    4. G Sivagurunathan and K. Saravanan, “Design and implementation of Controller for a Nonlinear Spherical Tank System using Soft computing Techniques” International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), ISSN : 0975-4024, Vol 6 No 3 Jun-Jul 2014, page 1371-1379.

    5. G Sivagurunathan, Kaliannan Saravanan, ‘’Evolutionary Algorithms based Controller Optimization for a Real Time Spherical Tank System ‘’ Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(3) March 2014, Pages: 244-254.

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1.Rangasamy K., G Sivagurunathan , Ramraj R.V.,” Performance assessment of MofA based decentralized PI controller of fluidized bed coal gasifier”, 2020 1st IEEE International onference on Measurement, Instrumentation, Control and Automation, ICMICA 2020, DOI : 10.1109/ICMICA48462.2020.9242900

    2. Rangasamy K., Ramraj R.V., G Sivagurunathan ,” Performance Assessment of Conventional and Cuckoo Search Algorithm Based Centralized PID Controller for Multivariable Non-square System with RHP Zeros”, 2020 1st IEEE International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation, Control and Automation, ICMICA 2020.DOI : 10.1109/ICMICA48462.2020.9242858

    3. Arunmozhi S., G Sivagurunathan , Meenakshi P.K., Karishma S., Rajinikanth V.,” A Study on the Assesment of Leukocyte with Hybrid Imaging Technique”, 2020 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking, ICSCAN 2020

    4. G Sivagurunathan , Kotteeswaran.R, Suresh.M,” Bat Algorithm based Centralized PI Controller for a Nonsquare Multivariable System with RHP Zeros”, International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Engineering 2019, ICECON2019, NIT, Tiruchirappalli

    5. Vijayakumari, SG, Sindhuja, S, G Sivagurunathan. Kapur’s Thresholding and DRLS Segmentation to Extract Lung Region from Chest CT Picture. 2018 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation, 2018; DOI: 10.1109/ICSCAN.2018.8541190

    6. G Sivagurunathan and K. Saravanan,” Design of PI Controller for a Non-linear Spherical Tank System Using Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Algorithm”Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, , Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Front. ofIntell. Comput. (FICTA) 2014. – Vol. 1, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 327, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11933-5_81.

    7. G Sivagurunathan ,Dr. K. B. Jayanthi ,” Fuzzy Logic Based Self tuning of PI Controller for a Non Linear Spherical Tank System”, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, 978-1-4673-1344-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE

    Workshop Attended

    1. Attended 14 days online FDP on Data Science (AI with ML) organised by ECE Dept, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore from 5-7-2021 to 17-7- 2021.

    2. Attended 6 days online FDP on Emerging Techniques in Biomedical Instrumentation –ETBI -2020 organised by KL University association with Biomedical Instrumentation Sub System Microelectronics Research Group from 28-6-2021 to 3-7- 2021.

    3. Attended 14 days National level online FDP on Digital Teaching, Learning and Research organised by St.Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research , Chennai from12-6-2021 to 23-6- 2021.

    4. Attended 5 days online FDP on Internet of Things and Applications in 5G organized by ECE Dept, Easwari Engineering College , Chennai from 5-1-2021 to 09-1- 2021.

    5. Attended 7 days value added course on Robotics Process Automation organised by St.Joseph’s College of Engg with RoboRAM Technologies from 25-10-2021 to 1-11-2021

    6. Attended one day online workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and IP management for a Start-up organised by Prathyusha .Engineering College, Chennai on 17-5-2021.

    7. Attended 5 days online STTP on Industrial IoT and Industry 4.0 – Smart Industry Automation organised by Dept of EIE, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode from 11-8-2020 to 15-8- 2020.

    8. Attended 5 days online FDP on Research Aspects in Signal and Image Processing organised by Dept of ECE, Mohamed Sathak A J College of Engineering, Chennai from 27-7-2020 to 31-7- 2020.

    9. Attended one day online webinar on Supervisory and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System organized by ECE Dept of SriRam Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu on 18 -7-2020.

    10. Attended one day online webinar on Emerging Trends in Embedded systems and IoT in Process Industries ,organized by EIE Dept of St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu on 27- 7-2020.

    11. Attended 6 days online FDP on Next Generation Intelligence organised by St.Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research , Chennai from 20-5-2020 to 25-6- 2020.

    12. Attended 5 days FDP on Internet Of Things (IoT) organised by IIITDM, Knacheepuram from 15-11-19 to 19-11-2019.


Staff Name


Mrs. M. Angelin Ponrani

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,(Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


8 years 9 months

Area of specialization


1. VLSI Design

2. Digital Electronics

Subjects Expertise


    1. Digital Electronics

    2.VLSI Design

    3.Basic Electrical, Electronics and Measurement Engineering

    4.Electronic Instrumentation

    5.Transducer Engineering

    6.Digital Principles and System Design

    7.Electronic Devices and Circuits

Journals published


    1. Jayaprakash J, Angelin Ponrani M, Jothi Lakshmi R, Juanola Pearl J, “Planning and Coordination of Relay in Distribution System Using ETAP”, Pak. J. Biotechnology Vol. 13 No. special issue 1, 2016. Pp. 252- 256.

    2. Angelin Ponrani M and R Vel Murugan,” SPWM Generator Based on FPGA for High Switching Frequency DC/AC Inverters”, International Journal of Electronics & Electrical Engineering &Telecommunications, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2015.

    3. Angelin Ponrani M, G. Manoj R. Rajesvari M,” Module based Partial Reconfiguration on Bitstream Relocation Filter”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 66– No.10, March 2013.

    4. Rajesvari.R, Manoj.G, Angelin Ponrani M,” System on Chip Design (Soc) for Telecommand system Design”, International Journal of advanced research in computer and communication Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 3, March 2013.

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1. M.Angelin Ponrani & A.Kirthini Godweena ,” Aircraft Pitch Control Using PID Controller”, 4th IEEE - International Conference on Systems, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN-21), Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry.(30th -31st July 2021) DOI: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526373 (Best Paper Award)

    2. M.Angelin Ponrani, “Aircraft Pitch Control Using PID Controller” International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering Management Sciences and Technology (ICRDET’20), Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering, Chennai 26/6/20.

    3. M.Angelin Ponrani, J Jayaprakash “Planning and Coordination of Relay in Distribution system ETAP”, International Conference, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore. (17th – 18th March 2016).

    4. M.Angelin Ponrani, R Vel Murugan “Development of FPGA based modified SPWM Generator for high Switching Frequency DC/AC Inverters”, International Conference, Kongu Engineering College, Erode. (26 March 2014).

    5. R. Rajesvari, G. Manoj, M.Angelin Ponrani, Merin Annie Joy” IP core-based architecture of telecommand System-on-Chip (SoC) for spacecraft applications”, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Image Processing & Pattern Recognition, Karunya University, Coimbatore. (7-8 Feb 2013) DOI: 10.1109/ICSIPR.2013.6497979.

    Workshop Attended

    Completed online Lab Workshop on ‘FPGA Architecture and Programming using Verilog HDL’ organized by Arm Education and NIELIT Calicut during 4thApril 2022 to 30th April 2022.

    2. Attended online Faculty Development Programme (FDPOM-128) on “MATLAB and LabVIEW Programming for Engineering Applications” conducted by NITTTR, Chennai from 24/01/22 to 04/02/22.

    3. Attended Five days AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online Elementary Faculty Development Program on “FPGA Based Deep Learning Applications in Signal Processing” at KLE Technological University, Hubli, Karnataka from 05/07/21 to 09/07/21.

    4. Attended one day webinar on “Robotics and Automation” at Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai on 12/06/21.

    5. Attended one-week International Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence Integrated web services” at Easwari Engineering College, Chennai from 25/05/21 to 29/05/21.

    6. Attended one day webinar on “Next Gen Opportunities” at Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on 15/05/21.

    7. Attended Five days AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online Faculty Development Program on "Artificial Intelligence, machine Learning and Deep Learning" at University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bengaluru from 01/02/21 to 05/02/21.

    8. Attended Five days AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online Faculty Development Program on “Internet of Things (IoT)” at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal from 25/01/2021 to 29/01/21.

    9. Attended Five days online Faculty Development Program on “Lab on Chip” at Defence Institute of Advanced Technology from 14/12/20 to 18/12/20.

    10. Attended Five days AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online Faculty Development Program on “Internet of Things (IoT)” at Government College of Technology from 07/12/20 to 11/12/20.

    11. Attended one day seminar on “Digitalization in Power System – Asset Performance Management” at ISA South India Section on 19/09/20.

    12. Attended Five days Faculty Development Program on “Industrial IoT and Industry 4.0-Smart Industry Automation” at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai from 11/08/20 to 15/08/20.

    13. Attended Five days Faculty Development Program on “Industrial and Process Automation (IPA-2020)” at G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh from 10/08/20 to 14/08/20.

    14. Attended one day webinar on “Robotics - Connecting Engineering Minds”, McGraw Hill, IIT Delhi on 22/07/20.

    15. Attended Five days Faculty Development Program on “Get ready for AI with MATLab and Simulink” at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai from 18/06/20 to 20/06/20.

    16. Attended one day webinar on “Deep Learning for Multi-type Medical Imaging” at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai on 08/06/20.

    17. Attended Five days Faculty Development Program on “Recent trends in VLSI Design” organized by NITTR Chandigarh from 25/05/20 to 29/5/20.

    18. Completed a course on “Data Science using R and Python Languages” conducted by Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay from 20/04/20 to 30/04/20.

    19. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Cyber Security” conducted by NITTR Chandigarh at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering from 21/10/2019 to 25/10/19.

    20. Completed a course on “Introduction to Research “conducted by NPTEL during August to October 2019.

    21. Attended two days Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning” at Velammal Engineering College from 26/10/18 to 27/10/18.

    22. Attended one day Faculty Development Program on “Effective Pedagogical Practices” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti on 25/11/16.

    23. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “EE6006- Applied Soft Computing” at Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai from 09/06/16 to 15/06/16.

    24. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “EI2352- Process Control” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti from 15/10/14 to 22/10/14.

    25. Attended one week seminar on “Emerging Research Applications in Signal and Image Processing” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti from 01/10/14 to 07/10/14.

    26. Attended one day workshop on “Creation of website for academicians in open-source era” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti on 09/09/14.

    27. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “Computer Control of Industrial Process and Automation” at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore from 26/04/14 to 02/05/14.

    28. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “EC2354- VLSI Design “MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai from 09/10/13 to 15/10/13.

    29. Attended one day workshop on “Work Life Balance of Today’s Women” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti on 05/10/13.

    30. Attended two days’ workshop on “Research Methodologies and Property rights” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti from 28/11/13 to 29/11/13.

    31. Attended two days’ workshop on “Recent Trends in Industrial Instrumentation and its applications” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti from 21/11/13 to 22/11/2013

      Professional Societies

      ISTE Life Member Since 2014 (M.No LM 101248).

Patent Details


    Ms.A.Kirthini Godweena & Mrs.M.Angelin Ponrani , “ A Novel Method for Aircraft Pitch Control” on 10/12/21 . Patent no. 202141050949

Awards & Achievements


    1.Received Best Paper Award for the paper “Aircraft Pitch Control Using PID Controller”, Presented in 4th IEEE - International Conference on Systems, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN-21) at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry. (30th -31st July 2021)

Staff Name


Mrs. M. Angelin Ponrani

Faculty ID





Assistant Professor



B.E., M.E.,(Ph.D)

Teaching Experience


8 years 9 months

Area of specialization


1. VLSI Design

2. Digital Electronics

Subjects Expertise


    1. Digital Electronics

    2.VLSI Design

    3.Basic Electrical, Electronics and Measurement Engineering

    4.Electronic Instrumentation

    5.Transducer Engineering

    6.Digital Principles and System Design

    7.Electronic Devices and Circuits

Journals published


    1. Jayaprakash J, Angelin Ponrani M, Jothi Lakshmi R, Juanola Pearl J, “Planning and Coordination of Relay in Distribution System Using ETAP”, Pak. J. Biotechnology Vol. 13 No. special issue 1, 2016. Pp. 252- 256.

    2. Angelin Ponrani M and R Vel Murugan,” SPWM Generator Based on FPGA for High Switching Frequency DC/AC Inverters”, International Journal of Electronics & Electrical Engineering &Telecommunications, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2015.

    3. Angelin Ponrani M, G. Manoj R. Rajesvari M,” Module based Partial Reconfiguration on Bitstream Relocation Filter”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 66– No.10, March 2013.

    4. Rajesvari.R, Manoj.G, Angelin Ponrani M,” System on Chip Design (Soc) for Telecommand system Design”, International Journal of advanced research in computer and communication Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 3, March 2013.

Conference / workshop attended


    Conferences Attended

    1. M.Angelin Ponrani & A.Kirthini Godweena ,” Aircraft Pitch Control Using PID Controller”, 4th IEEE - International Conference on Systems, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN-21), Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry.(30th -31st July 2021) DOI: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526373 (Best Paper Award)

    2. M.Angelin Ponrani, “Aircraft Pitch Control Using PID Controller” International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering Management Sciences and Technology (ICRDET’20), Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering, Chennai 26/6/20.

    3. M.Angelin Ponrani, J Jayaprakash “Planning and Coordination of Relay in Distribution system ETAP”, International Conference, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore. (17th – 18th March 2016).

    4. M.Angelin Ponrani, R Vel Murugan “Development of FPGA based modified SPWM Generator for high Switching Frequency DC/AC Inverters”, International Conference, Kongu Engineering College, Erode. (26 March 2014).

    5. R. Rajesvari, G. Manoj, M.Angelin Ponrani, Merin Annie Joy” IP core-based architecture of telecommand System-on-Chip (SoC) for spacecraft applications”, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Image Processing & Pattern Recognition, Karunya University, Coimbatore. (7-8 Feb 2013) DOI: 10.1109/ICSIPR.2013.6497979.

    Workshop Attended

    Completed online Lab Workshop on ‘FPGA Architecture and Programming using Verilog HDL’ organized by Arm Education and NIELIT Calicut during 4thApril 2022 to 30th April 2022.

    2. Attended online Faculty Development Programme (FDPOM-128) on “MATLAB and LabVIEW Programming for Engineering Applications” conducted by NITTTR, Chennai from 24/01/22 to 04/02/22.

    3. Attended Five days AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online Elementary Faculty Development Program on “FPGA Based Deep Learning Applications in Signal Processing” at KLE Technological University, Hubli, Karnataka from 05/07/21 to 09/07/21.

    4. Attended one day webinar on “Robotics and Automation” at Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai on 12/06/21.

    5. Attended one-week International Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence Integrated web services” at Easwari Engineering College, Chennai from 25/05/21 to 29/05/21.

    6. Attended one day webinar on “Next Gen Opportunities” at Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on 15/05/21.

    7. Attended Five days AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online Faculty Development Program on "Artificial Intelligence, machine Learning and Deep Learning" at University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bengaluru from 01/02/21 to 05/02/21.

    8. Attended Five days AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online Faculty Development Program on “Internet of Things (IoT)” at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal from 25/01/2021 to 29/01/21.

    9. Attended Five days online Faculty Development Program on “Lab on Chip” at Defence Institute of Advanced Technology from 14/12/20 to 18/12/20.

    10. Attended Five days AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online Faculty Development Program on “Internet of Things (IoT)” at Government College of Technology from 07/12/20 to 11/12/20.

    11. Attended one day seminar on “Digitalization in Power System – Asset Performance Management” at ISA South India Section on 19/09/20.

    12. Attended Five days Faculty Development Program on “Industrial IoT and Industry 4.0-Smart Industry Automation” at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai from 11/08/20 to 15/08/20.

    13. Attended Five days Faculty Development Program on “Industrial and Process Automation (IPA-2020)” at G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh from 10/08/20 to 14/08/20.

    14. Attended one day webinar on “Robotics - Connecting Engineering Minds”, McGraw Hill, IIT Delhi on 22/07/20.

    15. Attended Five days Faculty Development Program on “Get ready for AI with MATLab and Simulink” at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai from 18/06/20 to 20/06/20.

    16. Attended one day webinar on “Deep Learning for Multi-type Medical Imaging” at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai on 08/06/20.

    17. Attended Five days Faculty Development Program on “Recent trends in VLSI Design” organized by NITTR Chandigarh from 25/05/20 to 29/5/20.

    18. Completed a course on “Data Science using R and Python Languages” conducted by Spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay from 20/04/20 to 30/04/20.

    19. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Cyber Security” conducted by NITTR Chandigarh at St. Joseph’s College of Engineering from 21/10/2019 to 25/10/19.

    20. Completed a course on “Introduction to Research “conducted by NPTEL during August to October 2019.

    21. Attended two days Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning” at Velammal Engineering College from 26/10/18 to 27/10/18.

    22. Attended one day Faculty Development Program on “Effective Pedagogical Practices” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti on 25/11/16.

    23. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “EE6006- Applied Soft Computing” at Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai from 09/06/16 to 15/06/16.

    24. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “EI2352- Process Control” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti from 15/10/14 to 22/10/14.

    25. Attended one week seminar on “Emerging Research Applications in Signal and Image Processing” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti from 01/10/14 to 07/10/14.

    26. Attended one day workshop on “Creation of website for academicians in open-source era” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti on 09/09/14.

    27. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “Computer Control of Industrial Process and Automation” at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore from 26/04/14 to 02/05/14.

    28. Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “EC2354- VLSI Design “MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai from 09/10/13 to 15/10/13.

    29. Attended one day workshop on “Work Life Balance of Today’s Women” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti on 05/10/13.

    30. Attended two days’ workshop on “Research Methodologies and Property rights” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti from 28/11/13 to 29/11/13.

    31. Attended two days’ workshop on “Recent Trends in Industrial Instrumentation and its applications” at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti from 21/11/13 to 22/11/2013

      Professional Societies

      ISTE Life Member Since 2014 (M.No LM 101248).

Patent Details


    Ms.A.Kirthini Godweena & Mrs.M.Angelin Ponrani , “ A Novel Method for Aircraft Pitch Control” on 10/12/21 . Patent no. 202141050949

Awards & Achievements


    1.Received Best Paper Award for the paper “Aircraft Pitch Control Using PID Controller”, Presented in 4th IEEE - International Conference on Systems, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN-21) at Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry. (30th -31st July 2021)
